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While I sometimes do these, I usually don't do them too often so here you go, another review of a wrestling PPV Summerslam because fuck you:

Logan Paul vs. Ricochet: I honestly will say this is one of the MOTN contenders and I don't say that easily. It was pretty workrate but not AEW workrate, it actually went pretty hard despite it being an Opening Match and it still shows Logan Paul > Virtually the entire AEW roster. He also got a win he needed to stay a credible Heel and did so without Ricochet looking like an idiot. 9/10

Cody vs. Brock 3: At first, I thought this match was just going to be an easy "Brock wins lol" type shit but looking through it entirely and how it ended, I actually have to give it to HHH and Vince to give Cody a credible win without making Brock look pathetic or weak and actually end it off with a handshake to Cody(and since he rarely gives these out, it makes it feel earned as fuck) actually does make Cody look damn credible to finish his story. Another MOTN Contender 9/10

Slim Jim Battle Royale: Honestly wasn't that bad, absolutely the right person won(LA Knight) and the audience fucking EXPLODED for it which shows how infectious he is. Omos looks surprisingly better(though not a massive amount, he just comes off like he learned a little more) from his time off and I do hope he gets a title of some kind because he's still pretty young and he needs credible wins for fuck's sake.

Shayna vs. Ronda: Ultimately a nothing match, it's not a terrible match but trying to play MMA in Professional Wrestling never ends well and unfortunately, it's the worst match of the night only by technicality. They still do try and Shayna finally gets a win that matters in the Main Roster for once. 5/10

Gunther vs. Drew MacIntyre: It's a Gunther match... thus it gets MOTN Contender by that alone. 9/10

Rollins vs. Finn Balor: It was a really good match but the finish really took the sails out of it. The rest of Judgment Day coming in to screw over Rollins makes sense but it also continues to make Finn look stupid to keep focusing on them instead of Rollins. Only thing that looks like it will happen is Finn will get the Edge Treatment and Damian is gonna beat his ass out of the group. 7/10

Bianca vs. Asuka vs. Charlotte: Nevermind is gonna hate this match... only because Asuka didn't win. But they did go way too overboard with Bianca winning in the end and it makes the other females look like chumps. The match itself went too long but it's okay otherwise 6/10. It's primarily saved by Iyo Sky cashing in and winning otherwise it would be the worst match of the night.

Jey Uso vs. Roman Reigns: We all knew that Roman was winning but they did a damn good job in showing otherwise and actually being a hardcore match without going full stupid. Teasing more of Solo turning and Jey losing his shit. The biggest blunder is having Jimmy turn against Jey too soon(Thank fuck he's not part of the Bloodline again though, that would have killed it completely) when that should be saved for atleast Survivor Series if not the December PPV. Otherwise, it was a better match than most but not MOTN material. 8/10

Ultimately a good PPV with unfortunately the MEs not sticking the landing but the matches themselves was not bad.


Man of Atom
It's funny how people will say luffys power up takes all tension out of fights since it's toon force but forget that kaido was still bopping his ass.

This also reminds me of the dude who said that Kaido was gonna get back up and win the fight
@Darth Nihilus @Derpmaster9000

Yep, I had to look back at the Wrestling Forum Never is at and I forgot that yeah, they was lining up the Jimmy Uso betraying Jey for a long while now.

It's literal Jealousy.

Jimmy was the first one to break away from Roman... but the attention was all on Jey. Despite Jimmy doing everything to benefit Roman, it was all Jey that Roman really paid attention to. Jimmy was treated as the bitch while Jey was seen as the next Head of the Table.

I still agree that the Heel Turn shouldn't have happened tonight but it absolutely makes sense that it happened now.


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
the main downside of the episode is the hiyori and orochi shit



Just a shadow
V.I.P. Member
Copyright bots in youtube are fucking fast and stupid.

Like my video is literal gameplay content. get hit by copyright the moment i post it.

Not even 5 mins after posting. Claimer isn't even legit owner. They're some random Portuguese account already well known scammer online. Shit ain't even hiding that they are fake ass claimers.


If Rogue loses control she could kill somebody, if Storm loses control, she's probably gonna kill a lot more.
Rogue has a point, but this fanmade rebuttal isn't as strong as some people might think.

Especially when Rogue is capable of controlling her absorption powers, but she doesn't due to some mental block (or whatever the current author wants the new excuse to be).
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