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To Aru Majutsu No Index Feats/Discussion/Analysis Thread - One Othinus To Rule Them All

Cryso Agori

V.I.P. Member
OT Vol 2 Chapter 1, part 1.

Misawa Cram School motive.

Even with a brain transplant espers cannot change their ability.

Such idiocy. They cannot change their developed power even with a brain transplant."

Crowley knows about IB.

Izzard appeared and complicated the situation by usurping Misawa Cram School.

Crowley says IB is a magician's natural enemy.

Crowley's reasoning to team up Touma with Stiyl.

Stiyl cannot understand what Crowley's thinking.

Crowley does not seem to treasure Touma.

However, Aleister did not seem to treasure the precious Imagine Breaker at all. It was as if he were giving a saint a number of trials. He was like a heavy hammer striking a piece of scorching metal into the shape of a powerful sword.

Deep Blood is a myth to even magicians.

Magicians use their lifeforce to cast magic, but while magicians have finite lifeforce, vampires have infinite lifeforce and as such infinite magical energy.

One vampire is compared to a global nuclear calamity.
They were, for certain, not the feeble creatures depicted in fiction that could be dealt with by a cross or sunlight. In fact, one was enough to initiate a nuclear-level global calamity.

Crowley compares Esper Powers to schrodinger's cat.

Just like Esper powers Deep Blood is the same.

Esper powers change the macro and micro, Crowley wants to replicate esper powers.

Crowley really believes machines can replace humans.

Stiyl trembled. The human before him truly believed that machines could replace all human actions.

To this human, which parts were mechanical?

To this human, which parts were human?

Crowley says Deep Blood proves vampires exist, if that's the case then what does Imagine Breaker prove?

Part 2

Himegami says she's not a miko but a spell caster.

Touma and the gang are suddenly surrounded by ten people, no one notices.

All the people had emotionless expressions, so does Himegami.

The people are Misawa Cram school teachers.

Part 3

Index can sense magic and rituals.

Stiyl approaches Touma.

Stiyl distracted Index with Opila runes.

"Ah, don't worry about Index, I just used Opila runes. She probably just detected the magic flow and went to take a look."

Touma grasps knowledge of runic magic despite losing his memories.

Touma instinctively senses danger and blocks Stiyl's attack.

Touma is frightened by his ability to block the flame sword without prior warning.

Touma's previous battle knowledge comes to him.

Opila runes keep people away, allowing Stiyl's explosion to go unnoticed.

Stiyl has a letter opening spell.

Stiyl explaining Misawa Cram School.

Touma reviewing the information in the letter.

Scientific worship in Academy City.

Izzard is a Zurich alchemist.

Izzard took over Misawa because it's convenient.

Originally, Misawa Cram School captured Himegami to act as a miko, Stiyl states that miko's can be sacrificed to summon higher class beings.

Izzard was already targeting Deep Blood, and simply wanted to abduct her, Misawa and him confronted each other however and Izzard took it over.

Touma compares Izzard to a master thief.

Getting Deep Blood is the wish of all magicians. Deep Blood can kill vampires.

Stiyl fears vampires, no one has ever seen one cause they died from vampire.

Touma compares vampires to hidden terrorists.

Stiyl continued to rant on but Kamijou, who still had not accepted the term vampire, could understand nothing. In the end, he could only think that they were dealing with hidden terrorists all over the world.

Stiyl tells Touma about the Kabbalah.

All beings have 'soul levels' humans can rise through the ranks with training but will hit a wall they can't climb.

In order to go above the 'wall' magicians can borrow power from inhuman beings.

Stiyl explains vampire immortality.

Stiyl says that it's not their job to confirm the existence of vampires.

Himegami's past.

Deep Blood can kill vampires.

Touma has great instincts.

Stiyl's papers are made to burn after reading.

Index will be taken away from Touma if he refuses.

Touma's reaction to Deep Blood actually being the miko he met in the fast food place.

Between the Lines 1​

(these are like interludes.)

Lancer Squadron of the 13 Knight Squads of England is a recon team

The British museum is called the Arsenal, has a bunch of magic artifacts.

