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The Axiom (SMT) vs Atzmus (Unsong) vs「 」(Nasuverse)

King of time

anyway next time study the characters carefully then create a vs theme, edit The Axiom wins , delete this topic before it becomes a disaster
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King of time

How much do you know about Unsong?
Are we assuming the creator of Unsong only scales to the finite creation which is 250k thousand miles in diameter?

Anyone should read this short chapter if they wanna learn more.
Confused Dog GIF by MOODMAN


He imagined a man in a very nice coat walking by a pond. In the pond he sees a young child drowning, screaming for help. The man is quite a good swimmer and could easily save the child, but his nice coat would be ruined and would cost him $100 to replace. He decides he doesn’t want to ruin his coat and continues on his way, leaving the child to drown. Is this morally wrong?

Of course it is, said Singer, and this is important. It establishes a general moral principle that if you get the opportunity to save a child’s life for $100 you must take it. Yet we have very many opportunities to save a child’s life for $100. There are children starving in India; $100 would buy them food. There are children dying of malaria; $100 would buy them medication. There are children cowering in war zones; $100 might buy them a ticket to safety. If you buy a nice coat for $100 instead of giving it to charity, you’re making the same decision as the man in the story. Indeed, if you use your money for anything other than charity, you’re making that same decision – preferring your luxuries to a chance to avert innocent deaths.

This was not a popular message. His opponents condemned his particular brand of academic philosophy, saying that the time-tested moral truths of religion ought to be enough for anybody. They might have done well to read their Bibles a little closer. Matthew 19:21: “If you want to be perfect, go, sell everything you have and give the money to the poor, then follow me.”
Kamachi had Touma evade this whole dilemma by making him dirt poor for 50 volumes and sleeping in the bathtub every night :skully
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