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To Aru Majutsu No Index Feats/Discussion/Analysis Thread - One Othinus To Rule Them All


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
Minus the part about Othinus affecting the religious phases (she only destroyed the phases she created), all of that is fine for now

(She didn't affect/destroy the phases full of beings more powerful than she is, especially when numerous quotes contradict the idea that Magic Gods affect the entirety of existence)
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One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
And if I recall correctly, wasn't Coronzon only battered and bruised after getting jumped by multiple Magic Gods at once in World Rejector land?

I might be getting the order of events mixed up


V.I.P. Member
And if I recall correctly, wasn't Coronzon only battered and bruised after getting jumped by multiple Magic Gods at once?

I might be getting the order of events mixed up
This is her after the fight with Niang-Niang



V.I.P. Member
Probably worth mentioning too that Crowley destroyed that same Phase the Magic Gods were in

Based on Coronzon, who he can’t ever defeat on his own, Aleister should be no stronger than Othinus at best and blatantly weaker than the Magic Gods who he retreated from after battle with more the half his body burnt


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
Coronzon's not really an issue of pure strength(not that she lacks it), but because she's basically unkillable and immune to most forms of magic (among other things)

And even then, destroying the Hidden World and fighting with multiple full power Magic Gods (who are infinitely stronger than Othinus) and not even dying once puts him WAY above Othinus, reasonably speaking

Othinus < nerfed MGs/Coronzon with an avatar/NT Aleister (in no particular order)
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V.I.P. Member
Everything I posted is ripped straight from Baka Tsuki and I doubt anyone’s going to actually read it to confirm

I’ll think about it once I make the thread, in the mean time any further comments about what to add?


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
tbh not really

you could bring up the Four Worlds stuff but the scaling ultimately remains the same even without that specification as to how the cosmology is structured


V.I.P. Member
Coronzon's not really an issue of pure strength(not that she lacks it), but because she's basically unkillable and immune to most forms of magic (among other things)
It is when Magic Gods can just raw power through her immunity
And even then, destroying the Hidden World and fighting with multiple full power Magic Gods (who are infinitely stronger than Othinus) and not even dying once puts him WAY above Othinus, reasonably speaking
They were playing with him. Even while infinitely nerfed, High Priest was ready to throw down with him yet again.

Othinus < nerfed MGs/Coronzon with an avatar/NT Aleister (in no particular order)
Disagree on Aleister and Othinus might as well = Coronzon since whenever their powers are compared, it’s stated they rival each other


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
"she's unkillable and immune to most forms of magic"
"Magic Gods raw power through her immunity"

Othinus is equal to Coronzon yet Coronzon fights with people who are stronger than Othinus

make up your mind pls


V.I.P. Member
"she's unkillable and immune to most forms of magic"
"Magic Gods raw power through her immunity"

Othinus is equal to Coronzon yet she fights with people who are stronger than Othinus

bro what
Shows her immunity has limits. Who? Aiwass and Nerfed Magic Gods you can argue are stronger but honestly not by much.


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
Shows her immunity has limits. Who? Aiwass and Nerfed Magic Gods you can argue are stronger but honestly not by much.
I never said it didn't.

NT18's narration directly says even without a proper vessel, Aiwass is > Othinus, to a significant degree at that.
And he shows this by crushing Touma's entire arm and the Invisible Thing that bursts through it, while Othinus only destroyed Touma's wrist.

"Not by much" is underselling them quite a bit.


V.I.P. Member


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
- NT18

Aiwass crushes the Invisible Thing after Touma's entire arm gets damaged.

Said manifestation of the Invisible Thing being much stronger than the one Othinus crushed, because it gets stronger over time and the damage to Touma's arm is much greater in this case, as you know.

And then...

- also NT18

After Aiwass is hyped up by the narration, Aleister THEN uses the Blasting Rod to amplify Aiwass even further.


V.I.P. Member
- NT18

Aiwass crushes the Invisible Thing after Touma's entire arm gets damaged.

And then...
Literally compared to what Othinus did

- also NT18

After Aiwass is hyped up by the narration, Aleister THEN uses the Blasting Rod to amplify Aiwass even further.

After whatever work Aleister was done with Aiwass. Again, you can argue he’s stronger sure but based on Coronzon, still in the same general tier as Othinus


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
Literally compared to what Othinus did

After whatever work Aleister was done with Aiwass. Again, you can argue he’s stronger sure but based on Coronzon, still in the same general tier as Othinus
Yeah except it's a much, much better feat lol

The narration makes it abundantly clear that it's referring to Aiwass in the here and now though, not a hypothetical version that doesn't exist yet


V.I.P. Member
Yeah except it's a much, much better feat lol

The narration makes it abundantly clear that it's referring to Aiwass in the here and now though, not a hypothetical version that doesn't exist yet
Built up and clearly not based on the story so far making it so Crowley relies on nerfing the Magic Gods to beat them and Coronzon being able to beat an even stronger Aiwass shortly afterwards (Coronzon and Aiwass fight in outer space, where he gets a boost from)


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
what does any of that have to do with them being much stronger than Othinus

I never said Aiwass in NT was at his full, true Gremlin stopping power, that's stupid and obviously doesn't make sense