Super Robot Wars: Calamitous Dawn


One of the guards escorting the masked Gundam pilot takes notice of the Mazinger pilots and gestures toward the pair to follow them, but he didn't stick around to wait for them to catch up and went on ahead with the rest of his unit.

Moving through the ruined base, against David's expectations of a cacophony of frantic activity and a sort of controlled chaos that usually happens in the aftermath of such attacks, instead, he would be met with an eerily empty and quiet atmosphere, save for the crackling of flames yet to be extinguished and the echoing footsteps and indistinct voices of scattered patrols of guards and rear-echelon staff out in the distance, the sounds they made less than reassuring as they seemed hauntingly loud amidst the silence.

Aside from paranoia and cautiousness, which the escort provided in ample amounts, there wasn't much to explain the oddly low amount of activity... Until the group passed by one of the base's barracks, where they would find a few troops, most of them were sealing the entrance and the nearby windows shut with tape save for one, who had been propped up against the wall, seizing as he violently coughed and sputtered, on the door itself was a crudely drawn skull and crossbones symbol. Other than a brief glance, the escorting troopers pointedly ignored the harrowing scene and kept on walking forward.

Noticing his apprehension, one of the guards turns towards David, disgust evident in his voice.

"See that? Killed like we're nothing but rats. That's what the enemy thinks of us."

Mazin Kiryu

Kane would notice the gesture of the guard, seem they might take care of Ty down the road, as he went to follow the guards while carrying Ty with him.


Active member
"I've had my fill of harrowing sights of humanity's worst hours...But this...Is different." David remarked, "Far more...Personal."

David took in the sights in much detail, but kept his distance, like a twisted art gallery of horror. In his own world, he witnessed the aftermath of Zodiac's barbaric nature dropping space colonies on the planet Earth, unmanned drones moving about to mindlessly slaughter people when the Earth Union Federation's elite forces wanted areas cleaned out.

He'd seen the worst...And what he liked to think was the best from both sides...But what he saw here...It was more savage, animalistic, as if someone tore things apart with their hands rather than a weapon. It wasn't impossible to see why, given only less than an hour ago he was fighting a dinosaur cyborg. This...Was an entirely new kind of enemy to humanity, David would have to spend time in this world in order to discern ways of neutralizing this kind of enemy.

"At least it'll be a less-than-brief moral dilemma of how to deal with them."


@Mazin Kiryu @TrickOLF

The soldier nods grimly in response, clearly showing that he knew where the lines had been drawn for a long while now.

Eventually David and company got to the commandant's office, where the first thing to notice is that the place looked to be as empty and dead as the rest of the base, with all of its lights shut off, where not even the faint glow of emergency lighting could be seen... Was this place attacked too? But from the guards' lack of reaction or trepidation in approaching the ominous building, it seems that it was safe enough. Inside, a single soldier would be waiting for them; which Kane and Tyzell would recognize as Lt. Orban.

Unexpectedly or expectedly depending on their point of view, they'd find the young officer sporting a rather nasty bruise across his cheek, hastily patched up with some gauze. Despite his injury and what had just happened to the base, he seemed in pretty high spirits, though a more educated eye would notice that it was more along the lines of anxiety, possibly of him coming down from an adrenaline high after getting away from whatever had attacked him.

Approaching the outworlders, Orban motions for the soldiers to stand at ease.

"Thank you Sargent, that will be all. Now please come with me to meet the base's commandant, I'm sure you all have plenty of questions."

The lieutenant attempted his very best to put on a professional front, yet the cracks in his attempt were quite visible. But still, he remains focused. Should they comply with his request, Orban would take them deeper into the building, making his way along the corridors in order to lead the way into the commandant's actual office. With not a moment to spare in order to make any sort of immediate assessment into the possibly damaged surroundings, The final corridor presents itself before them. And they could already see what looked like splattered blood from underneath the small gap in the door, hinting at possible conflict inside the office itself. The door itself was half-open, its lockset and handle clearly having been tampered with. Paying no mind to the blood or the door's condition, Lt. Orban merely pushes it open.

Waiting inside the office was Colonel Steiner, sitting behind his desk, hale and hearty and strangely Zen; a bizarre island of orderliness in stark contrast to the ransacked surroundings of his office where a messy and violent struggle took place not too long ago. Looking closer at the Colonel, Kane and Tyzell would notice that where there was mounds of paperwork and stationery upon his desk, now there was a half-opened first aid kit with its contents messily scattered on its surface and... An elephant gun, barrel still warm from a recent discharge.

"Oh good, you've all made it. Come, take a seat. Oh don't worry, they didn't get damaged."

If any of the three were to look to their left, they'd notice that Steiner wasn't in fact alone in the room... A dead body had been propped up against the far corner, half-buried in loose debris and papers in a rather haphazard attempt at hiding it from plain sight. Except that it wasn't a human's corpse, as both Tyzell and David can clearly tell due to its far too bulky nature, even taking to account the suit of power armor it wore, the strangely elongated helmet and from its backwards-facing "knees"...


