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TYPE-Moon/Nasuverse Feats/General Thread - People Die If They Are Killed Edition

Of course more wishful thinking... but selling Tsukihime merch at all globally could mean something... possibly?
Apparently Crimson King has brought some more evidence from the Turas Realta Manga of how ridiculous it has gotten(Of course, all it really does is again prove the obvious)

The Grand Canyon is just gone from the battle that happened:
Located in Arizona, Grand Canyon National Park encompasses 277 miles (446 km) of the Colorado River and adjacent uplands. The immense Grand Canyon is a mile (1.6 km) deep, and up to 18 miles (29 km) wide.

Apparently the entire Singularity would have collapsed if Caladbolg would have kept going so it was a far more ludicrous feat than I thought it was.

And like before, they casually slash through Plateaus and shatter them as well.


V.I.P. Member

Damn, they really did this fight in the Manga even more justice than the Anime.
Chiron used his Centaur form to make up for Achilles speed and then basically did him as dirty as he did Hektor

This is a true fight between A+ Tier Servants.

Also Chiron just implied he could go faster than Achilles in his horse form :skully

Cryso Agori

V.I.P. Member
Saw that this didn't been posted yet.

Apparently in Case FIles Rin's decided to copy Shirou.

From fallacies.

However, my gaze was stolen away by something else.
 One group of the scarlet feathers what had been diverted away was descending in the bearing of Master, Rin, and company.



 Instantly, Ruo Lon's expression did likewise distort —
 for she; for Yakou Akira was [there?] being carried.

「Brennender HimmelThink upon the Burning Heavens (熾天, shiten, lit. "burning heavens"; generally in reference to 熾天使, shitenshi, "seraph")」

 So was a whisper loosed.
 It was as of Rin's lips.

「Ich kenne den KreisThat would be as a ring; Die Blumen beschützen michthe Flower doth protect me; Der Wächter des alten Schlosses ist unerschütterlichthe guardian of the ancient castle is unshakeable.」

 A potent, quick incantation.
 Unto the scarlet feathers, Rin did raise her hand, releasing forth a Mystery.

「Eine Blume blüht in meinen HändenThe Flower doth bloom by mine hand; Aias der Telamonier!in the name of Aias」

 That what was wrought by the six-verse incantation stiled by breath.

(Sakura ... ?)

 Momentary, I thought of the flower of this country.
 It was truly regretful, as I was quite taken with them, seeing them on a television programme in England several days before coming to this country, but I knew that this species of flower could only be seen in the spring.

 Borne of five large petals, it was thaumaturgy more appropriately called a canopy (天蓋, tengai) than a shield.
 Certainly, Ruo Lon's scarlet feathers did incapable of collapsing that flowerthaumaturgy burn away to dissipation against its surface.
 Before that did Master widen his eyes.

「A spell protocol what imitates the shield of Aias, is it?」

「I stated that I'd assume responsibility, did I not?
 This would be a deployment of a defensive spell protocol what I hold in reserve.
 Though, it makes use of a year's worth of my savings!」

 A smile ample of confidence was graven upon Rin's lips.
 Aias should've referred to a hero of Grecia —
 perhaps associated with a legendary shield said to be capable of defending against the spear of Hector, the strongest warrior of Troia.

 In any case, it was without a doubt that this magecraft was invested with such a sentiment alone —
 sufficiently so that it could be asserted that it wouldn't easily yield, even in battle against [the likes of] Divine Spirits or dragonkind.

Rin's imitation of Rho Aias is powerful enough that it could block attacks from Divine Spirits and Dragons. That's like country to planetary right?

Also, she can project Gems now.


Rin's new technique, Pseudo-Edelsteine (疑似宝石, giji houseki, "pseudo-gemstone"), which applies Projection to create short-lived gemstones expended as catalysts to the purpose of "polarizing" her mana.
Somehow, this permits that she can rapidly — casually — cast spells aspected to particular Elemental Affinities, capable of contending against spell protocols expressing substantial mana capacity, and equivalent in standing to the sort of spells a Brand could deploy.
As expected, Rin is basically just genderbent Paracelsus.

