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The Witcher feats thread

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member

An archer shoots several melons, showing his skill and precision.
Letho casts some kind of protection over himself (likely Quen) then throws an ice bomb that freezes the entire ship, save for the king, the archer, two royal guards and the mage who shielded from the attack.
Letho dodges an arrow and the ships crumbles due to being turned to ice.
Letho kills the archer and the royal guards. The mage uses a spell to attack Letho, but he uses the body of one of the guards, which then explodes, and he kills the mage.

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
Thanks to the Ribbon, Syanna is protected from Dettlaff and teleported to the Fablesphere.

Regis and Dettlaff smash through stone battlements in their fight (and this isn't even in Dettlaff's true form).

Dettlaff creates and sustains a blood cocoon.

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
Triss, Sabrina and Keira destroy Stygga castle. The explosion was heard in Maecht, and is seen in Metinna and Geso. The earthquakes were felt all around the world.
‘Right now,’ continued Philippa, ‘the Witcher Geralt is somewhere in Ebbing. Along with Yennefer and Ciri, whom he freed. We ought to ponder over how to find them—’

‘And that castle?’ Sabrina Glevissig interrupted. ‘Haven’t you forgotten something, Philippa?’

‘No, no I haven’t. The legend, if it should arise, ought to have a single, faithful version. Thus I’d like to ask you to do it, Sabrina. Take Keira and Triss with you. Sort out the matter. So that no trace remains.’


The roar of the explosion was heard as far away as in Maecht, and the flash-since it took place at night- was visible even in Metinna and Geso. The series of further tectonic shocks were perceptible even further away. At the remotest ends of the world.
The destruction of Stygga Castle is felt all the way in Oxenfurt from Ebbing, causing considerable earthquakes.
The small group of scholars, constandy being joined by more scholars greedy to see the fruits of Oppenhauser’s thirty years of labours, briskly covered the distance separating them from the laboratory of the famous physicist. They were just about to open the door when the ground suddenly shook. Perceptibly. Powerfully, actually. Very powerfully, actually.

It was a seismic wave, one of the series of earthquakes caused by the destruction of Stygga Castle, Vigefortz’s hide-out, by the sorceresses. The seismic wave had come all the way to Oxenfurt from distant Ebbing.

Dozens of pieces of glass exploded with a crash from the stained-glass window on the frontage of the Department of Fine Arts. The bust of Nicodemus de Boot, the academy’s first rector, scrawled over with rude words, fell from its plinth. The cup of herb tea with which Rotten Eggs was washing down his roll and forcemeat fell from the table. A first-year physics student, Albert Solpietra, fell from a plantain tree in the academy grounds that he had climbed to impress some female medical students.

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
Some notes from the guide of The Witcher 3.

Eredin can indeed call down meteors in the final battle.
Detlaff creates a blood cocoon in the final battle with him (so that's what it was; I thought it was a blood storm) while a blood construct of his attacks you.
Detlaffs strength and speed is described as being "inhuman," "superhuman" and "extreme."
Ekimmara's can move between an etherial plane and the material plane to become invisible and shadowy.
The Wild Hunt can appear where they desire as they can manipulate space and time to move between different worlds.
Not only does Sigo Buntz's tower sustain a storm over An Skellige, but the insides are bigger than the outside.
Gaunter O'Dimm takes you to an unknown realm, which we now have a name for; the Realm of Rumination.
Gaunter O'Dimm's realm of Rumination is refered to as Hell, or a hell reserved just for those who challenge Gaunter O'Dimm.
Information on some of the other worlds visited in game.

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
This was posted by someone else earlier in the thread, but given I also like having things in text? Yennefer conjures a lightning storm and shakes the earth when showing Ciri how to draw on magic from a source (the clouds being said to move at "incredible speeds). She also describes how magic exists everywhere, but also between worlds.
“Remember,” she repeated, “magic is Chaos, Art and Science. It is a curse, a blessing and progress. It all depends on who uses magic, how they use it, and to what purpose. And magic is everywhere. All around us. Easily accessible. It is enough to stretch out one’s hand. See? I’m stretching out my hand.”

The cromlech trembled perceptibly. Ciri heard a dull, distant noise and a rumble coming from within the earth. The heather undulated, flattened by the gale which suddenly gusted across the hill. The sky abruptly turned dark, covered with clouds scudding across it at incredible speed. The girl felt drops of rain on her face. She narrowed her eyes against the flash of lightning which suddenly flared across the horizon. She automatically huddled up to the enchantress, against her black hair smelling of lilac and gooseberries.

