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OBD Convo Thread #3: A Genuine Demon

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V.I.P. Member
Because they just see "superhuman dudes who kill a lot of people, their fight would be epic" and don't bother actually comparing their feats.

Jason would snap Micheal in half like a toothpick.
I just like some of the art there, VS battles logic be damned


NGL for Michael vs Jason I wouldn't be surprised if Halloween does some stupid F13 level shit for their movie next year. They kinda need to prove "Michael is immortal demon" to raise stakes.
It's why I get so tired of this shitty ass pandering.
They don't even realize shit like that with Bruce Lee training Non-Chinese to do martial arts precisely because it doesn't fucking matter your race or skin color.
By continuing to believe Rand being white is a problem and thus "Iron Fist is back in the hands of an Asian" is not only legit missing the fucking point, it's legit fucking stereotyping! The very fucking thing they usually state they fucking hate!

At this point, you might as well make the new Iron Fist a Black Guy because atleast people will still buy into the entire goddamned reason why Rand became the Iron Fist in the first place can apply to others, not just Asians because "Every Chinese knows how to Kung Fu Fighting!"

Like look at this, this isn't even the only examples of where you basically go to a person who is of an entirely different culture and don't believe you will succeed... and you do with flying colors, they will respect your ass which should be a good thing for everyone involved.

Ghosts of Tsushima? Japanese Developers PRAISED THE FUCK out of the game and the Mayor of the Island of Tsushima even made them Ambassadors of the Island because they did that damn good of a job getting their history and their way down from good AND the bad.
It truly shows just how racist these people are when they do shit like this completely unironically to "balance the scales" as if you don't change that to a latino/black/etc. and do the same thing, they will absolutely cry racism... which is why they make it their mission to desperately avoid doing that and STILL fail miserably(Ah yes, the Filipino Captain America... and then Filipinos despised him because they literally have their own Captain Filipino that they worship the shit out of...)
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