And some stuff about Rhongo and Typhon.
I WAS gonna bring it up but I forgot to do so but apparently, she needed plenty of raw Materials to make something equivalent to Rho Aias.
Either way though, it's still unbelievable considering the bullshit done with Rho Aias even with Archer's weakened version.

Rin's imitation of Rho Aias is powerful enough that it could block attacks from Divine Spirits and Dragons. That's like country to planetary right?

Dragons at Minimum is Country and Divine Spirits(outside of Euryale and Stheno because everyone pretends they are like them when they are explicit exceptions) are basically Multi-Continental/Planetary depending on the Divine Spirit.
I'm gonna go back into doing my Archives because I'm getting WAY too close to the deadline that is Lostbelt 5.2 and I don't want to be stuck here doing nothing and still be behind putting all of this shit here.

But before that(And adding in Threadmarks), I'm gonna be adding in some WEBPs of the Camelot movie I found in SB for easier collection use for anyone who hasn't done it here yet:

No time to talk, time for FIRE!
Here's Surtr:


Character from FGO Materials VII
A blazing giant appearing in Norse Mythology.
A dark being.
A representative of the giants living in Muspelheim, a world of flame. In Ragnarok, Scandinavia’s endgame war, he is the one to burn in flames. It can be said that his character was inspired by a volcano and its eruptions.
The doomsday device was born to provide the extinction of all life. The Primordial Titan (Ymir)’s destructive nature is not recorded in the Pan-Human History’s legends. The person that mostly inherited it all is Surtr.
A being from Lost History. Establishing disaster at the core of the Scandinavian Lostbelt’s world. In the Age of Gods, he ate Fenrir, the giant wolf who beared the same destruction as himself, and he decided to deviate from the pre-established Ragnarok (the one identical with Pan-Human History), so he attempted to burn the entire planet instead of only Scandinavia. It’s possible to say that deed was the first step to a pruning phenomenon without a future. However, when he was about to start the planet’s incineration, he was met with opposition from the gods ,starting with the Almighty Odin. The battle ended with no winner, as Surtr managed to annihilate them all but his body was sealed inside a 「false sun」. That world was supposed to have been pruned right there, but...
Surtr plans the「planet’s incineration」once again with the world existing as a Lostbelt. In the beginning he concealed his true form inside of the Heroic Spirit Sigurd; replaced his personality, accept Ophelia as his master; behaving as Scandinavia’s strongest knights wielding the demonic sword Gram, but--------- In the end he reveals his true self, he merges with the 「fake sun」floating in the skies of Scandinavia. He takes the form as the enormous flaming titan and plans the greater doomsday that surpasses the past doomsday....the incineration of all landmass on Earth.

As stated from his own mouth, Surtr IS Muspelheim itself, not just it's King or a being born from it.
Surtr attempted to connect his true body, Muspelheim through the vacancy that was the lost Sun to help him destroy the entire Planet.
Odin ultimately sealed away his body before he and the rest of the Gods perished in the battle and Surtr's Soul was sealed in the "False Sun" as a result

As stated in the Materials and by Scathath Skadi, Surtr inherited Ymir's destructive side and is literally created to destroy the Scandinavian Age of The Gods.

Here, Da Vinci states that Surtr is not a physical Calamity like Ivan The Terrible and is more of a Conceptual Calamity meant to destroy the World(which explains why it's impossible to really grasp it)

Here(In video format), due to Ophelia's Mystic Eye seeing him due to looking into the Lostbelt anchoring his soul to her eye, she inadvertently allowed him to possess Sigurd's body and soul in the process.

Here, Da Vinci mentions that how it's size changes due to how it's viewed(meaning it's impossible to truly perceive how huge it is but at the same time, it's definitely huge for obvious reasons.

Here, his Heat Mirage is so strong that not even the Shadow Border's instruments can show how tall he truly is.