“The earth which we tread. The fire which does not go out within it. The water from which all life is born and without which life is not possible. The air we breathe. It is enough to stretch out one’s hand to master them, to subjugate them. Magic is everywhere. It is in air, in water, in earth and in fire. And it is behind the door which the Conjunction of the Spheres has closed on us. From there, from behind the closed door, magic sometimes extends its hand to us. For us. You know that, don’t you? You have already felt the touch of that magic, the touch of the hand from behind that door. That touch filled you with fear. Such a touch fills everyone with fear. Because there is Chaos and Order, Good and Evil in all of us. But it is possible and necessary to control it. This has to be learnt. And you will learn it, Ciri. That is why I brought you here, to this stone which, from time immemorial, has stood at the crossing of veins of power pulsating with force. Touch it.”

The boulder shook, vibrated, and with it the entire hill vibrated and shook.

“Magic is extending its hand towards you, Ciri. To you, strange girl, Surprise, Child of the Elder Blood, the Blood of Elves. Strange girl, woven into Movement and Change, into Annihilation and Rebirth. Destined and destiny. Magic extends its hand towards you from behind the closed door, towards you, a tiny grain of sand in the workings of the Clock of Fate. Chaos extends its talons towards you, still uncertain if you will be its tool or an obstacle in its design. That which Chaos shows you in your dreams is this very uncertainty. Chaos is afraid of you, Child of Destiny. But it wants you to be the one who feels fear.”

There was a flash of lightning and a long rumble of thunder. Ciri trembled with cold and dread.


Was re-reading the books and i thought i'd post this. Missed it the first time.

‘But if,’ Yennefer squinted, ‘in spite of everything, it turns out that Ciri is dead?’
‘She’s alive,’ Crach said firmly. ‘I know that for certain.’
‘You won’t want to give it credence.’
‘Try me.’
‘The blood of the queens of Cintra,’ Crach began, ‘is uncannily bound to the sea. When one of the women of that blood
dies the sea falls into sheer madness. It’s said that Ard Skellig bewails the daughters of Riannon. For the storm is so strong then that the waves striking from the west squeeze through crevices and caverns to the east side and suddenly salt brooks gush from the rock. And the entire island shudders. Simple folk say “See how Ard Skellig sobs. Someone has died again. Riannon’s blood has died. The Elder Blood”.’
Yennefer was silent.
‘It’s not a fairy tale,’ Crach continued. ‘I’ve seen it for myself,
eyes. Three times. Following the death of Adalia the Soothsayer, following the death of Calanthe… And following the death of Pavetta, Ciri’s mother.’
‘Pavetta,’ Yennefer observed, ‘actually perished during a storm, so it’s hard to speak—’
‘Pavetta,’ Crach interrupted, still deep in thought, ‘did not perish during a storm. The storm began after her death. The sea reacted as it always does to the death of one of the Cintran bloodline. I’ve investigated that matter long enough.

Nice little environmental feat for carriers of the Elder Blood.


Another thing i found, this time for Vilgefortz.

Alkyone ’s sail suddenly fluttered so violently that they heard the flapping in spite of the distance separating the longships. The sky turned black and the clouds swirled. The sea, which seemed completely calm around Tamara , churned up and foamed white by Alkyone’s sides. Someone suddenly yelled, someone chimed in, and a moment later everybody was yelling.

A cone of black clouds was striking Alkyone , making it bob on the waves like a cork. The ship twisted, spun, its bow and stern rising and falling into the waves. At times the longship almost completely vanished from sight. At times they could only see the striped sail.
‘It’s magic!’ bawled someone behind Asa’s back. ‘It’s devil magic!’

The whirlpool spun Alkyone around faster and faster. Shields torn from the sides by centrifugal force whirred in the air
The sky above Alkyone turned black, and the blackness suddenly exploded in zigzags of lightning which entwined the longship like a medusa’s tentacles. The clouds, swirling in fantastic shapes, writhed up into a horrendous funnel.

What did you make of my spell? Did you like it when I lifted you and that boat up from the sea? Did you enjoy the flight? What charms did you protect yourself with to survive the fall?’'

Quite impressive seeing as this was done from quite a distance.


Shit Aguaras used to be able to do from SoS :

“Once we had great powers! Illusions of magical islands, dragons dancing in the sky, visions of a mighty army approaching city walls … Once, long ago. Now the world has changed and our abilities have dwindled … And we have grown smaller. There is more vixen in us than aguara. But still, even the smallest, even the youngest she-fox, is capable of deceiving your primitive human senses with an illusion.”

Impressive shit.


So i was going again through the Gwent (the online game) lore and decided to post some of the interesting stuff in there.

