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One Piece Tier/Feat/Canon/Toei Discussion Thread Part 3: Road to star level


V.I.P. Member
I'll be rereading the whole series and redoing the Tier list.

Chaos will do all the Wano and WCi calcs.
WCI has been done for... like the last half year? I just haven't felt like doing the write up

Also because I can't think of a good way to properly derive a time frame for Zunesha's feat. PE and using Zunesha's upscaled elephant KE would really undersell it tbh.

B Rabbit

V.I.P. Member
@Claudio Swiss @OtherGalaxy @Solar Sailor @Solar Sailor
@El Hermano @ChaosTheory123

See the problem with Vs Battle scaling is they add all these imaginary buffs to characters that mess with the scaling.

They scale Zoro after 4x buff Hyouzo but Luffy can't scale to Sanji?

Also SW is Canon there, and it might as well be here. But the simplest solution is Shiki's feats can't be scaled to Luffy.

Also I like the Dolfamingo string idea. I would bring it here but it brings alot of mess that quite frankly I just don't have the time to deal with it. Because it would be wanted to high heaven.

Also he said no one knows how to Calc Whitebeards quakes. But we have two posters here who have done it effectively.

Idk it seems all their scaling problems are self inflicted.

They got all the answers to the test but choose not to9 answer them correctly.


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V.I.P. Member
im iffy on strong world being canon, oda would have mentioned it or referenced it. if he hasn't even confirmed film red being canon then eh

it's obvious shiki's a canon character but him encountering Luffy has never been mentioned in the main story at all

B Rabbit

V.I.P. Member
I think Oda said somewhere the movies are just as important as the manga but said all the main stuff will be in the manga.

I think that basically says, you the fan can make the movies Canon for you.

For me I have Z and SW as Canon. As they can fit in the timeline.

But it's a personal preference it doesn't mean it's the the hobbies preference.

B Rabbit

V.I.P. Member
It doesn't help that Oda puts Canon information in these movies.

Shiki, Pink Bunny and Brown Pig, Laugh Tale, and now Shanks' daughter.

B Rabbit

V.I.P. Member
What they are trying to do. Is use Shiki's feats in the movie to scale to Op top tiers. However the problem is Luffy beat Shiki. So they are arguing outlier vs. Anti-feat.

B Rabbit

V.I.P. Member
For the OBD, Shiki's feats don't make much of a difference, maybe for them since they have G4 luffy at like Island level?
They have weird scaling. I think they have DR characters at country level and ToP Tiers at Continent level.
Oh, maybe I'm confusing something, tbh I just skimmed through that place, kinda a headache to look at. We can ignore them though, but come to a consensus on our own about the canoncity of SW.

But their points aren't bad. Just a little off at most.

B Rabbit

V.I.P. Member
Oh, maybe I'm confusing something, tbh I just skimmed through that place, kinda a headache to look at. We can ignore them though, but come to a consensus on our own about the canoncity of SW.

But their points aren't bad. Just a little off at most.
I think the canoncity of SW doesn't really matter here as Shiki just scales to the top tier put out anyways and the feats he has in his movie won't really budge the series moving forward. IMHO.

We are all in agreement that his is Canon and he is a top tier. Which tbh is all that matters for us.

B Rabbit

V.I.P. Member
Fun fact:

Pre SW everyone thought Senvoku was weak and didn't fight. Like 95% of the OP fandom.