The knight's equipment.

None wants to believe vampires exist.

The power and immortality of a vampire.

Himegami killed more than 10 to 20 vampires.

Himegami is unharmed.


Cryso Agori

V.I.P. Member
OT Volume 2 Chapter 2 Part 2

Stiyl sets up Innocentius barrier in Touma's dorm.

Touma has no knowledge of fighting Stiyl, but knows how Innocentius works. Stiyl says that if the barrier is too strong Index will notice it.

Stiyl states Izzard's ancestor was powerful.

Izzard's ancestor is Paracelsus

Stiyl says that Izzard shouldn't be this strong.

Touma doesn't think they should shrug off Izzard's capabilities.

Alchemy isn't actually a form of magic but more akin to a science.

The final goal of alchemists is to simulate the world in their brain.

This can be done by bringing the imaginary into the real world, which is already something magicians can do.

Stiyl says that completing such a spell would take centuries. But a vampire with longevity could live long enough to complete the spell.

Stiyl says that Izzard shouldn't be able to do that and should simply be able to turn the school into a fortress.

Stiyl knows Izzard.

Stiyl explains Izzard's proffession.

Part 3

Misawa Cram School description.

Stiyl states there's a secret room covered up by an illusion or spell.

Stiyl despite being an expert magician can't sense anything wrong with the building from the outside.

Stiyl says the plan is to walk through the front door.

Stiyl says that even if he uses presence-concealing magic, Izzard would be able to sense it, while Touma would always be sensed due to IB.

Stiyl states that Izzard's magic is weaker than Dragon Breath which IB negated, and due to using Innocentius around Touma's dorm he can only use a flame sword.

Touma and Stiyl enter Misawa Cram.

Touma notices a 'robot' he seems to be the only one to notice.

The 'robot' is a corpse.

The corpse is one of the 13 knights.

Stiyl is unperturbed by the sight.

The knight is still alive.

The students don't notice the dying knight, Touma tries to touch one of the students, and nearly has his arm dislocated.

Stiyl explains why they can't interact with the students, and why the students can't interact with them.

Touma tries to negate the boundary but is unable to due to the core of the magic being separate similar to Innocentius.

Stiyl the priest sends the knight to heaven.

Part 4

Stiyl and Touma are fatigued due the effects of the building.

Things on 'the back of the coin' can't interact with things 'in front of the coin.'

Stiyl states that Izzard is the type to destroy the enemy in one go.

The call goes through.

Index knows nothing of tech due to her memory loss.

Stiyl explains Touma's position.

Part 5

Stiyl and Touma find the secret room but are unable to open it due to the boundary.

The boundary can be removed by killing Izzard.

Stiyl and Touma go down to the cafeteria.

Stiyl mentions finding the secret entrance, which causes the students in the cafeteria to look at them.

The students were on the 'back of the coin' and were the first safety.

The students cast magic.

Touma can't block all the magic.

The magic used is the gregorian chant.

Stiyl splits from Touma, using him as a decoy

Cryso Agori

V.I.P. Member
Touma is stopped by a girl.

The girl and the other students are espers, meaning using magic damages them.

Touma decides to save the girl.

The balls hone in on Touma but stop when Himegami appears.

Part 6

Stiyl can easily sense magic.

Stiyl destroys the core hidden in the wall by forcing flames into it.

Espers can't use magic repeated again.

Fake Izzard says that he lured Stiyl.

Fake Izzard's appearance. Stiyl says he isn't a fighter.

Stiyl says the entire building is his magic tool.

Fake Izzard instantly turns a student into molten gold.

Stiyl calls Limen Magna meaningless.

Izzard hits Stiyl multiple times but isn't affected, Izzard is a fake created by the real Izzard.

Stiyl insults the fake Izzard.

What Izzard had been stabbing was a mirage made by flames.

Stiyl cuts off fake Izzard's leg and arm. Fake Izzard floods the floor with molten gold.

Fake Izzard can manipulate the molten gold, Stiyl easily blocks it with his flame sword. But is forced to make a detour due to the molten gold.

