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Processing speed of some things in ToAru


V.I.P. Member
In other threads I tried to measure the calculation speed of Accelerator and a super computer from academy city, as the results are quite large I am going to copy and paste here to see more opinions on whether I made a mistake or if those calcs are working good.
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Tree Diagram processing speed


V.I.P. Member
“What’s with you? What’s that thing called? Um…Tree Diagram, was it? Hah, are you the kind of person that can’t stand it when a machine beats a human at chess?”

Simply put, Tree Diagram was the world’s smartest super computer. It was the ultimate simulator created under the pretext of being a perfect weather forecaster.

Weather forecasting may sound familiar, but that was a field where things could only be forecasted. They could not be declared as fact. Because the movements of each of the air particles that created “weather” were incredibly complex and intertwined with the butterfly effect and chaos theory, one could say that there was an 80% chance of rain the next day, but one could not say that it would definitely rain at 9:10:00 AM. That started to enter into the realm of quantum mechanics.

However, Tree Diagram had moved weather forecasting to weather predicting.

It did not do anything complicated. Basically, if it could perfectly predict the movements of every particle in the air around the world, there was only one answer it could come up with.

Tree Diagram had ridiculous enough specs to do that, but some people theorized that its use for weather forecasting was just a front and it actually had some other true use.

Incidentally, there was one irregular aspect of Tree Diagram’s weather forecasts.

It calculated the weather forecast for an entire month all at once.

There was no real problem with that because it was still accurate, but it still seemed like unnecessary effort. After all, next month’s weather was much, much more likely to be off than tomorrow’s weather. If the goal was accurate weather forecasts, it would be better to redo the calculations each day.

Yet the Tree Diagram used the more difficult method.

It was rumored that the leftover time was used for research simulations.

Drug reactions, physiological reactions, electrical reactions, and all sorts of other things could be calculated by Tree Diagram and a couple of tests could confirm the answer given. Being able to create a new drug like that almost sounded crazy. According to the rumor, there were researchers that did not know how to use a test tube and who did not like touching lab rats.

A super computer with that much power had plenty of enemies. Human supremacists who hated machines could try to blow it up in a terrorist attack at any time and AI supremacists who hated people might try to sneak into the storage area for Tree Diagram to steal the technology.

In order to protect it from external enemies, Tree Diagram was currently kept in a place where human hands could not reach it.

Basically, the satellite launched by Academy City was Tree Diagram.

The fact that Academy City could privately use the kind of rocket technology that was usually only allowed by national agencies showed just how much influence Academy City had in the world.

(Well, the fact they allowed it also shows how valuable it was.)

Kamijou stared blankly up at the evening sky. Tree Diagram was orbiting outside the atmosphere even then and it was possible it would continue calculating even if the world ended.

“It’s a steel brain watching down on mankind from above, but it can’t turn on us or anything. This isn’t some cheap SF movie. It’s just like a bank ATM. It operates according to the buttons you press.”

Well, I am going to seriously try to calculate the calculation capacity of the Tree Diagram.

According to the quote and the manga, the Tree Diagram can calculate the entire month’s movement of each air particle on the planet once a month.

It is not clear how long it takes, but it is known that it is less than a day since it repeats the process daily and sends hundreds of reports per day, so it also does other calculations but I have no way of calculating them.

So for the low end I will use one day of time frame and for the high end I will use one hundredth of a day.

So there are about 1.04 × 10^44 molecules in the Earth’s atmosphere.

Now the number of air particles on the planet is 1.04e+44.

Now I need to know how many floating point operations it takes to measure the motion of a particle.

According to this page, we could use this formula


So need about of ~40 floating points operations to calc of the movement of one particle.

40*1.04e+44= 41.6e+44 floating points

1 day= 86400segs

1 day/100= 864 segs

Low End Tree Diagram Flops: 41.6e+44/86400= 4.8148148e+40 flops

High End Tree Diagram Flops: 41.6e+44/864= 4.8148148e+42 flops


(Low End) Tree Diagram Flops: 48 duodecillions flops

(High End) Tree Diagram Flops: 4.8 Tredecillions flops

To be honest, the Tree Diagram being a computer, I doubt it can be scaled to a character without a direct statement but maybe it's a good feat for things related to hacking
Accelerator hacking the Last Order's brain


V.I.P. Member
Well I'm not sure if the calculation speed is accepted here as a feat, I think so but at least I found it fun to calc the calculation speed of Accelerator...

