Super Robot Wars: Calamitous Dawn

Mazin Kiryu

“Little guy isn’t responding? Understood, I’ll head over now”

Kane said as he then shouted, “SCRANDER DASH!” As Great Mazinger Wings came alive and boosted out of the area, and head toward the west side of the battleground, where he hope Shinkai is doing alright.


Active member
David took a deep breath to unwind, and lowered the Buster Rifle...The other Gundam took care of things. He continued to assess the area as things seemed to slow down for a brief few moments...But to have been warped onto some strange Earth, only to have been thrown headlong into combat, David wasn't exactly going to rest on the laurels of victory just yet.

He continued to monitor the radio frequencies as well, just in case some of the other combatants tried to reach out to him. He scanned the radar for any further enemy movements...

...That is, until he bore witness to the Great Mazinger flapping its wings overhead.

"...What the hell kind of place is this...?"

Crimson Dragoon

"If his fucking mech acted up, that might be a sign to just drop it," Daniel said, exasperation seeping into his tone. He couldn't wait for this thing to just land and spare him from further ordeals. But then...
"For fuck's sake..." the Atlantic Federation pilot muttered. He complied, of course, but he was gradually getting irritated. Why did these two people have to cause this commotion?
"What the hell, you just exacerbated this!" he said to Valrin, shock clearly on his face. This...was not at all what he had in mind when it came to defusing the situation. That kind of blatant display of supernatural ability was only going to lead to escalation! To Daniel's credit, he wasn't quite panicking, though he was quite desperately thinking of ways to get out of this.
"I assure you all that this short altercation is done. Valrin here actually saved Liam's life after the Ignus had its...accident. It was all then resolved. Isn't that right?" Daniel finished, looking back at both Valrin and Liam.
Daniel sighed in relief, and he felt the tension in the air slowly dissipating. What a disaster that was, and thankfully it didn't last too long.


It didn't take long for Kane to find the spot where Shinkai's machine was, rather he knew he was getting close long before he even saw it as the Great's Geiger counter went absolutely wild as he approached the flame-scorched hill, it was the sort of radioactivity that wouldn't be too out of place in nuclear disasters and was quite telling of just the sort of power that the humans of this world needed at the minimum to fight the likes of the dinosaurs and their beasts.

Up close, the carnage the consultant had wrought with his atomic toy was quite a bit more impressive than compared to a bird's eye view, with pieces of wreckage all over the place, too dark to tell if it belonged to a dinosaur or Shinkai's machine, flattened trees, some of them flash-burned into coal by a ferociously powerful energy weapon. By the time the Great had crested the hill, he'd be met with a flattened hilltop and a strange-looking white machine lying flat on its back by the edge, its paint scorched by the death explosion of the dinosaur beast that did this to the hill and an ugly-looking dent upon its angular torso. Oh and his instruments are telling him that the mech was the source of the extreme radiation polluting the area.

If Kane were to hail the pilot inside, he would only hear labored, shallow breathing in response.

As the outworlder gundam ruminated upon his situation, his radio would pick up a nearby frequency attempting to hail his machine. Adjusting to the comms, he'd be met with a frigidly professional voice over the line.

"Outworlder Gundam, can you hear me? Respond."

Mazin Kiryu

“Oi, lady, little guy seem to have taken a nasty beating, his mech is in bad shape and bringing it back to base would be asking for more casualties”

As Great Mazinger would approach Shinkai mech, as Great Mazinger would slowly try lifting the mech up a little to review the damage frame.

“Oi, Shinkai, it Kane, do you need me to remove you from the mech or do I need to cool it down?”


Active member
"Outworlder...?" David mumbled before responding.

"This is David Sullivan of the Earth Union Federation, identify yourself." David wasn't strict, but firm.


@sir_fire @Sigismund @The Ancient Purple @Crimson Dragoon

William Liam Tinmall

It was official now: the situation had devolved into a chaotic mess.

Everybody was joining in, from the military that was alerted by Ignus' bolt to Vicious in his machine, and Liam didn't know what to do in the slightest as he stood with his hands up in the air.
Daniel was not helping either as his annoyed requests were only managing to exasperate him: this now had nothing to do with his question, and the topic has been dropped for now, but now it had nothing to do with him.

He was about to say something when Valrin decided to drop the issue entirely, surprising him, only to climb into the probably still-mad-at-him machine and just walk away out of the hangar, without facing any kind of repercussion.

"I feel like this is only going to get worse..." he whispered, apparently to no one, before walking back to his own machine and stopping near Asaga and Chigara, "Should we even be allowed in our Suits? After this happened it feels like a security risk."


Kane's voice and the movements, however slight were enough to wake the pilot up from the disturbed slumber he had.

"Mggggh! Agh! Ow!"

Through stimulating whatever injuries he had sustained in combat without a flight suit.

"G-gentler! I think I broke something...!"

"Outworlder...?" David mumbled before responding.

"This is David Sullivan of the Earth Union Federation, identify yourself." David wasn't strict, but firm.
"It is as I said, you're not of this world. And I'd know since your machine's radar and EM signature matches no known Gundam models in use with OMNI."