Part 7

Himegami has experience in medical knowledge.

Fake Izzard replaces his limbs with gold.

Fake Izzard turns the students into gold.

Fake Izzard creates a molten tsunami of gold.

Touma blocks the dart with his right hand, he isn't turned to gold but his hand is burned.

The dart turns to dust after being negated by IB.

Izzard aims for Touma's head and starts shooting the darts like a machine gun with less than a fifth of a second. Touma is able to block though.

Izzard suggests it would take a magic absorbing chant or the lance of longinus to destroy Limen Magna.


The speed of the darts double.

The dart hits the girl Himegami was holding.

Touma grabs Fake Izzard's chain with his left hand. His instinct tells him it doesn't have the same effect as his darts.

Touma drags Izzard into the molten gold.

Touma jumps at Izzard despite the molten gold.

Part 8

No matter how much mana Fake Izzard put into his darts IB still was able to negate the spell.

Fake Izzard plans to turn the rest of the students to gold and dump it on the two.

Touma appears before Fake Izzard.

Touma vs Fake Izzard.

Touma chokes Izzard with his own chain.

The Fake Izzard was negated by IB.

Stiyl burns Fake Izzard.

Part 9

Index figured out how to use the hot water supply for baths.

Index notices Stiyl's runes and can track the mana. Runs to Misawa Cram School.


Cryso Agori

V.I.P. Member
Chapter 3 part 1

Stiyl hid himself, and checked every secret entrance.

Stiyl realizes Himegami was willingly helping Izzard.

Stiyl was befuddled by Touma's reaction to his 'betrayal' cause he already tried to nearly kill him before.

Someone sneaks up behind Stiyl.

“I don’t understand. Why are you so anxious?” inquired an icy voice behind Stiyl.

“…” Stiyl slowed turned his head. He knew what would have happened if he let an enemy sneak behind him.

Behind Stiyl Magnus stood…

Index tracks Stiyl all the way to Misawa Cram.

Index immediately figures out the building is not normal.

To be blunt, it was an obviously abnormal building that feigned normality. Its intentions were clear.

The planet also has power. In the west it's called Telesma in the east it's Feng Shui.

Just like how Magicians convert their life force(crude oil) to mana(gasoline), the planet's energy goes through a similar process. Because the energy is spread all over the earth it's not much. And the 'lifespan' of the planet is much longer than that of a human. It is possible to convert this energy into something more powerful using a temple or shrine.

Normal people and even magicians can't sense the energy of the planet only those specially trained can sense it. Index herself can't sense anything from the school.

The power filled the world like air and ordinary people (magicians included as well) could not feel it. Only specially trained magicians or Feng Shui masters could see the force. However, there was no such energy in the four buildings before Index.

Because there's an absence of 'planetary energy'.

Imagine Breaker can return the world's power back to the earth. And is considered natural.

The school however was different.

However, the magic tower differed. It was like a city of stone and steel formed after cutting down a forest through forced methods. It was an ugly representation of urbanization.

Stiyl was unable to sense the difference, because he refined mana from his own life force. Index who didn't was able to sense it.

The boundary didn't prevent enemies from entering but leaving. Index compares it to a pyramid.

“This isn’t a boundary preventing enemies from invading but a boundary to prevent escape. Hm… It’s like an Egyptian pyramid…” muttered the white nun and walked through the automatic doors.

Index feels the atmosphere change entering the building and sees the dead knight.

The armor the knight was wearing is called the Surgical Armor. Which is imbued with magic that allowed it to absorb physical attacks. But was weaker against magical attacks. However whoever killed the man did it physically, meaning they overwhelmed the magic.

Index thinks whoever did this either knew nothing about magic or was crazy.

…Either someone doesn’t know anything about magic or he’s just really crazy.

Index again compares the building to a pyramid and thinks that magicians capable of breaking the Surgical Armor are powerful enough to summon archangels or metal golems.

A badly disfigured human appears out of a suitcase and leaps at Index.

The real Izzard appears and crushes the monster simply by saying it.

The magic real Izzard uses is one that forces the surroundings to follow the user's words.