In OT 5, Accelerator analyzed all of Last Order's neural synapses to find and eliminate the thousands of traces of viruses in her brain.
That phrase continued to appear in Accelerator's mind.

The time in his body instantly slowed down.

(There's less than 10 minutes left, so I can't call for help. I have a disk and a notepad-sized computer with me here. The disk has the personality files before infection. The self-learning device is needed. The Level 5 'Accelerator' can manipulate it. It uses electrical flow to control the information in the brain to control the electrical signals. To debug, I have to look through the huge personality files and find a way to find the code and delete it. If I can't find a solution, I have to kill Last Order.)

Accelerator thinks to think quickly.

The rows of excessive words were gradually removed, forming meaningful sentences.

While focusing on his thoughts, the short few seconds seemed to become an eternity.

(If I don't want to kill her, I have to delete the virus. I need to do two things. First is to find the virus codes from that massive personality file in Last Order. The second thing is to manipulate the electric signals in Last Order's brain and accurately delete the virus codes.)
He extracted the electrical flow of the human and continued to touch the 'direction' as if he was touching the insides of the girl with his hand. Through the 'direction' of the electrical flow in the person, he managed to grasp it.
Finally, the girl's internal workings were in Accelerator's mind completely.
The girl's thought process that appeared in his brain was ever so warm.

One that made people want to hug, and not lose it.

He had to do this.

“You damned brat. Since I helped out so much, I won't allow you do die by yourself.”

After saying that, he smiled.

If there had been a mirror in front of him, even he himself might have been shocked. It was a gentle smile.
And it is emphasized that Accelerator was looking for viruses so as not to get confused and fry neurons
He could feel a mass amount of signals moving, and it was a feeling like the tide subsiding.

Last Order's body was bouncing about.

Her fingers were twitching, as if she was being manipulated by some invisible strings.

Accelerator couldn't tell whether they were viruses or memories, as the 'potentially malicious' processes were being deleted one line after another, like words from a black ballpoint pen being removed with white correction fluid. The remaining unrepaired processes totaled 173,542.
The amount of calculations was so great that he lost the ability to reflect for that instant and that is the reason he was shot in the head.
But right now, Accelerator didn't have enough power to 'redirect'. In this situation, he was unable to do anything.

Once that little bullet was fired, it would take Accelerator's life away.

Get that hand away from Last Order's head! His basic instincts were telling him. Restart the 'redirection'! It continued to tell him. It was true that he would definitely be saved. Not even a nuclear missile could scratch him, let alone a pistol.
According to the internet there are 1000 trillions of synapses in the human brain.

Now the time frame is cleared a couple of times like it was 52 seconds
Accelerator's hand was trembling.

Using the power that could only kill to save others was like tying a spoon on a tank cannon barrel to feed a baby weaned food; it was extremely difficult.

“...How interesting. Don't die of shock.”

He said this.
He was inserting the 'power' and changing the 'direction'; the 'war' had begun.

The virus would activate at 8:13pm. There were still 52 seconds till the final moment
So 1e+15/52 is 1.9230769e+13 calcs/seconds.

So he could do a calculation on 5.2e-14 seconds
In that time span someone 64146.9 c can travel just one meter.

After the headshot, his calculation capacity was reduced by half.

“That day, my brain was damaged alright. Looking at me now, you should know, right? That I can only use the electrodes and let the calculation work be done by others, right? If I enter a place where I can’t receive the clones’ electrowaves, I can’t let the clones do the calculation work for me. And even after therapy, I don't know if my recovered power is half of what I originally had. The battery of this thing can only allow me to fight for 15 minutes—”
Post headshot can calc in 10.4e-14 sec

To add weight to this calculation it is mentioned that Accelerator can calculate the movement of all air molecules in the city.
In Academy City, where the school curriculum included esper development, the strongest esper in Academy City also had the strongest brain. Having accurately calculated all the air particle flow in the entire city before, Accelerator used all his thoughts to find a way to solve this.
I don't know if it goes into reaction speed but at least it could go in as the limit of his vector field

Accelerator pre-headshot calculation speed= 5.2e-14 seconds

Accelerator post-headshot calculation speed= 10.4e-14 seconds
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Accelerator calc all air particles flow in the city


V.I.P. Member
How big is Academy City?
Apparently 1/3rd the size of Tokyo.

