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Man, this is some real nonsense coming from this Reddit Thread:

"Kubo did this to tone down Renji as he broke the power scale back in the day"
"This was too much, glad they changed it"
"The Captains became fodder"

Anime: Renji literally gets ORAORA'd instead of just a few Mile Punches by Mask who most likely still benefited from the Star Murder Punch and wasn't even hurt.

Yeah Kubo "toned it down" right?


Man of Atom
>carnage is going around the multiverse killing as many venoms as he can
>because he doesnt have a host he can steal peoples powers when he kills them
>killed Mania gaining her hellfire shit so now hes completely immune to fire
>killed Symbiote Electro so now he has lightning powers
>already killed Spot and Hydroman so he has their powers as well
>hes doing all this so he can kill The King in Black

Bro, Carnage is fucking busted

Adamant soul

V.I.P. Member
>people are saying if you liked the gear 5th episode then you should have liked Naruto vs Pains animation

Yeah because it's not like Gear 5 Luffy vs Kaido is SUPPOSED to be cartoony with the animation style actually fitting the tone of the show and that sequence, whereas Naruto vs Pain's shit is meme worthy specifically because it completely clashes with the tone of the fight and the series in general.

Adamant soul

V.I.P. Member
I like the latter more tbh

It's vastly more coherent than whatever the fuck was going on in 1071
I like the former more.

I didn't find anything incoherent or hard to follow about the Gear 5 sequence. There's a lot of movements happening in a short time (specifically with the Blast Breath block) sure, but it was still easy enough to tell what was happening, it looked nicer and fit its show and moment a lot better.


V.I.P. Member
About two weeks ago some teens comes into the store I work and started talking shit about fuckin up all the workers. One of them gets to me and starts mumbling his threats under his breath. Told him when I got off and they never show up.

Two weeks later its a group of 6 instead of 3 still talkin shit and waiting outside the store. Not in the mood, I called up my lil bro and nigga pulled up like 15 niggas deep 20 mins later. As soon as he peaced me I turned and saw dust clouds where them niggas was standin lmfao
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