Active member
David stood, he wasn't used to relaxing very much. Instead, he went over to observe the strange corpse. It was true...The existence of alien life was true...

"I'm assuming this is...Part of whatever it was that attacked this base?" David inspected the corpse, "Interesting...I've never seen anything like them...What is it?"


The interviewer's only response was to narrow his eyes slightly as he took note of what the scientist had said and after a rather uncomfortable amount of time, likely to make Liam sweat harder, he finally speaks to the scientist.

"Care to tell me how and why a particle physicist of all things would be enlisted to pilot what is clearly a military-grade Ryder with highly advanced technology? Wouldn't an actual member of whatever your "Federation Army" is be the actual pilot and you simply being a member of the technical staff?"

Well, that could've gone better... The Ceran thinks that the Null isn't actually the scientist's brainchild.


Active member
Kane would notice the gesture of the guard, seem they might take care of Ty down the road, as he went to follow the guards while carrying Ty with him.
I grunted.

"Thanks much, bud. Really needed it." I then said with a grin as we went on.

As we got to where the office was up, I took a seat immediately and let out a sigh.

"Hope I get an infirmary sesh after, I'm banged up, that first fight was hell."


William Liam Tinmall
The question made the scientist blink a few times, because from an ousider's point of view it really didn't make sense.
However, Liam couldn't help but cuckle at the memory, even a year later, because that was the moment in which his life took a turn for the weird and dangerous.

"It's a funny story actually: I was on the team that built the reactor, the ZPE core, and we had just placed it inside a generic chassis."

Liam begn, clearly remembering the day and how unimpressed he was with the X-100 frame they had to work with, feeling as if the people behind the project didn't believe in it at all and just giving them whatever was remained laying around from the G-Project.

"We were expecting the test pilot, an army Captain that had experience with mobile suits, however it came the news that he had to cancel last minute to return to Earth. I was surrounded by technicians and scientist celebrating the succesfull 'Marriage', when I heard that the entire crew had taken to call me Doctor Zero behind my back, an old university nickname that I hated.
So I stood up, deseperate to prove myself, and voluntered for the position. I didn't know how to pilot but I did knew the Null, every motor, cable and even line of code, which meant I had an advantage that the average military officier didn't have. I was deputized, I did the test and I guess it worked out..."

The story was funny, but it was also the proof that Liam got this far in life because of an accident: if the true pilot showed up, he would have watched the Null fight from afar while he was forced to work on yet another project.
Science meant for good used as a weapon of war, yet again.

"I have the blueprints in the Null's databse, my name should be on it... if you want proof?"

Mazin Kiryu

Kane stare at the body, as he spoke “Given the suicide nature of these creature Im surprise they aren’t suicide bombers”

He said as he recall the one he planted the bomb on during the condor flight, as he cross his arms and went to take a seat.

“What ya got for us Boss?” He simply said.

Crimson Dragoon

As Daniel was seated and waited for his turn to be questioned, he thought back to the past, to that ill fated raid on Epsilon. It wasn’t the first time he looked back on that fateful event, but it never became any less painful. Daniel supposed this was only proper. The pain wouldn’t let him forget, and pain can sometimes teach lessons, harsh they may be. While they weren’t flawless and certainly not all-knowing, there was a reason to follow orders from the upper ranks. Daniel’s defiance and brashness only lead to the deaths of those under his command. Their screams and the burning wreckage of their mobile suits were seared into his mind. Eyes shut and opened again, stopping himself from being pulled too far back into the pits of his memories.

Here he was now, in another world and in a completely foreign military’s base. It wasn’t his fault, but Daniel couldn’t shake the slight feeling that he ran away from his responsibility. It was stupid and irrational, and so he tried to bury this feeling. After all, what could he have done against whatever force whisked him away? With that in mind, Daniel promised himself one thing.

No matter what world he found himself in, he would not die before he avenged his men.


At hearing what Tyzell said, Steiner's eyes narrowed and his expression became rather stern, as if the young man had done some sort of esoteric faux pas that deeply offended the Austrian officer... For all of a split second before the look on his face faded away like a mirage and he was back to his original, strangely serene mood proceeding to answer the other two pilots' questions albeit with a hint of urgency to his tone.

"First off, I'd like to congratulate you three for saving Thalerhof from the Dinosaurs, though given the the scaly bastards attacked without even saying hello; I think its fair to say that you only did what came natural. Secondly Colonel, let me correct your assumption: Ever heard of that obscure American fringe theory about reptilians hiding in the center of the Earth? That thing over there-"

He points to the half-buried corpse in a contemptuous but lazy manner.

"-Is proof that they exist and they hate every single one of us for usurping the surface world, their "birthright" and with a several million year head-start on us, the kit that thing is packing is only scratching the surface of what the Dinosaur Empire has cooked up. Luckily I managed to disable the suit's dead man's switch, otherwise we'd be talking outside."

Mazin Kiryu

“So another species underneath the earth and they use their tech because they are the “real” humans? Why am I not surprised” Kane said turning to face the dead reptile body before he approach and knee down, staring at the armor.

