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The Umbrella Academy feats thread

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
The Umbrella Academy is a comic book series by Gerard Way and Gabriel Ba, published by Dark Horse Comics. So far it has three story arcs; The Apocalypse Suite, Dallas and Hotel Oblivion, with a fourth, The Sparrow Academy, in the works. A show has been made for Netflix, with two seasons currently. There's also a card game and other merchandise.

This thread will be where the power of the series can be discussed in regards to both continuities. Needless to say, there will be spoilers.

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
Vanya/White Violin/Number 7 attacks Diego with viabrational frequencies that smashes him through a wall.
White Violin brings meteors down from the Moon in less than an hour.
Klaus stops the biggest from hitting the Earth and wiping out humanity. It's also noted that these chunks came from the Moon and the White Violin dislocated them with vibrational frequencies.

Diego/The Kraken/Number 2 and The Boy/Number 5 punches through people, and Spaceboy can fly with boosters.
(All of the above from issue #6 of Apocalypse Suite)

Dr. Terminal has a rare disease that eats away at him, and to survive he made himself a device that turns matter into energy, then gained a hunger for human flesh. He can also eat through metal bars and Spaceboy/Number 1 punches through a wall).

(Issue #3 of Apocalypse Suite)

The Rumor references "world-eating star phantoms" and Klaus/The Séance/Number 4 can levitate himself and other objects (also people).
The Umbrella Academy as children battle the Eiffel Tower, which is actually a spaceship. Klaus levitates himself and his siblings, and also has the power of talking to the dead. We see Allison/the Rumor/Number 3's power is to make people do things and things happen by saying "I heard a rumour that...". Space Boy has super strength and punches out the Eiffel Tower hard enough to crack the ground. Ben/The Horror/Number 6 has extra-dimensional monsters contained under his skin. They battle and Klaus kills zombie-robit Gustave Eiffel and the Eiffel tower takes off into space.

(Issue #1 of Apocalypse Suite)

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
The Rumor's rumor power isn't just mind control, it's outright reality warping. Her using her power on the Abraham Lincoln memorial creates a giant John Wikes Booth statue to shoot him the head. Also, her power has to be a lie that manifests itself as reality.

(Dallas issue #1)

Number 5 can teleport, mainly through space, but also (and with more difficulty) through time. He was stuck in the post-apocalyptic future for decades trying to figure out a way to get back, but got stuck in his 13 year old form with the mind of someone much older.

(The Apocalypse Suite issue #2)

Planet busting suitcase nukes are a thing.
(Dallas issue #4)

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
Not only does Doctor Terminal's victims he eats turn to energy (which was mentioned in a previous story arc) but he can suck them up.
(Hotel Oblivion issue #6)

He can also do this to entire cities.
(Hotel Oblivion issue #6)

If need be, he can redirect this energy as laser beams.
(Hotel Oblivion issue #7)

The Hotel Oblivion was a "prison" in another dimension of the Universe, which was ultimately bait for the Abraxan, a cosmic trap for an unknown eldritch creature we'll no doubt find out more about in future storylines. Said creature appears and bestows knowledge upon Luther before disappearing once more through a tear in the sky.

(Hotel Oblivion issue #5)

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
God appears in Dallas when Klaus enters the afterlife. He states that he created everything, so he must have created the Umbrella Academy. He comments on getting to work on the Sun, as Klaus is so pale he looks like there isn't one. God also appears in the show, but manifests as a little girl on a tricycle.

(Dallas issue #3)

The Afterzone is a region of the Universe, created through cosmic expansion, where the Universe grows while remaining the exact same size, creating new regions of space. In these regions, the basic laws of physics of realspace do not apply.

(Hotel Oblivion issue #3)

Afterspace is wild and unpredictable, one of the dangers of which is a merge sweep, which combines form and consciousness until it finds the thing that unites the victims emotionally, and risks trapping them there forever. Luther and Diego are caught in one, but break free.

(Hotel Oblivion issue #4)

Reginald Hargreeves the Minerva is capable of interstellar travel, as well as travelling to the Afterzone.
(Hotel Oblivion #1)

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
A visual comic that's a prelude to The Apocalypse Suite (by an unknown amount of time, The Horror/Ben/Number 6 and Hargreeves are still alive). Rumor accidentally creates another version of herself through her power (which here, interestingly enough, she doesn't have to say "I heard a rumour;" it just comes true, though I'm guessing this was retconned later on) who gets murdered. Luther survives a punch from a murderbot, and Luther and Ben rip apart said Murderbot.

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
The Terminauts are robots created by Doctor Terminal, and programmed to attack should the Umbrella Academy ever reunite.
(The Apocalypse Suite issue #2)

Number 5 does not age, as he is stuck in time.