OMNI again... Just who are these guys and why are they associated with the Federation?

"I know you have a lot of questions, but your best hope of getting them answered is by staying here. And furthermore, the Dinosaurs don't do things by half, all of this is just the start of something big and I doubt that this is the only place that was attacked."

Mazin Kiryu

Kane would listen to Shinkai only to smirk and spoke, “you did your best kid, next time please take a flight suit so you don’t end up like this”

He said as his scrander would shrink, and try his best to lift the frame and start walking slowly toward the base.

“Oi boss lady, package secure but he producing massive radiation, and the pilot is in bad shape, I’m gonna have to carry him all the way back, can’t fly or else I might make his injury worse”


"The radiation is expected. And so are the pilot's injuries."

Abruptly, the massive amounts of rads emanating from the white machine carried on the Great's arms died down, rendering it far less of an ecological disaster than it was just moments ago.

"There, I've disengaged Split Moon's generator; but just to be safe, keep the machine far away from the airbase or the town, we'll handle the rest."

Then Kane would get a call from Shinkai.

"Y-you can put me down... No offense, but I think I can manage a smoother ride with the boosters..."

Mazin Kiryu

“Understood” he said as Great face then look down on the machine as Kane spoke again.

“You sure? With your condition I figure this is a safer option, early just now just touching you lightly cause some pain, you completely sure?”


Active member
Just what was OMNI?

"And how exactly is OMNI related to the Earth Federation? And what're you prattling on about with dinosaurs?" David questioned, his Gundam standing neutral in order to not come off as intimidating

Was this one of Hans's elaborate pranks? He was remarkable for his absolutely ridiculous antics...Almost comical levels of insanity.


“Understood” he said as Great face then look down on the machine as Kane spoke again.

“You sure? With your condition I figure this is a safer option, early just now just touching you lightly cause some pain, you completely sure?”
"Y-Yeah, beats taking one step at a time."

Proving his point, Shinkai makes his machine slowly, gently boost forward just feet from the air, its pace easily matching that of Great's jogging speed and certainly a far smoother ride as he had claimed. Still, it speaks of Shinkai's skill to be able to finely control his machine in such a manner all while suffering from internal injuries at that...

"OMNI is what the American Armed Forces now call themselves as and are the most prolific users of Mobile Suit technology in the world. So forgive the confusion and furthermore, did you actually get a good look at the hostiles you had just engaged just now? Or do you doubt your own eyes?"


Active member
"...You'll have to excuse that." David sighed, "I've dealt with some rather strange elements...Turned out they were all hoaxes."

David was surprised to hear about OMNI.

"...And what of the rest of the world?" OMNI was only America? Then was there even an Earth Federation at all?

Mazin Kiryu

Kane would observe and hum, “Ya prove ya point, I just didn’t wanted to risk hunting ya while going Mach 3”

Kane said as he nodded, walking alongside the hovering mecha, but then he ask.

“How many times you injure yourself when you became a pilot or a testing pilot?” He ask, out of curiosity.


"It'll take too long if we talk about it right now, but if you're willing to believe; it involves aliens, madmen with horrific technology as mad as they are, and the Dinosaur Empire. It sounds idiotic, but unfortunately, this is the world we all have to live in now."

Inside the base, the fires from the raid are slowly getting snuffed out by the much-belated response of the firefighting teams.

"So, where will you go now?"

Despite the clear pain he was in, Shinkai had it in him to find humor in the situation with a scoff.

"Oh come on, this was an emergency... I'm not reckless like a Getter Corps pilot."

Then the consultant has a brain fart.

"Speaking of... Your machine and that other kid's one, I don't think it's a coincidence that they look a lot like Getter Machines, errr... A type of "super" robot."


Active member
As the Gettersaur crashed into Z, that dust cloud obscured everything, and everything at this point was practically up to chance.

Still, for all that it's these few minutes...

Z did something quite...unpredictable.

When it all cleared...and it was all settled...


A scream pierced the heavens as the sound of tearing can be heard...

and when it all cleared out...

A lone Z stood, a left arm damaged to all hell, Iron Cutter sparking with clear danger...and a held Jet Scrander on the right hand, equally as damaged.

When it all was said and done, Z wins....but just barely.

It's pilot, Tyzell

Was tired and kinda haggard.

"Sorry, Kane..." I pipped comms moments later.

"...I scratched the paint."

@Mazin Kiryu


Vicious appeared to be fairly content with Valrin's answer. His suit took a pair of steps back, fully yielding to the Knight Titan's path.

"I'm glad we could come to an understanding."

Following suit on this gesture, the Sunrider's crew gave Ignus a wide berth as it made its way out of the hold with all the arrogance and surety of a lord of war while the Mercury's crew simply watched with both awe and a good amount of fear as the Lord Knight took his leave before following suit at a healthy distance from the Knight, the sailors familiar with all the risks inherent with any form of technology that requires interfacing with those touched by the warp no matter how pure and incorruptible they were. Yet it still didn't at all detract from the respect they had for their savior, rather it simply cleared things up; for Valrin's show of psychic might showed just how they had all been saved from their eternal damnation. In particular, the Mercury's surviving stormtroopers were quite intrigued by the demonstration.

