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Balor Béimnech
V.I.P. Member
Just got back from a kayaking trip with my brothers-in-law. Got a good two hours paddling across the water from one end to the other and back, and got a good workout for the arms, in the process. Also got to check out where they catch their muscles for seafood, which was cool. The scenery was breathtaking too, with the farm land and mountains, especially when the sun crested past the clouds and shined down over the water, for a beautiful reflection.

One of my bros also got a boat that was more made for rapids, instead of the one me and the other bro were using, and ended up spinning out of control with the wind repeatedly. Me and the other bro got well ahead of him and the instructor who came with us, who was super chill, and we just sort of watched him spin like a beyblade for a bit, before he got control, over and over, until the instructor finally decided to give him a break, and got him and my other bro to switch boats.

He tried to get me to switch as well, but me being the cheeky ass that I am, I just turned and started paddling ahead, going "Nah, I'm good."



Streaming Hidden Strike, the new John Cena/ Jackie Chan action movie. Come join if you wish


Just a shadow
V.I.P. Member
Thanks. tag again when the next one happens.

Cryso Agori

V.I.P. Member
ayo wtf

spacebattles jumpscare
I saw a news article on this, tbh I think its fake. I mean I might overestimating scientists here. But wouldn't something like this already be found simply through mixing and matching? Or at least predicted?
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