(The Apocalypse Suite issue #3)

Levitator belts are belts used to fly, although they are designed to be worn by children.
(The Apocalypse Suite issue #4)

Sir Reginald Hargreeves monocle reveals people and things for what they truly are, as well as their pasts. Number 5 also references the Kennedy assassination, which will play a big part in Dallas.

(The Apocalypse Suite issue #5)
(The Apocalypse Suite issue #6)

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
The short comic "Mon Dieu!" has Number 5 sending Klaus back in time to Medieval France, where becomes a commander before he's hit by an explosion and sent back to the present. Klaus survives, which would give him some degree of superhuman durability (athough he's still a glass cannon, much like Vanya). Said time machine seems to damage the fabric of time too.


Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
A possible example of Diego altering trajetories in the comics, given the barrel of Lupo's gun doesn't exactly line up with the bullet impact on the table. However, that could also just be how it's drawn.

(Dallas issue #2)

Klaus can communicate through TVs.

(Dallas issue #3)

Wearing shoes impedes Klaus's power (although he can still use his powers, see above).
(Dallas issue #3)

Number 5's history; the Temps Aeternalis captured and recruited him, genetically modified him and turned him into one of their assassins, using his time jumping powers to their advantange to move several seconds forward in time and move faster than the eye can see. Seems the other assassins of the Temps Aeternalis are also frozen in time. The leader of the Temps Aeternalis, Carmichael, is a genius level goldfish in a human suit, and they carry out their work to correct errors and paradoxes in the space-time continuum.

(Dallas issue #3)

This included splicing the DNA of many killers from throughout history into Number 5's body.
(Dallas issue #3)

Hazel and Cha-Cha have weapons powerful enough to incapacitate Luther.
(Dallas issue #3)

Carmichael threatens Number Five by posing an assassin on his (and Luther's) mother two days before he was born.
(Dallas issue #3)

John F. Kennedy possessed planet destroying suitcase nukes, one of which came by Reginald Hargreeves, which was activated by Hazel and Cha-Cha, destroying the Earth in a bad timeline.
(Dallas issue #6)

(Dallas issue #3)

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
Klaus possesses Cha-Cha, shooting Hazel and then himself. Note also Hazel's head exploding, meaning their guns are considerably more powerful than modern firearms.

(Dallas issue #4)
(Dallas issue #4)

The US Army take the mummified corpse of Emperor Gia Long to use against the Vietcong during the Vietnam War due to the deceased emperors mastery of the dark arts.

(Dallas issue #5)

Diego's platoon is attacked by Vietcong vampires, who can cut with their claws (although Merlin survives having his throat cut).
(Dallas issue #5)

Diego kills the Vietcong vampires.

(Dallas issue #5)

The body of Emperor Gia Long comes to life, and grows to a massive size and shoots lazers fro his eyes, before he's taken down by Luther.

(Dallas issue #5)

Luther smashes two Temps Aeternalis agents into a pillar.
(Dallas issue #6)

Luther flies away, going by his dialogue, possibly back to the Moon.

(Dallas issue #6)

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
Before we get into Hotel Oblivion, time to tread over some old ground again, as they're relevant in Hotel Oblivion. In particular, the motion comic, or The Past Ain't Through With You.

The Rumor's power creates another rumour, which is indistiguishable from the original, and is basically another Rumor.
The Murder Magician was the one who murdered the other Alison, and with the money bought/created a murderbot.
Luther knocks over the murderbot, which then smashes him with its fist.

Space Boy tanks the murderbots fist, and after Klaus undoes its bolts, he and the Horror tear the murderbot apart.
Allison uses her power to cause the lighting rig to be a rush job, and any weight would cause it to collapse, thereby killing the Murder Magicians assistant. Interestingly enough, she says it was a rush job, and given the Rumors power manifests as reality, it's possible her power retroactively changed the past.
Allison's powers are revealed to have inadvertently having created another Rumor. She did not state it as a rumour, but everything she says eventually becomes real.


Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
Shortly after the events of The Past Ain't Through With You, Reginald Hargreeves captures the Murder Magician and sends him to Hotel Oblivion, a "prison" (or really Abraxan, a cosmic trap, with the "prisoners" as bait, see above) located in a pocket dimension. Hargreeves has access to this dimension thanks to a deal he made with the higher powers. Hargreeves also has access to an interdimensional elevator.