"A Psy-Knight huh? Never seen one of those in all my years."

"Unless it belonged to a traitor or a xenos Sargent."

"Can't believe you still have that mouth on you Neville."

"What can I say? The Emperor gifted my tongue with wit and barbs, I'd be sinning if I didn't make use of it."

"Well, time to use it in a constructive manner for once, looks like the local garrison doesn't appreciate us Scions bearing our sanctified arms in their presence."

As Sgt. Cadbury said that some Ceran Army soldiers approached the quintet in an intimidating manner, attempting to cow the Stormtroopers into compliance, something that the team of five found highly amusing, given the clear and obvious gap between their wargear and training as it was quite obvious that the soldiers before them were little better than PDF troopers. Hiding a smirk behind his mask, Neville casually approaches the Cerans as he unlatches his helmet's rebreather mask, exposing a worn, scarred face and dull amber-colored eyes; his gruff, rugged visage quite weakened by an easy, casual demeanor and expression.

"Hail and well met good Cerans, is there a problem?"

There was a slight pause as the troopers were surprised that the outworlder spoke Standard Galactic Basic before the leading man speaks in a firm, authoritative manner.

"Surrender your weapons, you're under Ceran captivity and protection now."

"Captivity? Protection? We didn't recall asking to be saved."

Even though the soldier was wearing headgear that covered the entirety of his face, Neville could easily tell the man's attempt at being scary began to wither down in the face of his utter irreverence, the body language far more obvious to the Stormtrooper's eyes than any facial expression.

"Beg your pardon?"

"You heard right, we didn't need any help after we clawed our way out of our Damned ship. But the Sunrider's captain was just so gracious to offer us hospitality as guests to this planet Cera and who are we to deny such a sacred, generous thing?"

"Still... You need to follow our laws and rules, as guests."

"Are we not doing so? You did say we are guests, neither prisoners nor captives? Is the right to bear arms a foreign concept on this planet?"

"Again, this is our planet and you must respect the laws here. And no, we usually don't let unknowns like you carry their weapons freely."

"Well, I suppose we are guests under Ceran protection. But we still don't want to give our weapons up, insurance just in case Ceran protection is anything like Ceran tact."

"... Excuse me?"

Neville simply responded with a shrug and a split-second smug smirk.

"Regardless," Neville resumed after wiping that expression off his face.

"There are many intricate components to our weapons. Should they be handled without the proper knowledge, there would be no guarantee of either their safety or of your people if a component were to be improperly fitted or any of its circuitry damaged. It is for the well-being of our ship's crew, that I must insist on retaining our weapons; I'm sure you can understand the risks of tinkering with technology beyond one's scope of understanding and if the worst were to happen, how would we be able to defend ourselves and those under our charge without arms? Do you think we can rebuild them with nothing more than a box of scraps? Or who will have to take responsibility for a maimed at best Ceran citizen? Oh, and the radiation from the hypercapacitor rig might sterilize anyone exposed to it without a rad-suit. Might."

One of the Stormtroopers audibly scoffs at the mention of the last bit.

"Doesn't at all stop you from trying to sow your allegedly barren seed on any Sister or laywoman that catches your eye, Neville."

"Kiss my derriere Voldiere."

The Stormtrooper in question makes an esoteric gesture towards his teammate that the Cerans didn't know, but knew quite clearly what the intent was. Now even more perturbed and confused by the proceedings, the Ceran guard was caught flatfooted and eventually relented.

"I-I'll see what my superiors will have to say about this... Just give us a guarantee that you won't be unruly guests."

"Naturally, there is no reason to be."

With that, the Stormtroopers were allowed to keep their weapons to themselves... For now. And as they join the rest of their people in leaving the ship, Neville makes a comment about the whole thing out of earshot of any of the Cerans.

"Well, they're certainly just as bright as the average PDF grunt, but just about as submissive as a Mechanicum Initiate... Not bad, but not that good either."

"It beats having to deal with novitiates doesn't it?"

"Certainly does Seargent..."


@The Ancient Purple @Crimson Dragoon @Cavaliere

The remainder of the next thirty minutes is uneventful. The Ceran Army escorts the Alacrity's crew throughout the area of Fort Ladon. For an operation of such short notice, the Cerans are, at the very least, well-coordinated in their procedures. A good number of personnel rush around the place in a hurry, rushing to account for the fairly large amount of people to be kept under custody in their base. Their communications evidently overflowing with activity.

It isn't long before a group of guards walks up to the outworlder pilots, holding their weapons in a resting position, singling them out with their approach.

"You three, come with us, and don't dilly, some very important people would like to talk to you."

Crimson Dragoon

Daniel, relieved there wasn’t yet another altercation with the Cerans, decided to simply follow the guards. There wasn’t any good reason not to, really. At the very least, these people operated in a reasonably organized manner.

“And who would these people be?” Daniel asked as he walked with them. It wouldn’t hurt to at least question them a bit.