Here, both Goredolf and Napoleon believe Surtr is far closer after breaking out of his prison than he looks(which again shows how ridiculous the sheer heat he gives off is.)

Here, Surtr shows he communicates through Magecraft telepathically.

Here, We also know that the only Primordial Rune he knows(most likely taken from Sigurd) is the Death Rune(Which he also uses as Sigurd-Surtr).

Here, we ultimately see Surtr do something to Ophelia that ultimately causes her to become his puppet until Napoleon snaps her out of it later.

Base Surtr's Strength?

Here, he effortlessly crushes the Giants that are under him and his "light" instantly melts the Ice Beasts that near him.

Here, Mash's Ortinax can't handle his flames as Da Vinci notes it's like being submerged in lava and she would be long dead if it wasn't for the Magical Energy laced in the Ice and Snow(Da Vinci DOES note the Ortinax is meant for Extreme heat in the NATURAL World meaning it's just a metaphor and Surtr's flames are far hotter than being in deep lava.

Here, Holmes states that while Surtr's flames aren't on par with a Star, but he's quite close to it without using his Noble Phantasm nor it's True Name Release(Which fits closer to the actual temperature Surtr can do).

Surtr-Fenrir(Yay, he gets even more ridiculous...)

Here, Surtr eating the Lostbelt Tree Sombrero regained his access back to Fenrir's Authority.

Here(And Video Confirmation from Sigurd's end), we later get after he ate The Tree of Emptiness, due to being in Sigurd's Spirit Origin for a long time, he became one with The Evil Dragon Phenomenon and slowly becoming Fafnir as well.

Here, Surtr(and Skadi Here) confirms that he torn apart and ate Fenrir after he devoured the Sun out of the Reality of the Age of the Gods of Scandinavia.(For those wondering, Fenrir only gained the Ice Authority after eating a chunk out of Niflheim, it doesn't have it normally)

Here, Ophelia is completely stunned seeing all of this unfolding, wondering if it's either the Paper Moon allowing all of these impossibilities to happen(Surtr being able to just devour the Tree of Emptiness just like that, regaining his lost Authority, forced a Spirit Origin Ascension in the process on top of gaining Fenrir's Authority AND being Fafnir at once). For the record, it's just obvious that Divine Spirits/Gods are just built that different.

Fenrir-Surtr's Strength?

Here, Him simply taking Ophelia to one of the Towns causes the Lostbelt to slowly be destroyed, Seas drying up and Mountains being destroyed.
Here, Ophelia believes it's due to the "Maggots"(Concept of Destruction) that's causing things to be destroyed in the Lostbelt everytime he takes a step.

The Sword that’s like the Sun that Causes Calamities (Lævateinn)
Rank: A
Type: Anti-Fortress Noble Phantasm
Range: 1~50
Maximum Targets: 1~100 People

A syncretism between the sword of flames regarded as Surtr’s armament, the sword of the sun owned by Goddess Freyr and the arms forged by the Scandinavian God Loki. Surtr’s wife Sinmara safeguarded sword Lævateinn in legend by applying nine seals upon it. It is armament for giants, an armament for gods, and invitation to destruction. Super effective against gods and life.

Here, Holmes states it's a Divine Construct born from the Planet and prioritizes all life forms and not even an Age of the Gods-tier Deity can survive it.

Here, Surtr swinging down Laeventienn(not a TNR, just swinging it and emitting fire enough that it seems like it was light... like a Star) was enough that Sigurd(whose narrating the scene) absolutely believes that none would be able to survive it.
Here, Mash is absolutely surprised that they are even alive and it's only through Sigurd getting inspired by Mash to deflect the fire(and aided by Skadi healing him)

Here, Scathath-Skadi collaborates the same thing, bringing up the fact it was meant to destroy the Scandanivan Reality of the Age of the Gods.

Here, Da Vinci states she ultimately has no clue what unleashing Laeventienn's full power will do to the outside World, believing Void Space could potentially stop it but she's not even certain of that.

Here, Da Vinci states that Laevateinn is on par with Rhongomyniad(Which we later see 3 Lostbelts later, CAN pass through Void Space completely uninhibited).

