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Samurai jack vs Sasaki Kojiro (Fate/Stay Night)


The Supreme King




  • Staring distance is 36 ft
  • Setting, ryujiro temple
  • Anime version of sasaki. cartoon version of samurai jack


The Supreme King
that's the kino content this section needed, this thread maker right there
Didt think you were the most fond of me considering your prior messages but thanks regardless
But, I have to thank you anyway as you mentioning my name allowed you find this forum,

finally, olf obd will become a good and popular vs forum

Is that because im an active poster or because im known for hot takes? I take it your also originally from naruto forums or fanverse as it's now called given your original mention of me and you called me king which is a title i'd used for myself largely on that aforementioned site.


V.I.P. Member
I'm just doing my best to be fair to Jack here to be honest. But you do have a point, he couldn't do a damn thing against the Set's enforcers who would be weaker than those 2.
Just saying, to my knowledge, Aku’s greatest feat of durability was the extinction of the Dinosaurs IIRC

100 teratons isn’t cutting it when a single life for Herakles can be measured in fractions of Excalibur
Just saying, to my knowledge, Aku’s greatest feat of durability was the extinction of the Dinosaurs IIRC

100 teratons isn’t cutting it when a single life for Herakles can be measured in fractions of Excalibur

Okay I got you, I haven't really gotten that deep into Samurai Jack in terms of calcs or comparisons to feats but as we do know, Sasaki DID Clash with Excalibur and Artoria's strength and Heracles without his sword breaking so if they couldn't, neither would Jack.
I think I kinda overrated him there too in that regard.