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OBD Convo Thread #1 - A New Hope -

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keishin lives in our heads now.

if we believe hard enough. we'll summon him to this forum.

Dead Lock

Banned Member
The OBD 2027 Prologue is upon us.

i was secretly Keishin's puppet master, I am Tyrant to the white lantern heralds. Me and Keishin will throw down on OBD 2027, OBD Wrestling edition, no holds barred.

Dead Lock

Banned Member
bmxx06 is firelord, keishin's most heated herald, cuz when he was mod

all those keishin's posts, were burning fuel material, especially the 31 feet escanor posts
Akira = Legacy Genis, Ravensupreme = Surfer.

That 240p tier NNT Betrayal
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