(Hotel Oblivion issue #1)

Dr Zoo has soft drinks that allow people to understand and speak different languages. Diego also throws a knife hard enough to embed into the bitumen/cement of the road

(Hotel Oblivion issue #1)

Number 5 falls a considerable distance and lands unharmed.
(Hotel Oblivion issue #1)

The pocket dimension that contains Hotel Oblivion is big enough to contain entire galaxies, and the Scientific Man meditates in orbit. We also see Dr. Terminal devour a cockroach, which would mean converting it to mass-energy (there's also a typo here, saying the average cockroach weighs 925kg; later editions would amend this, saying the average cockroach weighs 925mg).
(Hotel Oblivion issue #3)

A man riding a giant rooster.
(Hotel Oblivion issue #2)

The Minerva warps to Afterspace.
(Hotel Oblivion issue #2)

An example of how Allisons power can also be used as mind control; she made her former husband fall in love with her by using her power. However, their marriage didn't work out.
(Hotel Oblivion issue #2)

As the Murder Magician and Obscura escape Hotel Oblivion, they come across the skeletonized bodies of two alien mammoths, wondering it it was done by a being that they only refer to as their friend, who doesn't need to eat or sleep (this being could refer to either the Scientific Man or even the entity that's later revealed to be the reason Hotel Oblivion was constructed in the first place). We also see just how considerably large these alien mammoths where.

(Hotel Oblivion issue #3)

The Televator entrance can itself teleport (including between dimensions). Obscura uses his powers to vaporize/atomise the Vietnamese criminals who come out of it (however, much like many of the characters in the series, Obscura is also a glass cannon and gets shot and wounded shortly afterwards).

(Hotel Oblivion issue #3)

Klaus unleashes a psychic wave of energy that destroys all the weapons of his attackers.

(Hotel Oblivion issue #3)

The Rumor uses her powers to cause the air ducks of the Perseus Corperation to be filled with countless cockroaches. Interestingly enough, she doesn't seem to say "I heard a rumor..." first (although she could have said so earlier).

(Hotel Oblivion issue #3)

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
Dr. Zoo has treadmills capable of getting someone who's overweight back into shape in hours. He also has a large floating airship the shape of a pufferfish.
(Hotel Oblivion issue #1)

Eiffel Two is the second Eiffel Tower, constructed after the first one was destroyed (during the events of The Apocalypse Suite) and will lead Frances "aggressive plan to explore the cosmos."
(Hotel Oblivion issue #2)
(Hotel Oblivion issue #5)

Obscura can warp holes into walls of considerable thickness.

(Hotel Oblivion issue #4)

The Seance communicates with the ghost of Reginald Hargreeves, who still ignores him. We also see what could be Hargreeves true form.
(Hotel Oblivion issue #4)

Klaus earlier noted that it was hard for him to come in contact with his adoptive father.
(The Apocalypse Suite issue #6)

Klaus also communicated with the ghost of Pogo, a hyper intelligent chimpanzee.
(Dallas issue #2)

Reginald Hargreeves is a wealthy entrepreneur and world-renowned scientist, as well as an inventor (of the Televator, the Levitator, the Mobile Umbrella Communicator & Clever Crisp Cereal), and Olympic Gold Medalist, recipient of the Nobel Prize for work in the cerebral advancement of chimpanzees and a space alien.
(The Apocalypse Suite issue #1)

Medusa is a nuclear robot created by the Perseus Corporation, that can levitate has a beam that can skeletonise people.

(Hotel Oblivion issue #4)

Medusa can levitate people and objects.
(Hotel Oblivion issue #5)

St. Zero is Space Boy's hero, and the reason he originally went into space. Thanks to the effects of Afterspace, he hasn't aged at all in his decades of being trapped in Afterspace. Luther also comments that he's discovered Martian simians on Mars, who are apparently dangerous.
(Hotel Oblivion issue #5)

Dr Zero discovers a tear in the fabric of Afterspace, which leads to the pocket dimension in which Hotel Oblivion is located (being directly called a pocket dimension). Hotel Oblivion is located on one of multiple planets seen in this pocket dimension, with myriad stars floating in the distance.

(Hotel Oblivion issue #5)

The criminals kept captive in Hotel Oblivion escape through the Televator back to Earth. The Televator creates a light so great it's seen from orbit, where the Scientific Man is residing (you can even see the layer of atmosphere around the planet).
(Hotel Oblivion issue #5)

The Scientific Man disintergrates someone then flies away. Allison notes that he would have sensed her and Five, but didn't care about them.

(Hotel Oblivion issue #5)

The mother of Murder Magician's baby transforms into a monster.
(Hotel Oblivion issue #5)

Hotel Oblivion self-heal from any damage it takes.
(Hotel Oblivion issue #5)

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
Obscura has photographic memory (perhaps due to the camera in his head).
(Hotel Oblivion issue #1)

Within Hotel Oblivion, a scanner picks up "an impossible amount" of contact points between locations.
(Hotel Oblivion issue #4)

Dr Terminal eats a man.
(Hotel Oblivion issue #5)

Medusa disintegrates the body of Perseus Senior, and merges with Perseus Junior to become Perseus X, who then flies away.