Well the AC is a cirle, so is like 15.25 km of radius.
Well, this may be the craziest feat in Accelerator's reactions, so I would understand if a discussion arises, especially since it is a feat from the first volumes and that no one calculated it to date.
Accelerator created a plasma storm, move all air in the city and compress in a point.

The relevant thing about this is that in OT3 it is clarified that Accelerator in 10 seconds calculated all the airflow, both the new one caused by it and the natural flow.
With a roar of wind, the sphere of plasma floating above lost its form.


Accelerator looked up. That plasma had been created from all the wind flowing through the city being condensed into one point. The flow of that wind had clearly shaken for an instant. That had caused an error in the compression ratio which caused the plasma to be shaken as well.

Accelerator thought he might have made an error in his calculations of the wind, so he rebuilt those new equations. Unlike simple reflection, he had to calculate both, the vector before alteration and the vector after alteration which was a pain in the ass.

But Accelerator managed to perfectly revise that huge set of equations in less than 10 seconds. His brain had developed to the point that something of that level was no problem. In Academy City, power development was part of the teaching method, so Academy City’s strongest espers were also Academy City’s greatest honor students.

But the movement of the wind flowing through the city suddenly changed as if escaping from the supposedly perfect equations he had built up in his head. It was not a mere coincidence. It was as if the wind itself had a will and was slipping through the gaps of his equations.

The mass of compressed air above his head scattered and the plasma disappeared as if it were dissolving into the air.

(What? What the fuck happened!? There was no mistake in my equations. Those irregular eel-like movements were clearly not natural movements of the air!)

He wondered if he had gotten really unlucky and a actual wind user was using his power somewhere in the city, but that did not make sense as the irregular flow of the wind covered the entire city. If there was a wind user with the processing power needed to outdo Accelerator’s ability and equations, that person would definitely be designated a Level 5.
As I know that it is tedious for some to read all that, I leave only the relevant part here.
But Accelerator managed to perfectly revise that huge set of equations in less than 10 seconds.
Accelerator thought he might have made an error in his calculations of the wind, so he rebuilt those new equations. Unlike simple reflection, he had to calculate both, the vector before alteration and the vector after alteration which was a pain in the ass.
In OT 5 it is clarified that Accelerator calculated the movement of each air particle in the city when he made that attack.
In Academy City, where the school curriculum included esper development, the strongest esper in Academy City also had the strongest brain. Having accurately calculated all the air particle flow in the entire city before, Accelerator used all his thoughts to find a way to solve this.

Here I already have the radius of the city
Well the AC is a circle, so is like 15.25 km of radius.
Now I need to know how high in the atmosphere it was controlled.
Seeing that in the Railgun manga storm clouds are seen.



Apparently those seem to be Nimbostratus clouds.


500-5,500 m
Those can be between 500 to 5000 meters high, for conservative data management purposes, I will use only 500 meters high.

With these data I calculate the volume of the air.

Air Volume= 365308320750.24 m³

Air density= 1.225 kg/m³

Air mass= 365308320750.24 m³ * 1.225 kg/m³

Air mass= 4.47502693e+11kg

Air mass= 4.47502693e+14 g

the mass of 1 mole of air will be about 28.8 grams.
Air mass in mole= 4.47502693e+14 / 28.8

Air mass in mole= 1.5538288e+13 mol
One mole of any substance contains about 6 × 10^23 molecules.
Air molecules= 1.5538288e+13 * 6e+23

Air molecules= 9.3229728e+36 molecules
Accelerator calc that in 10 seconds
But Accelerator managed to perfectly revise that huge set of equations in less than 10 seconds.
It is impossible for me to know what formulas the albino used since he also manipulated the air but at least need a calc to any particle.

Accelerator calc speed= 9.3229728e+36 calc/ 10 s

Accelerator calc speed= 9.3229728e+35 calc/s

In the case of this can be applied to his reactions, Accelerator or at least his field reacts within 1.0726192e-36 seconds, that is even much less of a yoctosecond.

Hypothetically with that it would react to things moving at 3.1 octillion times the speed of light at 1 meter away.

And maybe it contradicts when he hacked Last Order's mind, which would still be FTL but not as high level

But on the other hand it is not even 1% of the calculation capacity of the Tree Diagram.


Accelerator calc speed= 9.3229728e+35 calc/s