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OBD Convo #9: The Sith Never Die

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Vespa Crabro

Stellaron Hunter
V.I.P. Member
looks so gorgeous man

I cannot fucking wait for the eventual artbook

lore is gonna go insane too
After playing it for a whilke

Margit is the shittiest first boss

The game has a posture system a la sekiro but has no visual way to communicate how much posture damage you've done to a boss so you can riposte them

The game tells you jumping attacks and Heavy strikes are really good for breaking posture

you spend the entire fight slapping Margit with Jumps and R2's and he barely ever staggers

He's the absolutely worst in terms of introducing mechanics the game expects you to exploit on your entire playthrough

The posture/StanceBreak system feels whack as fuck in general

Sometimes you'll hit a turtling enemy with a fully charged R2 from an upgraded weapon and they'll just laugh in your face and hit you for 65% of your life. Light attack damage was also nerfed so enemies feel spongy as hell.

Adamant soul

V.I.P. Member
To be clear, that foolishness is for the twitter post, not for you.

The difference is not in level of maturity, it's in nihilism vs optimism and yes the difference is literally ONLY in demographic/personal preference. Weather it is made for kids or adults doesn't make any inherent difference because material made for kids CAN still include all those concepts and vice versa. Ironically enough they more often then not treat it more maturely than material made for adults, which usually use it for pure shock value and nothing else.

Obviously I think people know by now, my preference leans more towards the optimistic side of the spectrum BUT IMO the best kinds of stories are the ones that struck a good balance between optimism and nihilism. You can have both IMO, it's often very interesting when the perspectives clash.

But like what you like I guess.

Cryso Agori

V.I.P. Member
In other words: Go read Berserk.

He does realize there's a such thing as too much right?
Like how does that help with the flow of the scene or ultimately the length of the pages themselves?
Focus on the fucking story first BEFORE the actions scenes, you dumbass. This shit alone isn't going to keep attention on your book when people have little reason as to WHY to care.
Absolute Cringe God right here

Basically. As I have grown up, it really does dawn on you how absolute shit having nothing to contrast bleakness just becomes fucking pointless and stupid.
To only focus on negativity because destroys your creative outlook and makes you like Anno where the man suffered breakdowns due to it.
There's a reason why I have seen people say Attack on Titan died the second they removed the Titans and tried to go Grey and Grey because there's no way in fuck you can make a conflict like that make sense without ultimately just making the entire story shit(which is what happened).
You need to have actual contrast to the darker issues or otherwise, no one is going to fucking care about your story(Again Attack on Titan, I have seen plenty of people refuse to watch series like this because when you just continuously kill characters for shock value, why get attached to ANY of them?)


V.I.P. Member
I blame GOT for this shit more than anything. There is a reason when it ended, badly I might add, that the whole cultural impact it had vanished into thin air and all that people had to say about it was how trash it was.
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