(Hotel Oblivion issue #6)

Perseus X kills multiple enemies with an energy blast, but then the Scientific Man smashes him into the ground.

(Hotel Oblivion issue #6)

The ghost of Ben says that Klaus is putting a damper on his powers with all the drugs he takes (which does explain how his power fluctuates, as he's not at his best due to being a junkie).
(Hotel Oblivion issue #6)

The Scientific Man overpowers Perseus X, destroying walls & the road with their laser attacks and strikes during their fight.
(Hotel Oblivion issue #6)

Luther flies in and tackles the Scientific Man, and his punch shatters the ground considerably. The Scientific Man the punches Luther, sending him flying into a wall, destroying it.

(Hotel Oblivion issue #6)

The Scientific Man destroys a car.
(Hotel Oblivion issue #6)

The Scientific Man defeats Luther, but Klaus uses his telepathy to move the electric cables to zap the Scientific Man. Given the Scientific Man's hyper conductive molecules, he is particularly vulnerable to electricity.

(Hotel Oblivion issue #6)

The mother of Murder Magician's child uproots a ton of cinema seats and sends them flying.
(Hotel Oblivion issue #6)

Number 5 describes the Rumor's power as semi-flawed and "bordering on the omnipotent."
(Hotel Oblivion issue #6)

Dr. Zoo detects high energy readings from Dr Terminals core moments before he attacks.
(Hotel Oblivion issue #7)

The Rumor uses her power to heal the mother of Murder Magician's baby.

(Hotel Oblivion issue #7)

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
Doctor Terminal continues to devour the city.
(Hotel Oblivion issue #7)
(Hotel Oblivion issue #7)

Medusa tries to take over Perseus, but Perseus flies away, smashing through a wall as he goes.
(Hotel Oblivion issue #7)
Medusa possesses a high-energy reactor that is likely of a nuclear nature, and Space Boy flies after her to prevent her from clashing with Dr Terminal.
(Hotel Oblivion issue #7)

Perseus Junior cuts his arm off with an energy sword to free himself from Medusa. Luther then rips Medusa's reactor out and then throws her at Dr Terminal, causing a massive explosion that kills both villains (said explosion would have been even bigger if her reactor was still intact).

The Sparrow Academy arrive and help finish off the villains who escaped from Hotel Oblivion. We see one turn into a swarm of crows, another who shoots black lasers from their face, super strength and flight.
(Hotel Oblivion issue #7)

Dr Terminal is also referenced in the first season of the TV show, but is yet to make an appearance.

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
Luther dodges laser beam attacks from the Scientific Mans eyes (though I'm not sure if these are real lasers or not).
(Hotel Oblivion issue #6)

The collected edition of Hotel Oblivion which corrects 925kg to 925mg for the average weight of a cockroach.
(Hotel Oblivion issue #1)

Perseus Junior comes from a long line of men named Perseus which apparently goes back to the hero of Ancient Greek Mythology himself.

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
Hazel and Cha-Cha save Christmas is another oneshot focusing on Hazel and Cha-Cha, and how they save Christmas. Explanation of how any collateral the Temps Aeternalis assassinations could risk great time paradoxes, and how on Epsilon-17 during the Dynasty Era, an agent was assassination a Velusian, but an Aphrodite got in the way, which almost lead to a premeture sector annihilation. This would mean the Temps Aeternalis patrol not just the timeline of the Earth, but of the Universe (or at the very least, the local stellar quadrant).

Hazel and Cha-Cha arrive in the past, and Hazel shoots a roof Santa, burning a considerable hole in it.

Santa is not only real, but has made a deal with all the parents of the world to allow him to deliver presents to their children until they are 10, on which point they tell their children Santa isn't real. All the parents of the world fund Santa.

A laser gun creates a small explosion against a Christmas tree.


Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
A missed page from Tales From The Umbrella Academy: Hazel and Cha-Cha Save Christmas of importance. The Temps Aeternalis have recruits from pre-historic races, such as a member of the race who preceded the Great Flood. As punishment, they can wipe someone of memories and dump them in a certain era, such as the Dark Ages.

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
A teenage Kraken throws a screw driver with enough force to embed into a wall.
Klaus possesses someone.
Klaus reveals to a drug dealer the ghosts of all of the rival dealers said dealer has eliminated.

After getting high off drugs, Klaus enters a trance and astral projects into the Void, upon entering he states he flew too close to the Sun. Note his body is in a transparent state back on Earth (that or he's once again manifesting on it).

Klaus talks to a ghost, asking about a grey place that is neither Heaven nor Hell.
(Tales From The Umbrella Academy: You Look Like Death issue #1)