Let's start with a little character known as Dana Meadh


She's a character that appears in the books in the "Edge of the World" short story through a human avatar .

She's basically a nature Godess.

Gwent says :

Scroll 1: Sometimes, on a hot summer's day, you might spot the silhouette of a young woman in the heart of a birch grove, surrounded by dancing butterflies with a crown of flowers atop her head. The elves call her Dana Méadbh. To humans, she is Lyfia, or the Queen of the Fields.

Scroll 2: Not even the greatest of the elven sages know who – or what – she truly is. Some consider her a goddess, others – the forces of nature embodied. Though one thing is for certain: without her presence, the Continent would sit as a lifeless rock in the sea.

Scroll 3: It is Dana Méadbh who awakens plants and beasts at the advent of spring, who nurtures the buds of delicate flowers. Wherever she steps, the land bestows its bounty. Where she treads not, stalks snap, flowers wilt, and harvests wane.

Scroll 4: For a long time, Dana Méadbh refused to meddle in the affairs of mortals. She held love for all races. Yet the balance of the world was disturbed and Lyfia sought to restore it. By force, if necessary.

Chest 1: Until recent history, few mortals had ever laid eyes upon Dana Méadbh. It is said she once appeared only in spring or summer, and even then with no guarantee. Some claim she was most likely to be witnessed during the Feast of the Scythe, or Lammas, as the elves call it. She would join in to the harvest dance, even weave marigolds into maidens' braids. Though when the world is bound in ice, as well as in recent memory, Dana Méadbh has begun to appear more frequently… Alas, this is no reason to rejoice, for the Queen of the Fields is angry. Rather than show gratitude for nature's plentiful bounty, the world's inhabitants instead continue to tear and plunder away ever more. The time has come they were taught a lesson – one that shall be remembered for a long, long while

Chest 2: Drawn more to dead rock than living plants and beasts, dwarves possess the weakest connection with nature. Despite this apparent lack of affinity, they too worship Dana Méadbh, yet call her by another name: Bloëmenmagde. They demonstrate their honor by laying wreaths of hops and jars of pickled fungi at a crossroads. None know whether Lyfia, as she is sometimes known, truly enjoys such offerings… But the knockers of the surrounding mountains certainly do

Chest 3: Dana Méadbh sometimes takes the form of a ordinary woman, using her guise to live amongst mortals. She does not speak, as if mute, staying clear of the beaten path, yet observes all with a keen eye. In those villages where the peasantfolk do not weed the poppies and cornflowers from their fields of rye, where they treat their cows to the delight of carrots, Lyfia multiplies their bounty. Yet where peasants treat the land not as mother but slave, so comes the devastation of frost and hail…


Next, The Winter Queen :


She's basically treated as a legend and an analogue to the Wild Hunt in the Books but with CDPR's lore, she's also being treated as Eredin's predecessor as the leader of the Wild Hunt.

Gwent says :

Scroll 1: Even the early generals of the Wild Hunt had no idea how many centuries their Queen had already lived. But elves joked that she was as old as the world—the very one which the Aen Elle had abandoned when the White Frost came.

Scroll 2: Only a few remembered that she once bore only an elven name. Before becoming the Queen of Winter, she was a widely respected sage. Brave, ambitious, and stubborn. She did not even bow to the imminent destruction of the world. Instead of escaping with her people through Ard Gaeth, she decided to face the White Frost by herself.

Scroll 3: Considering the fate of the Alder Folk, it's not difficult to guess the outcome of this clash. Neither the Aen Saevherne's magic nor her knowledge stopped the inevitable. The gene of the Elder Blood, however, was strong enough to moderate the effects of the White Frost and save the elf's life.

Scroll 4: The sage finally returned to the Aen Elle, but she was… changed. There was a perceptible aura of iciness around her, and she was cold to the touch. It took just one look of her to freeze a man to the bone. And everything that was not white snow seemed to be ugly, disgusting, and dull to her.
Among elves, some argued that the White Frost had not so much changed her as became a part of her.

Chest: When the elf sage lost the battle with the White Frost, she escaped to the new world of the Aen Elle, opening the gates on her own—because it was not only her appearance and behaviour that had changed. A power awoke within her, thanks to which she was able to bend time and space to her will. Later on, this power made her the first Navigator, as well as the leader of the Wild Hunt, and gave rise to the legend of the Queen of Winter.

According to the story, the Queen was supposed to traverse the sky during a blizzard, scattering hard, sharp pieces of ice all around. And woe to he who caught a shard in the eye or the heart. For such a person was forever lost, abandoning everything to relentlessly pursue his beloved Queen, and unable to ever reach her, perished of longing.