“They may be far in technology yet I’m baffle that they would sneak in during the night and plant explosive at specific locations, as if they spy on us quietly from a distance or they are being fed intel” He said as he recall one of the device being planted at the Condor and not Great Mazinger joints, maybe they are aware of the Super Alloy NZ? Impossible but then again that old man did recognize Mazinger Z so it could all be a possibility


The officer once again writes down Liam's testimony with nary a sound.

"We'll see if your story checks out soon enough, but we're getting out of track. The real question is: What happened to that crashed ship and how did it get to the point that it had to be scuttled in such a manner? Detonating a nuclear fusion reactor on a planet's surface would make its inhabitants very nervous and the Ceran people want prompt answers."

As Daniel and the others waited their turn, one of Cadbury's Stormtroopers turns towards the OMNI pilot, noticing the odd signals he was giving out; he didn't seem nervous or glumly resigned to whatever fate the heathens are about to give him; rather it looked like the pilot was taking the entire situation he found himself in as some sort of test, judging by his hard, focused stare. Intrigued, the veteran soldier tries to get some small talk in, may as well get to know the one of the people inside their Knight-saviors at least.

"I've seen that kind of look before, the look of men who felt like they failed to die a proper death."

Crimson Dragoon

Surprised that someone actually spoke to him, Daniel quickly turned to address the one who said that. Judging from his appearance, he was one of that ship’s surviving crewmembers.

“Hmm…I can’t say you’re wrong,” the test pilot replied. More than once, he felt he should’ve died along with the others. A case of survivor’s guilt. But if he was to do anything with this life, it’d be to avenge those who were under his command.

“Right now though, I have to live. I still have something I need to do.”


"That's the thing really, your sorts are the kind who will move the stars themselves to find their penance and their deaths. No better allies to stand by your side and no worse an enemy to face, I for one am glad that you stand with us."

A pause as the stormtrooper suddenly remembers that Daniel isn't actually familiar with the customs and beliefs of the great Imperium and that he may have unintentionally creeped him out with the whole casual acceptance and glorification of death.

"Well, that sounded pretty morbid and grim, didn't it? But we are soldiers after all..."

Crimson Dragoon


Those words did make him think a bit about where his life was headed. Did Daniel truly seek death? His desire to avenge his fallen comrades could lead to that outcome, yes, but was death something he truly wanted? If he managed to burn down Epsilon, what would be next for him? Daniel had trouble seeing himself peacefully retiring, though his path was still uncertain. For now, he had to hold on to his current goal. He couldn't worry too much about what might happen after, not right now.

"Well, that sounded pretty morbid and grim, didn't it? But we are soldiers after all..."

Daniel just chuckled at that. "Soldiers aren't strangers to morbid and grim, yeah," he replied. "It comes with the job, really. The battlefield has a tendency to remind you of your mortality. In that ship of yours back then, I saw someone who just joined my group instantly get snuffed out by that...thing," he said, the last part to emphasize his point. It could easily have been him instead, and an early death was always a possibility they'd have to live with.



As Valrin pulled himself up onto the walkway, he noticed the walkway was devoid of people. Not even lower enginseers running back and forth with basic sacraments. Even peering down into the bay, no one else was in the entire complex.

So Valrin walked down the catway towards the interior of the bay. Either someone whould try to stop him, or he'd eventually find his way to the other Scions, even if this complex seemed a bit further away from where he saw the rest head to.


"Karking daemons..."

The Stormtrooper then spits on the ground, emphasizing his contempt for the creature that had fought the quartet in quite a dramatic yet boorish manner. Given that it had helped destroy what had been his home for a good part of his life along with taking the lives of many that he had considered friends and neighbors, his reaction almost seemed muted compared to what the demon knight and its ilk took from him.

"I hope you made it hurt for that hellspawn, foul things deserve that and more. Oh, for that companion of yours? I can only pray that none of those karkers snatched up his soul when he got fragged."

As he said his piece, a Janitor with a rather impressive schnozz suddenly comes to a stop as he beholds the stain that the Stormtrooper left on the floor with a look of disbelief before looking at the stormtrooper, then back at the stain again and finally locking a glare at the soldier, who to his credit at least tried to look sheepish and guilty at leaving a mess. Bitterly grumbling as he mops the spittle away, the Janitor then moves on with nary a word once the job was done.

"Never seen that before in all my years... That menial's glare could give a Drill Abbot a run for their thrones."


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"Yet it seems as though you have something that can counter them." David observed, "Otherwise, things would've been far more destructive, even compared to this display."

"...And those other machines I saw during the battle...It seems...Almost out of a comic book, far too strange to be real." The masked colonel remarked, "And yet here I am, seeing it with my own eyes...One moment, I was in space, pursuing a fugitive, the next, I'm here...If it wasn't happening to me right now I'd have thought it to be delusions."

Crimson Dragoon

Daniel didn’t quite get the reference but the idea behind it was plain enough.

“Well, you didn’t exactly make his job easier,” he said, laughing lightly. On that topic of their short-lived comrade, hopefully he truly was in a better place.