The real Izzard has acupuncture holes on his neck.

The magic Izzard used is the Golden Ars Magna.

Chapter 3 part 2

Touma made a detour to get past the gold and doesn't think he can save the students.

Himegami tells Touma that the Izzard he defeated was fake. Touma realizes that it may be true.

Touma doesn't want to fight anymore though. The real Izzard has way more needles and is more powerful.

Himegami says Izzard wouldn't stop Touma from leaving.

“The real one is only interested in what he wants. I don’t think he’d stop you if you went home.” Himegami’s calming tone finally soothed Kamijou’s rampaging mood. However, something she said seemed strange.

Himegami tells Touma she's there out of her volition.

Touma thinks Himegami had Stockholm Syndrome.

What’s going on? There are psychological cases where imprisoned or monitored hostages have felt mysterious sympathy for criminals. Is Himegami like that?

Himegami explains that she stayed with Izzard so vampires won't sense her.

Vampires are just like humans, and came to Academy City to research Deep Blood.

Izzard may be able to recreate the Walking Church which would hide Deep Blood.

Izzard wants to attract a vampire to capture to save Index.

The real Izzard appears and Touma realizes that Izzard is different than the Izzard he fought.

Touma senses danger from Izzard.

Izzard instantly covers 30 meters and get between Himegami and Touma.

Izzard creates a infinite distance between him and Touma.

Izzard stabs himself with a needle.

Izzard was about to make Touma disappear but Himegami stops him.

Deep Blood is actually just a type of blood that attracts and kills vampires and is useless against anything else.

Himegami threatens to kill herself.

Izzard dealt with Index.

Izzard tells Touma to forget everything.


Cryso Agori

V.I.P. Member
Chapter 3 part 3

Touma forgot everything about Misawa Cram.

Touma thinks he's fine physically.

Touma despite having lost his memories of Misawa Cram still feels something about it.

Touma touches his head with his right hand, which returns his memories.

Touma remembers.

Touma runs back to Misawa Cram and realizes that the streets are empty.

Touma sees people from the Church in front of the school.

The people are from the same Church as the dead knight.

The Church will use a real Gregorian Chant to bombard the school.

Touma tries to bargain with 'Lancelot' and not use the Gregorian Chant.

The spell clears the clouds and destroys two buildings. Said to be a 'pillar of flaming arrows'.

Izzard reverses the destruction of Misawa Cram and aims it at the Knights.

Touma enters the building and finds the students are fine even after being killed or bombarded.

Touma finds Stiyl who also had his memory erased.

Touma is afraid of touching Stiyl with IB because if Stiyl was killed and brought back IB would negate the resurrection. Touma stats that IB was unable to affect the infinite distance Izzard created.

Stiyl wasn't killed.

Stiyl gets his memories back.

Chapter 3 part 4

Izzard reversed everything with a single sentence.

Izzard's personality had changed. But he doesn't care.

Izzard wants to save Index. His job was to write modern Grimoires. And he thought he was helping people.

But the truth is that the Roman Catholic Church used them for malicious gains.

Aureolus escaped the church to go England where he met Index.

Grimoires intoxicate the body and corrodes the mind.

Izzard's reasons for seeking out Deep Blood and learning Golden Ars Magna.

Stiyl explains magic shouldn't be able to do what Izzard is doing and again says Ars Magna is impossible due to the time it would take.

Touma and Stiyl realizes that Ars Magna might have a weakness.

Stiyl figures out Izzard's aim.

Chapter 3 part 5

Izzard sees no value in his own creations.

Izzard's plan is to turn Index into a vampire.

Stiyl goes insane after learning Touma already saved Index.

Index wakes up, and causes Izzard to go even more insane.

Izzard is unable to attack Index and instead focuses on Touma and Stiyl.

Izzard causes Touma and Stiyl to be smashed into the floor. Touma tries to touch his body with IB to negate the effect.

Himegami moves between Touma and Izzard. Touma negates the pressure on his body.

Izzard kills Himegami with a word.

IB negates Himegami's death.

Touma strengthens his resolve.

