Super Robot Wars: Calamitous Dawn



William Liam Tinmall
Glad that everyone seemed to be calming down, Liam followed the request without a fuss, slowly walking towards the men in uniform.
While passing another group of both Ceran Soldiers and crewmen of the sunken spaceship, he managed to listen to the tail end of their conversation, where the stormtroopers convinced the soldiers to keep their weapons by a combination of intimidation and derision.
Honestly, Liam found the exchange quite humorous, but it was yet another source of tension between the two factions.

"I'm in an agreement with Daniel here. I know we caused a lot of stirring, especially with what happened with Valrin just about now, and I'm mortified that it happened but I hope this won't cause further damage to our business relationship..."

He was probably rambling, definitely rambling, but he was still trying to process being shot at by an angry giant robot.

Mazin Kiryu

Getter? Kane never heard the word before but a cold chill came to his spine as if maybe Great Mazinger himself knew who or what “Getter” was, as he spoke.

“Never heard of them but the classification is spot on, Great Mazinger is the Second generation of Super robot line, as Mazinger Z is the first one, but hey I can respect a pilot like you to save other tho next time call for backup”

Kane said before hearing Tyzell on the line.
“You what-?” Kane said before remembering that the getter suicide ram into Z… the fact Z survive wasn’t a surprise but he didn’t wanted to image the repair, as he took a deep sigh of relief hearing Ty being alive.

“Never mind that, take Z back to base, hopefully some of these engineer use to work on the photon lab or base to fix Z up I’ll meet up with ya after I’m done with Shinkai.”


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"..." David thought long and hard...This all sounded like some kind of crack dream?

The thought of Hans being responsible in some manner crossed his mind...However, that couldn't be the case, even Hans wasn't this insane...As far as he knew.

That is, there was one man in the world-the solar system, even-that would be close to responsible...

"...Permission to take sanctuary in this base?"


"As if there was any other choice. I'll log your unknown Gundam on the IFF as friendly and tell the base personnel to let you in."

As Stella was doing what she said to David and trying to get in touch with Thalerhof's personnel, Bob finally opens his mouth again now that the situation was under control; in particular about the newest arrival.

"You think it's a good call to let him in just like that?"

"He was attacked just for being there, it wouldn't take much convincing to make him fight the Dinosaurs."

"Point. But still, imagine if he had appeared anywhere else on FPA turf; he'd probably end up fighting us instead of the lizards!"

"Ludicrous... Who do you think will shelter and employ him after the fact? Allegiance? The Dinosaurs? Please."

"Iunno... I guess I'm just too used to people being self-serving pricks."

"The wonders of human nature..."

There was a pause from Shinkai's line, but Kane had a feeling that the young pilot had cracked a proud grin at the compliment from what was practically a stranger. Guess he's the type to value first impressions.

"This is war you know... Sometimes you just have to do what you have to."

As the duo began to approach the boundary of Thalerhof, the first thing they'd be met with was the massive Transport plane that Shinkai and his coworkers arrived in, having taxied all the way from its hangar and out into the field, as evidenced by the tire tracks and patch of flattened chain-link fencing running behind it; its cargo hold ominously held wide open, waiting for Spilt Moon's entry.

"This is my stop. I suppose we'll be seeing each other again in the commandant's office."

That is if Steiner is still alive after the raid... Cause upon a closer look at the damage, it looked like the entire base got kneecapped; nearly all its mech storage hangars and what were ammo dumps for said mechs had been reduced to burnt-out husks, with some of them still blazing onward with teams of firefighters desperately trying to control the inferno and further in the background, some structures both inside the base and on the adjacent town of Graz were also ablaze, set off either through stray fire or the sparks from the Dinosaur Railgun's impacts.

Mazin Kiryu

“Sure is a View, go inside, I’ll help them out with the fire”

Kane said as he went to approach the firefighter and offer assistance, as he switch up his breast Plates, turning them Red to White.

“Negative switch on!” As he reduce it output to it lower and fire off some white beam, and try to cool down the Fire alongside the firefighters.


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A cough comes through.

"Right...I'll try...took a nasty hit, though. I'll be slow on the move..." I then noted...

Before I moved Z on back to base, hobbling.


@Cavaliere @Crimson Dragoon @The Ancient Purple

With their cooperation, the guards begin leading them to the next step of their stay at Fort Ladon. The pace was swift, curt, and measured but without seeming urgent or rushed. More apprehended crew members and rushing base staff pass them by on route, but whirling around the escort of guards to avoid standing on their path.

The escorted short trip around the base eventually ends in a narrow hallway. A singular row of several standard seats is installed against the plain-white walls. Some were already occupied by a few others brought into custody, sitting and conversing discreetly about varied topics in wait.