Here, Da Vinci wonders why he's prioritizing a village when using Laevatienn anywhere would produce the same result.

The Sword of Flame that Shines Brighter than the Sun (Loptr Laegjarn)
Rank: EX
Type: Anti-World Noble Phantasm
Range: 1~99
Maximum Targets: ?

Loptr Laegjarn.
An Anti-World attack using the Noble Phantasm Lævateinn. The flames of the end that lead to the world’s demise. Super effective against gods, life and World.

Here, despite the numerous Magical defenses from Scathath-Skadi, Ortlinde, Sigurd, Brynhildr and Heracles with Sitonai supplying him with mana, Holmes predicts that the defense will barely last a few minutes, if not a few seconds(To put this into perspective, Heracles later requires 2 Anti-Planet Noble Phantasm shots from Lostbelt Artemis to kill, even having to potentially damage her Saint Graph to fire consecutively to kill him).


Giant’s Shell: A
The hardened shell that composes the Ancient Giants’ bodies. As he has an extremely special composition, he absorbs offensive energy and converts it to mana. He can’t do the mana conversion for attacks that exceed the absorption limit (normal attacks and Noble Phantasm attacks over a certain rank), leading him to take full damage.

Branch Destruction: A++
Surtr’s flames described in the「Prophecy of the Priestess」. It is the highest ranked Mana Burst while in the form of his flames, while at the same time it is an armor that deals with physical attacks and all temperature changes, and also an armament that cleanses any abnormal effect surrounding him. A kind of Noble Phantasm, but It’s presented as a Skill in the game.

Here, despite using Loptr Laegjarn and Napoleon blowing off his head with his suicide attack, Surtr only required a few minutes to ultimately heal up his head and continue on again.

Here, Surtr's Regeneration works on the principal of his Spirit Core being threatened and will rebuild exponentially within 2 minutes even after a Sirius Light Boosted Sigurd attacking him with Bolverk Gram and his weakness of being a Dragon.

And a reminder that Surtr was heavily attacked after having Ophelia break her contract with him(Causing him issues on verifying his existence) AND further destabilize his existence by destroying her Mystic Eye at that which anchors him into Reality.
Alright, next up on our list:

The Son of Sigmund and Hjordis, The Great Warrior King who reforged Gram and earned Odin's favor, the Rider of Grain, Foal of Slepnir. The Killer of Fafnir and the eater of Dragon Hearts... and the man who got straight up stabbed to death by his otherwise hot Valkyrie wife...

Sigurd, the First Rate Swordsmaster with Fifth Grade Luck:

A formal, super straight-laced man. Wears glasses that shouldn't have existed in his previous life.
According to him, those glasses are the crystallization of wisdom and something he obtained by devouring a dragon's heart.
Fundamentally, a rational person. While he carried out revenge for his father, he did so more out of sense of duty than affection.
Somewhat curt towards anybody; at the very least, he almost never demonstrate affection through his exterior.
Still, should he ever protect someone without paying concern for himself, that would be proof that he trusted said "someone".

As seen here, here and here, Sigurd's overall parentage and some of his legends are illustrated here.

His Swordsmanship is the best in all of the Norse lands alongside having the wisdom and reflexes to use them while Surtr was taking control of his body here.

Brynhildr's recollection of Sigurd arriving to save her from her imprisonment here, here and here.

Bryhildr taught him how to use Runes here.(It's also in the last link of the above sentence) And the video of why Sigurd doesn't use Fire Runes here)

Here, while possessed by Surtr, Sigurd's Magical Energy Reactor is in comparison to the Angrboda powered by the Greater Grail in London(Which was used to cover London in the Demonic Fog and have Tesla blow it all up).

Crystallization of Wisdom: A
An inconceivable magic item for the age in which he lived in.
Something that crystallized the wisdom acquired by eating a dragon's heart.
During his lifetime, he deliberately wore these even in circumstances in which they were not needed, but it seems that their utility in the baths was bad or something.
It exhibits its effects even if others wear it, but maybe due the enormous information volume, a sever headache occurs.

