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Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
Thoughts on the Barbie movie...
It was alright. Not a masterpiece like a certain crowd is saying, nor is it the end of the world like a certain other crowd is saying. It had it's charm and moments. Ryan Gosling was definately the best part of the movie. I'm not going to talk about the politics because I'm sick of all the culture war bullshit. Which is honestly hard (harder even than TLJ or Captain Marvel where you can ignore the politics outright). I guess you could say hiding the feminism aspect in the promotional material was sort of lying by ommission, but it didn't feel mean spirited despite all that. It didn't play the Aqua song, which is absolutely shameful (yes I'm sure that joke's been told about a bajillion times now but it bears repeating).

Cryso Agori

V.I.P. Member
Also just watched barbie with my sister and a friend. She actually dressed up in all pink and brought her own barbie doll. Lol

Anyway parroting Stocking here. It was a good movie, I liked Ken the most, my sister liked barbie, the main feminism stuff wasn't handled as bad as I thought it would be.

It's definitely a decisive movie, but if you turn off your brain and just don't care it's a fun one.


Balor Béimnech
V.I.P. Member
I've seen a number of people online saying they accidently made Ken pretty based. Don't know how they managed that, but if true, I find that kinda funny.


So having read up to the beginning of Infinite Crisis (Which I will begin Wednesday), I can conclude there are kinda 5 main authorial eras, like in terms of who was running the show for Superman
  • Byrne Era (1986-1988)
  • Jurgens-Stern Era (1988-1994)
  • Jurgens-Kessel Era (1994-1999)
  • Loeb Era (1999-2002)
  • Johns Era (2002-2011)

I feel that these people dominated the progress for characters in these timeframes. There were many other writers at the time, 1988-1989 and 1999-2000 had a lot of people coming and going, but these seem to be the most consistent de facto show runners for the time being
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