A door is posted next to the waiting seats.

"Next up, they'll take you in one by one for standard questioning procedures. But I wouldn't worry too much." One of the guards said, with a simple shrug. "Just play along and everything will be fine."

After such a statement, the guard presses two fingers against his earpiece. Undiscernible echoes from a voice can be briefly picked up. When it finishes talking, the guard rhetorically nods before resuming.

"Seems like you'll be the first one." A head gesture indicates Liam. "So, come on, let's head on in." He requests, intending to direct Liam through that door as it slowly opens to reveal an empty room with nothing but a table, a pair of seats, a wall mirror, and another door on the opposite end waiting inside.


While the Mercury's crew and the outworlder pilots were being processed by Ceran security, Valrin was being guided towards whatever spot the Fort's commandant had spared for him and the other outworlder mechs under armed escort by several Ceran mechs or "Ryders" as the heathens called them. Marching alongside the less advanced machines, both Valrin and his steed can easily feel the errant thoughts of the Heathen pilots; mostly dismissal and suspicion, similar to but not quite as strong or vehement as how locals from Feudal or Shrine worlds look upon unfamiliar outsiders. All in all, nothing to be concerned with.

The hangar he was led to on the other hand... Just from the look of it, seems like something an Ork Mek would be happy to call home if far cleaner and neater; hardly a place suited for a blessed instrument of the Machine God or a Noble Knight such as he... But this is supposedly the limit of Ceran hospitality on short notice.

Crimson Dragoon

Daniel was somewhat irked that they ignored his question, but he didn’t press the matter. He’d find out soon enough anyway. They ended up in a waiting area, which was already occupied by a number of people. The AF soldier just sat down and waited as Liam was called in first.


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David settled his Gundam down, and waited patiently for instructions...He had very little trust left for any living person...But if these people would be willing to make this new development easier, it was best for him to accept their help.

And given how...Unique these new threats were, it was obvious they would turn to him for help...If there were more, there was no doubt they'd need all hands on deck.

David needed to be careful, however...Sometimes the easiest paths could turn to be the most dangerous ones.


William Liam Tinmall
With a resigned sigh, Liam followed the soldier inside, already dreading what was going to happen to him inside the room.
What was he going to tell without sounding insane: Interdimensional aliens? Demons in the ship? The murderous AI that now had a vendetta against him because he called it (them?) an AI to the faceplate?

"Great Scott, what is my life right now..." he lamented, sitting on the chair, intellectually knowing that he was already being watched but unable to properly care for it.

Waiting for the personnel to arrive, he tried to close his eyes, and relax a bit, but as soon as his eyes closed he was assaulted with images of both the demons in the ship and the Ignus trying to kill him.

He didn't manage to relax at all...


A cough comes through.

"Right...I'll try...took a nasty hit, though. I'll be slow on the move..." I then noted...

Before I moved Z on back to base, hobbling.
The firefighters much appreciated Kane's help in controlling the blaze, the heat-robbing beam weakening the flames and allowing the brave men to close in to put the fires out at their roots, while Split Moon gives the Mazingers one last glance before it goes inside the transporter, the rad-reinforced cargo doors shutting close like the lid of a coffin.

Thanks to Kane's assistance it didn't take long until the airfield was no longer a fire and explosion risk and with their hands no longer tied up in the area, the firefighters quickly dispersed to deal with the other, less intense fires around the base and town. While they would've wanted to give the Mazinger and its pilot their thanks, the firefighters simply didn't have the time.

With the situation under control, Kane then gets a radio communique from the base's air control tower.

"Attention, Great Mazinger was it? Please report to the commandant's office at your earliest convenience for debriefing. And tell the other pilots who also sortied."
David didn't wait long to be served by whatever base personnel was spared to attend to him and his Gundam. Compared to the royal treatment Kane and Tyzell got, what he got was very humble in comparison: Little more than a pair of jeeps parking rather haphazardly around his mobile suit's feet, likely all who could be spared by whoever's in charge at the moment.

Then one of the guards riding on the jeeps makes hand gestures to signal the outworlder pilot that it was safe to dismount.

Mazin Kiryu

“Understood, positioning Great Mazinger in a safer spot, ima borrow one of the landing pad not cover in Smoke” Kane said as he move Great nearby the landing pad as he then spoke to Ty.

“Hey Ty, this is Kane, Position Mazinger Z nearby me and land the pilder nearby the Cóndor, I’ll be waiting for you” As Kane would then eject and flew the Condor around the base for a moment before landing, as he waited for Tyzell to land.


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David took a long breath...He then holstered a gun in his pocket for good measure, one could never be too certain.

