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OBD Convo #9: The Sith Never Die

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Just a shadow
V.I.P. Member

now kiss and make up.


Balor Béimnech
V.I.P. Member
So much potential for another season of the DBS anime based on what has happened in the manga, but it looks like it's not gonna happen this year.

We're just getting a weird DBS superhero movie or something.
Most, if not all of what happened being poorly written tripe, but who knows? Maybe the new anime writers will be able to make something good out of it. Should the anime come back, of course.

Though I doubt that, given how the anime was written, and the ratio of good to horrendous shit in that.

Adamant soul

V.I.P. Member
I was trying the Link Starter Deck in solo mode on Master Duel earlier, just to try and get the hang of this shit.

Felt like an idiot when I was trying to use a Link 2 monster and another monster to get a Link 3 (Decode Talker) more easily and it wasn't working and it was confusing me. Only to THEN realize "wait, why does that one specify it's an Effect monster. HOLD UP, are there normal Link Monsters?"

I guess I'm that used to all the extra deck summons being effect monsters by default and it just goes to show that I've not watched Vrains. Hell I didn't even notice Link monsters didn't have defense points until I was using them earlier.


Balor Béimnech
V.I.P. Member
Still waiting for Vegeta to have his own movie

Dragon Ball needs some side stories
Or for one of the newer characters as well, like Hit or the pride troopers. You know, to add something more unto them and remind the audience that there's more to explore out in the DB mythos than whatever is left to scrounge or retcon in universe 7. Tremendously wasted potential, I tell ya. Story of DBS in a nutshell.


Straight Silver


Man of Atom
They even had to errata a super old card because it let you get around Link Monsters and their inability to be in defense mode

Darth Nihilus

V.I.P. Member

No. Dragon Ball period. From Bardock to King Vegeta to King Piccolo vs Muten Roshi. To me that is the one thing that comics have over manga today is the amount of stories that have been thought of and created. And like you said, now that Super is out there is a lot of ground to be explored. From Universe 7 to Universe 11.

Other World. World of the Kais. Yamoshi still needs to be explored as well.


V.I.P. Member
There’s always the (three ) Bardock specials

and Trunks’s story, but yeah more would be nice


Balor Béimnech
V.I.P. Member
So much and yet so little done with it. Its a fucking travesty.


V.I.P. Member
Any of you seen this yet? I know Gordo did.

Chapter two will be out next weekend. That will also be free. I'm working on chapter three now.
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