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OBD Convo #35: Nostalgia Experience Requiem time

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V.I.P. Member
Supposedly the game was the only reason why AEW wasn't profitable yet. What a waste of money.
Damn I might as well have a starting class too shit

Ehh I still think 2K19 was the last great wrestling game

The latter may be the case but looking at the game... it looks like ass.
It's literally No Mercy in too many respects but for a modern age(aka Entrances that begin and end at just the beginning of the Titantron Entrance, it's way too easy to get finishers and signatures and there is basically No DQ on by default) but at the same time, it's an absolute wreck(The controls seem completely flaky AND clunky at once as I have seen more than once that who you are targeting will switch on a dime at random, glitches galore and easy to trigger, very little game modes, Career Mode is basically No Mercy tier, etc, etc,)

Like the game looks and play like an indie game rather than a game that was given a 50+ million dollar budget which is absolutely insane for today.
@Darth Nihilus Man, if this user from the Wrestling Forum Nevermind is in is true...

If that's true, get this gay shit out of here but I swear that has to be a lie, pointblank.

Apparently the Pinning system is broken as hell too as you literally cannot break out of pins after awhile even if you are fully healthy and going insane on the buttons... I think this is legit the worst Wrestling Game in a decade.


Seems like more people are having fun with using the Career Mode for shit like this


Claudio Swiss

V.I.P. Member

Cm Queer being nothing but old washed up has been is truly a site to see I wished he was in the UFC getting rekt by best buy employees

I never understood people who genuinely think what Disney does with heroes of the past is anyway something you shouldn't take for granted.
The concept isn't even unique and it's been used since time immemorial but the key difference was to get the "jaded hero" to ultimately realize again what they fought for was just all along and get them back in the saddle(Whether they die after that through sacrifice or survive and follow their ideals with a blazing heart depends on the writer) vs. Disney which basically has the Jaded Hero remain jaded and die alone and disgraced while the newer hero doesn't give a shit and is truly successful.

Like in the old days, these stories would be thrown out and burned for the trash they are... and to be fair, so are these ones by most people
But it truly shows just how badly Hollywood is out of ideas and throw around so much money they have to resort to shit like this to even hope they can break even AND get their terrible scripts out there.

Adamant soul

V.I.P. Member
>Ff16 sold 3 mil on ps5

Completely deserved. Give Yoshi P more opportunities to make Final fantasy games.
Uh how about no.

Look I'm not saying the game is bad or that it doesn't deserve the success it's had. It's good, but it ISN'T a Final Fantasy game, be it in tone, gameplay or basically anything else except the names of the summons. If I wanted to play a super dark Western influenced Devil May Cry, I would fucking play God of War or Witcher or games like that.

When I play Final Fantasy, I expect to actually be fucking playing Final Fantasy, which is not what this is. It's a game with the Final Fantasy name, that is DESPERATELY trying to be anything BUT Final Fantasy. If this had been it's own thing or a spin off, I would agree with you in terms of giving Yoshi P more games in a similar vain, but it's not and therefore I don't.

They had their little experiment, now I would like the next Final Fantasy to actually be a Final Fantasy game in terms of both gameplay and tone. If Yoshi P ain't willing or able to make anything like that, then I don't want him anywhere near a potential Final Fantasy XVII. It's a simple as that.
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