Here, Holmes state that Sigurd's Wisdom was what allowed him to recognize Holmes' Magical Beams are a threat(and based on Magecraft) and dodge them accordingly.

Feats of Strength, Durability and Speed?

(Note of warning, I will be making Sigurd Surtr and Sigurd's feats one in the same as outside of Holmes' guess of what is up with Sigurd, everything else including how terribly Surtr used Sigurd's abilities heavily implied to outright stated Surtr gave no true boost to Sigurd's Parameters or truly used his skills to it's fullest extent.)

First Ascension

Here, Sigurd-Surtr is able to catch the Shadow Border Mid-Zero Sail and pull it back from Void Space in a split-second.

Here, Sigurd-Surtr's sword swings are enough to strain Ortinax Mash despite only using his short sword.

Here and Here, Sigurd-Surtr's swings become so fast, Ritsuka believes that he was using Gram until Holmes tells them he still wasn't using it and is still using the short one(and even he could barely make it out) and is only doing the equivalent of jabs.

Here, Mash fully admits that Sigurd-Surtr is stronger than she is and the Ortinax and reminds her of someone(Siegfried)

Video Compilation of Part 1 of the Battle here

Mash and Sherlock Holmes vs. Ascension 1 Sigurd Surtr

Here, Holmes decides to go all in on fighting Sigurd-Surtr with Baritsu, but S-Surtr easily takes off his arm with Gram(This is stated later on by Mash that when she hit him later on, it may not be like true Baritsu which means Holmes did try and hit him with it).

Baritsu: B++
One has learned a martial art of the Orient that is extremely suitable for actual combat.
Besides making use of striking techniques that had this Skill and boxing combined and incorporated into them, Sherlock Holmes also uses counters and throwing techniques as his specialties too. If conditions are satisfied, it can even further be utilized as a special move that is on the class of a Noble Phantasm’s True Name Release, but…

Despite Holmes buffing Mash and Ritsuka with Elementary, My Dear(though not at full power) and Ritsuka's Command Spell(on top of all of their mana), Mash's strike ultimately did no serious damage to Sigurd Surtr. Full Video of the Second Battle here.

Elementary, My Dear: It’s Elementary, My Friend
Rank: B
Classifications: Anti-Personnel Noble Phantasm / Anti-World Noble Phantasm
Range: 0 / –
Maximum Number of Targets: 1 person / –

The Noble Phantasm that Sherlock Holmes ended up possessing when he is materialized as a Heroic Spirit and Servant. It is his own Origin – “Elucidation” – sublimated as a Noble Phantasm.

Even if the enigma he faces is truly an existence that is impossible to explain, the clues and the path for its explanation will “appear” to Holmes’ advantage so that he can finally arrive at the truth of it without fail. For instance, even if there was a treasure chest where its key was lost, said key will turn out to be “not lost.” It reaches the point that the key can certainly be discovered in someplace in the world. (But as one would expect, it will not do things such as making the key suddenly appear in the middle of his hand. Wherever it may be located, Holmes and his collaborators must make efforts to find it.)

It is primarily a Noble Phantasm of the Constantly Invoked-Type, but Holmes can perform its True Name Release in “Fate/Grand Order”. At the moment of its True Name Release, an unidentified “sphere” makes its appearance, releasing a dazzling light on the surrounding areas. It weakens the enemy camp and strengthens the allied camp. Even if the opponent is supposed to be unbeatable, Holmes will always discover a path to victory and the truth for the sake of defeating them.

Holmes does not speak of what this “sphere” is. Is it an object that concretely expresses his Origin, or is it an object solidified as the memory of his once close friend? Or perhaps, is it no more than a distraction done for the purpose of concealing “What is Sherlock Holmes actually doing?”————

Moreover, this Noble Phantasm’s name is one of the famous phrases associated with Holmes, but its first instance as Holmes’ catchphrase was actually not in Doyle’s stories, but in the stage play starred/scripted/produced by William Gillette. It is said that Doyle praised the Holmes played by Gillette with the statement “He is better than the one in my stories.” Incidentally, Holmes has remarked the word “Elementary” towards Watson in Doyle’s short story “The Adventure of the Crooked Man”, and Gillette got the idea of the phrase from that.