Next, possibly the most famous and powerful wizard in ze Witcher, and the creator of the Witchers, Alzur.


We already know about his spells , Alzur's Shield, Double Cross, Lightning but he's something else :

He slayed about half of Elander's army :

Gwent says :
'Love!?' shrieked the merchant. 'That's a cartload of horseshite! Love!? This was the man who slaughtered half of Ellander's army, just because he could!'

'So it's true then?' the halfling probed. 'Alzur used his magic to slay an army?'

The dwarf held the lamp's glow up to the painting. 'Aye. Looks that way.'

Used a spell⁠ to summon something dreadfully powerful from, well... another world, I suppose⁠. People talk about how the sky split apart, and a storm of swirling fire swept across the battlefield. But it weren't no dragon or anythin' like that. No... somethin' much worse...' He stroked his moustache. 'Laid waste to their army, whatever it was—a crushin' defeat. And Ellander, well, they had no choice but to surrender outright; gave up the throne of Vizima to the Duke of Maribor the very next day.

Also, a more descriptive text of the summoning of the Viy :

The gaping hole snapped shut in its wake, and the spectrum of vivid light faded from existence. All that remained was the blackened clouds, the blackened landscape, and the blackened silhouette of the colossal monster illumined by the spasmodic lightning. Each flash revealed a fleeting glimpse of the massive centipede wreaking havoc upon the city; its immense mandibles snapping violently as it constricted its long thorax around protruding towers, shattering and smashing them to rubble.

There's more shit to post, i'll get to that when the laziness abates.


More Gwent lore shit , this time regarding Regis.


So, they give us an explanation of how Regis came back after being melted by Vil .

"‘Me and two fellow sorceresses were entrusted with razing Stygga Castle, the seat of the renegade wizard Vilgefortz of Roggeveen. We found the remains of this creature killed by a spell. We tried to regenerate it. And we succeeded.’

‘You resurrected a vampire? For what purpose?’

‘To question him. He could have had important information. Stygga Castle witnessed epochal events that we still do not fully understand.’

‘I’m sure he turned out to be a charming interlocutor.’

‘Not really. Among the humans, he introduced himself as Emiel Regis. There are many indications that this is an ancient, sophisticated creature. But upon awakening, he was driven by blind hunger. Before I could question him more thoroughly, he fled. I apparently underestimated him.’"

So, the Lodge had something to do with it , of course.

But it's absolutely insane that he was brought back not only after being melted , but also after his melted remains had been nuked along with Styga castle.

Vamp regen stronk.
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Also, a severely weakened Regis does this :

"Then why come here?’

‘I met some people who you expelled from their homes. Children, even, were denied shelter.’

Regis closed the door behind him and approached the table. Tentative fingers drifted towards the hilts of swords.

‘Those were the orders,’ said the bearded man.

Regis met his eyes and raised his hand. The bottles on the table trembled.

‘Orders have changed,’ he croaked. ‘This place doesn’t belong to you. You will depart to Vidort without delay. You will forget our meeting and forget that you were ever here.’

The bearded man’s features loosened, and his face lost all expression.

‘Yes, my lord,’ he whispered."


Time for an update.

Got a lot of shit to post from different games/materials and i'm gonna post them as i go through each game/mat , so it's gonna take a while to post everything but anyway,

To start with something simple.

Just wanted to provide some clarification regarding Dagon since i remember people wondering what the hell was it ?

Was it the actual Dagon from Lovecraft's shit ? Or just a random post conjunction creature .

Well, from the Witcher 1's Monsterbook :

In 'The Witcher', Dagon is a minor deity and ruler of the Underwater City. He is worshipped by the vodyanoi and a sect of swamp inhabitants. His horns, framing the head like an aureole, bring to mind ancient demons, while the embellishments on his body emphasize that the vodyanoi are a civilization of thinking creatures rather than another breed of monsters. Dagon's worshippers highly value precious stones, particularly turquoise. The vodyanoi use the latter to make decorative elements for their artworks, clothing and buildings. The eyes of Dagon's statue on Black Tern Island are made of this stone, which also appears in other parts of the temple and on the breast plates of vodyan mages and warriors. The god himself likewise wears turquoise-encrusted adornments.

Also from the Gwent artbook :


Confirming that it was inspired from Lovecraft and not the actual Dagon.

So , still impressive that Geralt managed to drove away a minor deity but it' s not like he actually fought the original.


Something simple next.

From one of the Gwent trailers.

Gaunter doesn't give a shit about breathing underwater or any impediments of moving underwater.

Simple, but its there.

Also, they imply that he was responsible for Duny's/ Ehmyr's downfall and rise which is quite the revelation.