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Game Ranked The Legend of Zelda Mafia


@Polar Bear @Fujishiro what do u guys think? do u want to continue the mass claim or wait until tmrw?
@Chairman Nibel could u pls look at gads claim in specific and see if it makes sense? i looked on the wiki and it didnt seem to really fit his role but then agn the wiki also labeled ur character as like a villain in one of the games or something

Polar Bear

@Polar Bear @Fujishiro what do u guys think? do u want to continue the mass claim or wait until tmrw?
Kind of similar to rdk. Not sure the unclaimed folks will change anything for today. Just get them tomorrow, mainly whicker

As for today gad and psychic both are virtually hiding out. They have already claimed their supposed PR, so no need to play like they are vanilla, yet they both seem to be.

My gut tells me its definitely at least one of them, if not both
Vote Count 3 Day 4 New


Vote Lynch Hime

vote lynch: Gad

don't think we have much time and this is really the best direction

Vote lynch Psychic

Vote Count 3 Day 4

Nibel: Psychic > Gad > RDK
Fuji: Psychic
Polar: Nibel > Unvote > Gad
Whicker: Gad
Yoho: Psychic
Psychic: Fuji > RDK
Hime: RDK > Unvote > Psychic
Gad: Hime
RDK: Gad

Psychic: 3
Gad: 3
RDK: 2
Hime: 1

With 10 players remaining it takes 6 to reach majority. A bit less than an hour remaining​


Kind of similar to rdk. Not sure the unclaimed folks will change anything for today. Just get them tomorrow, mainly whicker

As for today gad and psychic both are virtually hiding out. They have already claimed their supposed PR, so no need to play like they are vanilla, yet they both seem to be.

My gut tells me its definitely at least one of them, if not both

Any of these im OK with


The only other potentials could be fuji and/or whicker

Why has my VT claim somehow made me a town lock?

Last night you were insistent I claim despite you now agreeing with me on mass claim not being the way to go.

You must not have been town reading to be so insistent on my claiming yet now I've claimed VT I'm nowhere on your POE.


Polar Bear

Why has my VT claim somehow made me a town lock?

Last night you were insistent I claim despite you now agreeing with me on mass claim not being the way to go.

You must not have been town reading to be so insistent on my claiming yet now I've claimed VT I'm nowhere on your POE.

You've never been in my suspect list