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Respect: Marvel Animated Universe (2012-2018)

Edward Nygma


*Graphic is a touch misleading. It would actually go Spider-Man --> Avengers 1 to ??? --> AoS --> Avengers ??? to EoS4.*

Official designation: Earth-12041. This vast multiverse is primarily explored over the course of 3 animated Marvel properties. The first entry in this shared setting was Ultimate Spider-Man. Its primary cannon ended, counterintuitively, with Avengers Assemble S4E25. Counterintuitive only because season 4 is not the final season of AA. However, the 5th season of Avengers Assemble does not depict events from within Earth-12041, but from Earth-17628. A similar animated Marvel multiverse that AA's 5th season shares with Marvel's Spider-Man and Marvel's Guardian's of the Galaxy. Finally, Hulk and the Agents of S.M.A.S.H, chronologically the most recent entry, sprinkles some bonus, gamma-centric adventures into the Avenger's Assemble timeline.

Synopsis said:
Contrary to what the title might imply, Ultimate Spider-Man focuses on the life of the original webhead, Peter Parker. A basic 616-template of the character undergoing SHIELD training so that he might one day become The Ultimate Spider-Man. Over the course of his series, Spider-Man's adventures lead him to cross paths with all facets of Marvel lore. For a start, Peter isn't the only one undergoing SHIELD hero training. He's joined by teen versions of White Tiger, Power Man, Iron Fist, and Nova (Sam Alexander). Beyond the diversity of his own team, missions and mishaps lead him into deep space, wars with the undead, and hellish other realms alongside the likes of the Guardians of the Galaxy, Blade, and Dr. Strange. Eventually, Pete is even dragged across the multiverse and ends up bringing fan-favorite Miles Morales back along for the ride.

Despite being the second show in the 12041 cannon, the story of Avengers Assemble pre-dates Ultimate Spider-Man by several years. Tony Stark and the Avengers are household names even during Pete's earliest days as Spider-Man. An expansive history, and a complete roster of fully realized heroes (+1 rookie), allow Avengers Assemble to branch out even further into its mythos. Loki, Ultron, Infinity Stones (and the Mad Titan who covets them), The World Eater: Galactus, and the Beyonder. The Avengers face all of these challenges and more.

When not saving the universe with the Avengers, Hulk can usually be found saving it with the Agents of S.M.A.S.H. A team of gamma heroes determined to change public perception of "Hulks". The team consists of Big Green himself, A-Bomb, She-Hulk, Devil Dinosaur (the bestest boy), and General Thadeus "Thunderbolt / Red Hulk" Ross. While Hulk tries to keep this team lowkey for the sake of public safety (and public relations), AoS tends to find itself pulled into Earth-rending threats fairly often. Galactus, Ego, and the inter-stellar grand champ Xemnu have all threatened the Earth's very existence, and all have been repelled by the Agents of S.M.A.S.H. A turn of bad luck even put them face-to-face with the Spirit of Vengence, and all Hulks lived to tell the tale.
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Edward Nygma

Dr. Robert Bruce Banner:
The Incredible Hulk


DC & Durability: Hulk is, without question, the strongest member of the primary Avengers team. Rivaled only by his friend Thor, but even the Odinson ultimately comes up short when comparing the two's on-screen feats of strength. Tragically, most of Hulk's best feats are a bit further down the line. So I snuck in a spoiler at the bottom of this post. Not only the best Hulk DC feat but the best Avengers DC feat in the verse.

  • click me ^, I'm slow.
  • Clashing with Thor can give Manhattan a 9.0 earthquake, according to Hawkeye. More than supported over time. Hulk and Thor clashing with contemporaries like Barda and Hyperion can shake whole continents.
  • gpqovjF.gif]

  • HVa5LlG.gif
  • uXru3Fl.png
  • HSYysBw.gif

  • click image if not looping
  • lOaXT2a.gif

Speed: Not a speedster by any measure, Hulk's reflexes still let him dance with some of the fastest characters in his verse. Not the least of all being his sparring partner Thor.
  • OgkAAB0.gif


Hax: Hulk is second only to Ben Grim in terms of being the definitive example of superhero brick. As such, he's not much for more esoteric "superpowers". However, Hulk is such an OG bruiser that he can flex hard enough to make his punches supernatural. Or perhaps it just scares reality into behaving how he sees fit.
  • I1FNxEu.gif

    *This is a "Space Phantom" doppelganger. It is a near-perfect copy, albeit a bit weaker.

Biology: Hulk is a gamma beast. He is virtually indestructible, and his cells constantly produce excess gamma energy. When angry or physically taxed, this energy can actually burn the surrounding area or even build up enough to explode.
  • Vampirism can still empower him. "Incredible. He's even stronger than before." - Thor
  • Irradiated cells burn away vampirism*."His blood cells are like millions of tiny suns, burning away the vampire infection." - Tony
    * This is the first of many comments about gamma that strongly imply it may be lightspeed. Whether this is accepted or not will likely impact baseline speed for the entire franchise, drastically.
  • Regen. Heals vampire bite marks. Only worth noting because this show is literally bloodless. Gotta take 'em where I can.

*All feats from Avengers S1E1 - Avengers S1E9

Sneak Peak! Hulk's best feat. Agents of S.M.A.S.H S2E10

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Edward Nygma

Steven "Steve" Rogers:
Captain America

  • IYqfxUP.gif



    *Red Skull in Cap's body
  • s51q5u4.png
  • dM5WfbE.gif

  • GuE76YE.png

*All feats from Avengers S1E1 - Avengers S1E9
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Edward Nygma

Crowned Prince of Asgard:
Thor Odinson


  • p8o7kSw.png

  • Pa5M1bp.gif

    *The other side of that portal is in the Avengers' tower basement.
  • EQZenjg.gif

    To be continued...
  • Fphsh6P.gif

  • [*]
  • ANunS33.gif

    Velocity: 13 / 24frames = 0.583s. 100,000m / 0.583s = ~Mach 500.
    KE: (100,000m / 0.583s)^2 * (106 / 2) = ~372 tons of TNT
    MCB++ and MHS from a casual hammer swing that Hyperion no-sells in the next shot.
  • bXpQFBb.gif
*All feats from Avengers S1E1 - Avengers S1E9
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