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The Witcher feats thread


The Gold ones got a crappy excerpt from the books so there's nothing new to add.

However, here's something interesting :

So a pretty small Dragon, one with a height of 6 meters (biggest ones can reach up to twenty) can weigh 4 tons which makes this :

A crazy impressive feat for Geralt as Saskia is bigger than 6m so she should weigh even more than 4 tons.

Cool shit.


Again, something simple which pertains to the books.

Gwent now shows up the explosion of Tor Lara

Nice feat for Vilgefortz who survived the explosion and for Ciri ? I don't remember mentions of her being hit by the explosion or if she teleported just before it occured.

Might garner a calc if @Stocking Anarchy wants to do it.

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
Maybe. No promises though.


Next up , gonna bring up some feats from one of the original Witchers .

Erland of Larvik, first Grandmaster of the School of the Griffin.

In one of his first hunts, with having very little knowledge , he single handedly killed twenty Rotfiends

It's important to know that similar numbers can create problems to a fully armed regiment as seen in Thronebreaker .

Next, in a fight against a manticore, the monster literally punches a hole through him and he continues to fight. Note that Manticore venom is among the deadliest in the Witchers's world and there aren't many if any antidotes.

You can clearly see the hole in his chest in this image

Next, in a fight against a Cyclops, he takes a full punch of the thing , gets up like nothing happened

In the same fight, his quen is strong enough to :



Next, i'll tackle Lightning.
Specifically, mage lightning and feats covering said lightning.

I've had discussions and i've seen people in other places trying to downplay the verse by saying that mage lightning isn't the real thing.

I'll try to prove the contrary with the following :

- We know that for mages , summoning lightning storms isn't anything special :

From Yen, in the books :
Ciri heard a dull, distant noise and a rumble coming from within the earth. The heather undulated, flattened by the gale which suddenly gusted across the hill. The sky abruptly turned dark, covered with clouds scudding across it at incredible speed. The girl felt drops of rain on her face. She narrowed her eyes against the flash of lightning which suddenly flared across the horizon.

This was done as a demonstration.

Or Shile in TW2 Karyan fight :

-You can clearly see her summoning a localized and timed storm ( confined to the Kayran's lair and it ends very soon after you killed it so Shile controlls all aspects of it)
-Lightning falls from the sky in order to electrify the water to draw the Kayran out
-You can hear the thunder preceding the ligthning striking.

Or Alzur using it here :

I've also heard that doesn't apply to their normal blasts cuz "muh vertical lightning".

Ok, well let's use Alzur as an example here as well.

Here , you can see Alzur drawing lightning for the sky and casting it

And no, that's not a common animation, it's an animation specific to his lightning shit. i've checked.

To reinforce that . here's also this :

From Alzur's very Grimoire :

There's also the fact that both of these are dodgeable all the same :

Now, i can already hear : "But Rey, That's Alzur's Thunder, Yen herself said that they can't possibly replicate it .

Well, that's false since :

And also since :

The spell is listed in her magic repertoire.

Just to clarify this , the reason why Alzur's Thunder is special :

From on of the books in W1:
"The wizard did not have a chance to finish his research but his experiments revealed the secret of the Thunder and Shield spells. Alzur was able to summon living lightning capable of locating and following its target, and a living shield capable of releasing such lightning. The fools would only see his discoveries as weapons even more powerful than the viy of Maribor or the infamous koshchey. However, I can clearly see that Alzur's Thunder is yet another stop on the path leading to creating a perfect being."

So, if you wanna downplay, fuck off.


Now for one of the most insane and overlooked shit in the whole series.

Sabrina's Curse, or a fourth level blood curse .

We already know its effects :
- Caused an eclipse
-Caused the specters of the slain soldiers to rise and redo the fight in a pocket dimension of sorts that threatened to expand continuisly
-Made a comet appear in the sky..etc

What i find interesting though are the mechanics.
I'll link Dethmold's explanation :

I'll summarize:
-Just to cast it you need an immense ammount of the Power (the magical energy in TW world)
-It's impossible for a single mage to just draw that ammount of Power to cause all of the aforementioned effects
-However, mages found a way to not draw the power directly themselves but to bind it to a place and let it keep accumulating in that place.
-And so Sabrina's curse simply accumulated Power for around three years and the energy accumulated had the power to move literal stars as Dethmold puts it and that was just a side effect because the curse couldn't use all the Power and the power had to be released in someway.

So yeah, this is some really high level shit.

Even though a single mage can't collect and use that much power, it's established that enough of it can affect celestial bodies which should strengthen the claims that characters like Gaunter who are so above anything else in the series can create his own shit with moons and stars and shit.

Maybe the same applies to the nigga who created the Land of a Thousand fables if the illusion itself just kept collecting power.


Now, keeping in mind what we've just discussed , here's this :

The Crimson Curse caused by Detlaff.

We already know that enough ammounts of the Power can affect celestial bodies and Detlaf don't have to wait years in order to collect it to turn the Moon red.

Take that as you will.


Finally, some misc bit feats .

From Thronebreaker, during the second war, the Nilfgard army mages could comand thirty food giant golems that could easily snap trees :



Thronebreaker again has a red Dragon, Keltullis

With one swing of her paw, can snap the necks of three dwarves and bisect a fourth with a bite :

Instantly set half of the snow covered town in flames

Did all of that while being poisoned :

I think this pretty much covers the noteworthy bits from the games and TTRPG , i think i have a couple of more impressive feats to post from the Gwent Tales and the comics, those will come a little later.

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
Saved this thread to the Archive, just in case.