Between the lines 2

Himegami's blood kills a bunch of vampires.

Himegami coming back to life.


Cryso Agori

V.I.P. Member
Chapter 4

Touma can close 10 meters in 4 steps.

Aureolus tells Touma to suffocate, his right hand could not negate the effect when he touched his throat.

Touma negates the effect by reaching into his throat, which takes five seconds.

Aureolus tries to electrocute Touma from all directions, Touma is able to negate the effect.

Aureolus summons ropes to strangle Touma and tries to crush him with a car. Touma negates both.

Aureolus's attacks are predictable because he states them. Unfortunately, Aureolus realizes this.

Aureolus figures out Touma needs to touch something with IB to negate it.

Aureolus makes a gunsword.

Aureolus's gun shoots magic bullets faster than 'human motion recognition' and is said to be faster than Fake Izzard's Limen Magna. Touma is unable to react.

Aureolus creates ten rifles.

Touma tries to run but stops when he sees Stiyl and Himegami.

Izzard fires, the bullets move so fast you couldn't see it even with video editing software. Touma was sent flying 7 meters into Stiyl's body but was still able to move because Izzard purposely held back out of sadism.

Izzard is happy.

Apparently happy with the outcome, Aureolus raised a hand at Kamijou.

Stiyl distracts Izzard by asking about Ars Magna, Izzard was able to complete the chant by having the students of Misawa Cram do it with the Gregorian Chant, even multiplying the magic by 120.

Izzard finished the chant for Ars Magna in half a day. And was able to bring back the students when they died due to performing the spell.

Touma distracts Izzard by throwing his phone which Izzard takes the time to turn into a pebble.

Izzard summons a gun, Stiyl distracts him by yelling Innocentius. Izzard makes him float. Touma stops.

Stiyl yells out Izzard's weakness, and Izzard makes him explode but keeps his blood vessels intact and keeps him alive. Index faints and Touma tries to keep himself from being paralyzed.

Touma starts to decipher what the acupuncture is for.

Touma figures out the truth about Golden Ars Magna.

Izzard cuts off Touma's right arm.

Touma feels no pain from having his arm cut off and comes to the ultimate conclusion.



V.I.P. Member
So since this is a huge respect thread and discussion will likely get flooded by all the novel quotes. I was thinking of making a general discussion thread just talking about the novels and various spin-offs with minimal use of quotes at best. It can be about anything concerning the series though.

Cryso Agori

V.I.P. Member
You can if you want, but I feel it's better to keep things in one place.

Cryso Agori

V.I.P. Member
Chapter 4, part 2

Touma starts laughing crazily.

Aurelous initially did not feel fear but was instead dissatisfied.
What… What’s going on? Aureolus was more dissatisfied than afraid. Though he did not know what thoughts ran through the boy’s head, the victor was already decided. In which case, there was no reason to feel unhappy.

Aurelous shoots a magic sword to crush Touma's head. The sword is aimed at his eye and the 'bullet' is called out to be low-velocity.

The bullet somehow misses.

Aurelous repeats this with 10 bullets and still misses.

Touma is still smiling and walking toward Izzard.

Izzard starts feeling anxiety.

Izzard creates an infinite amount of guillotines.

Izzard is unable to control his doubts.

Izzard drops his needles.

Explanation of Ars Magna weakness.

Izzard loses control of his doubts.

Touma terrifies Izzard.

A dragon comes out of Touma's stump. It is said to be like Imagine Breaker revealing its true form.

Izzard's anxieties reverse Stiyl's manglement.

Izzard tries to will the dragon to disappear but t doesn't work.


Touma's arm was reattached.

Stiyl lived cause despite his body being exploded his blood vessels were unharmed.

The insane Touma was Touma acting after realizing how to beat Izzard.

Stiyl despite being turned into a human constellation was still able to use his magic to create illusions so Izzard would miss as he did in the beginning of the fight.

Stiyl thinks the dragon was a illusion, Izzard didn't die, but was mind-broken and lost his memories.

Touma thinks the dragon is unrelated to Izzard powers. Which it is.