The gantry opened, and David came down on a winch built into the cockpit gantry for pilot convenience...The guards would be greeted to the site of the masked man as he touched the ground, the winch retracting and the cockpit closing soon after. The mask made it impossible to discern his face, or even his condition.

"I am Colonel David Sullivan."


After a few agonizing moments of limbo and uncertainty, the door opposite of the scientist creaks open as a Ceran officer enters with a clipboard in hand and an imperious attitude. While unfamiliar with the local rank insignias or uniform color code, it didn't take much of Liam's intellect to realize that the young man taking the seat in front of him was one of those types: A military academy graduate with everything to prove... Clearing his throat, the man pulls out a ballpen from his breast pocket and starts tapping on the clipboard in a rhythmic manner for a few moments before finally speaking to the scientist in an unsurprisingly stuck-up tone.

"Name and rank, if someone like you even has one that is..."

Even after his question, the officer refused to spare a glance at Liam, almost as if eye contact and his undivided attention was far more than he deserves. The dismissive disinterest in Liam's plight making it clear that he has already come to the conclusion that the outworlder was lawless scum.


The soldiers were clearly less than impressed by David's decidedly non-regulation addition to his flight suit and more than a little suspicious as to just why. However, they quickly put their feelings of unease aside in the face of the current situation.

"Right then... Colonel, if you would follow us into the commandant's office."

They didn't even frisk him for a gun or ask for it, guess they're paranoid that there's the possibility that whoever or whatever executed the attack was still around, skulking in the shadows and they'd want as many guns pointed outwards as possible.

Landing near a relatively clear and safe spot, which was coincidentally close to where the mystery Gundam had parked, Kane would get a clear look at the newcomer getting greeted by the base's guards. Naturally, the mood was rather tense.


Ignus moved into the nearest "bay" for lack of a better term. This wasn't the worst place Ignus has ever stayed unattended, Valrin noted, it was however nowhere near the best.

Valrin disconnected from Ignus, and moved through the hatch onto the nearby galleyway for Knight Scion equivalents.


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Landing near a relatively clear and safe spot, which was coincidentally close to where the mystery Gundam had parked, Kane would get a clear look at the newcomer getting greeted by the base's guards. Naturally, the mood was rather tense.

The lumbering Black Fortress of Iron managed to find a rest near Great's, of which I managed, albeit, barely, to fly the Pilder to park next to the Condor.

"Right, I'll be there...."

As the thing opened, I got out, lumbering, hurt and pretty tired....

Like I could faint any minute. And I hobbled to Kane.

Mazin Kiryu

Kane observe the new guy and then the machine.. it was nearly the same size at Mazinger Z yet it pack some heavy firepower, then again it was alone against that other Dino mech.

“Colonel huh? Meaning that machine must be part of some military like Great Mazinger” he said as he went ahead to follow.

But before Kane could follow, he would notice Ty presence and quickly went to give him a hand, as he held him up by the arm and offer his shoulder for Ty to hold onto.

“You look like you just came out of a shithole after that suicide attack, the medic should be nearby to take you in” Kane said as he help Ty walk behind the others.


William Liam Tinmall
Taking a deep breath, Liam began to pass his hands on his labcoat, in a vain attempt to calm his drained nerves.

Questions like this were to be expected, however the tone used made the scientist feel like a criminal, small, even if the only thing that he was right now was lost.

'Great Scott, Liam, just think that it's a job interview. You are good with those... right?'

"Yes, sure. My name is William Tinmall, Ph.D. in particle physics on Earth Federation Colony BND-12, graduating in Cosmic Era 70...which is...uhm... three years ago? Maybe four? I've been stationed on a spaceship after my...uhm, forced enlisting after I became the official test pilot of the Null. So, technically, I'm a Earth Federation Army Lieutenant..."

Liam stopped his nervous tirade, blinking a few times before beginning to apologize to the officer: "I guess these words hold no meaning to you, with this being a different planet and maybe another Universe..."


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"Roger." David nodded.

As he followed the soldiers, it was impossible to discern what David was looking at, whether it was the walk ahead, the base around them, or some freakish, soul-piercing gaze, a contrast to the bright and colorful Wing Freedom he climbed out of. It seemed as though the armor hadn't changed to gray...Perhaps he left the Phase-Shift armor on? Was it Trans-Phase Shift? Such answers would have to be found later.

David was looking all around his vision for anyone or anything approaching...Regardless of if it was some alternate Earth, there could be anyone still out to get him...Hopefully the likes of Ali hadn't followed him...And it appeared Hans hadn't warped over either...He'd have to find a way back to his home soon, there'd be no telling the amount of mayhem Hans could unleash if unchecked.