• We are currently rolling out incremental alterations to the forum. Don't freak! You aren't going crazy.

OBD Convo Thread #1 - A New Hope -

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Somebody snitch or is he actually afraid that his precious vision is dying?

He does realize that I can create a bazillion free short-linked domain names and find even more ways to bypass his filters, right?
Yeah he's actually looking into conversations/private messages. It's why he banned Xhominid and myself a bit after that. So let's get the hilarious priority of what the potato's "objectives" are:

>wants to un-permban actual pedos like Martyrn
>bans regular users for sharing a new site to post on

I don't think he's going to realize how bad this looks.


Username Only
Maybe. I know he has his own forum he started as a subset AFH, and I think he likes that. I think he may be down for it if its a "merger" or something like that.
If he has any experience with XenForo in any way on an administrative side, I wouldn't mind having his help on here. He looks to put a lot of work into his forums and I wouldn't be apposed to a merger or transfer in staff roles to here.
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