Here, Sigurd Surtr moved so fast, Ritsuka completely lost track of him and weakened the Ortinax enough to take Mash out of the battle.

Here, when Mash tells you to use another Command Spell to give her the Magical Energy to move, Sigurd-Surtr states he's fast enough to kill you before you can even summon the Magical Energy... and actually almost does it if not for Sigurd's soul stopping Surtr from doing so.(Looking at the other option, nothing happens that can work with it)

And Here, he states that he's ultimately been less than halfway serious throughout the first part.

Sigurd Surtr ultimately tells Ophelia to release one of his limiters, equivalently ascending to his 2nd Stage due to Mash and Napoleon being able to equal him out in his First Stage due to Napoleon's buff and Mash's Ortinax being more fine tuned by Da Vinci after the first battle.

Second Ascension

He gains full employment of the Demonic Sword Gram here.

Stage 2 Ascension Sigurd Surtr vs. Napoleon and Mash

Here, Mash states the equivalent energy flowing off him is causing the Ortinax to strain against the pressure.

Here, Napoleon states he hits far harder than even the Giants.

Here, Despite Napoleon's Light of Possibilities aiding in the fight, they cannot turn the tide against Sigurd Surtr's 2nd Ascension.

Here, Sigurd Surtr blocks an attack from Caenis(Yeah I'm cheating a little bit but let's be frank, Caenis ultimately undergoes her final ascension to fight you at the end of LB5.2 and she's otherwise in Ascension 2, Sigurd Surtr is in Ascension 2 so...)

Full Video of the Battle between Napoleon, Brynhildr and Mash vs. 2nd Ascension Sigurd Surtr

Here, despite being a powerful Servant in her own right, Brynhildr had no clue Sigurd was this strong and attributes it to being a time of Peace as to how she didn't notice.

Here, he's so daunting and strong, Brynhildr explicitly uses the Odinseal Prototype(Something hundreds of times more powerful than Modern Runes and on the level of True Magic) to give her the power to fight and defeat Sigurd Surtr despite the fact it will ultimately destroy her Spirit Core/Soul.

Third Ascension:

Due to Brynhildr using the Odinseal Prototype and the accumulating battle damage threatening his Spirit Origin, Sigurd Surtr tells Ophelia to release the final limiter to get him to full strength.

Here, Ophelia releases the Limiter and Sigurd Surtr has full access to Sigurd's power.

Here, Napoleon states that Sigurd Surtr is throwing out far more energy than before.

Here, Brynhildr not only scores a direct shot on Sigurd but later on slashes his Spirit Core in two after the sheer accumulation throughout their battles(potentially since the very first battle in the Lostbelt).

Now we have Gram:

Fate/stay night - Weapon Menu: Gram
Demonic Sword, Sword of the Sun, Gram.
A demonic sword of ruin and glory that Sigurd, the greatest hero of Northern Europe, possessed in the Volsunga Saga.
It is the model of Caliburn in the legend of King Arthur. As Caliburn was a chosen sword in a stone, Gram was also a chosen sword in the mighty tree of the Volsunga king.
The legend of Gram and its possessor Sigurd is a story filled with glory and ruin, as one would expect from a great hero.
"Der Ring des Nibelungen", composed later in Middle Ages Germany, is the story of a knight equal to the legend of King Artnur, and the sword Gram changes its name and appears in it as Balmung.
As the "strongest demonic sword" equaling the "strongest holy sword", it even possesses the special characteristic of "dragon slayer".

Sigurd: Um...
Xhominid: What?
Sigurd: That's... not how the sword looks anymore...
Xhominid: Oh right...

Gram Reforged(yes, the Knives/Blades are ALSO Gram, it's just not to the same degree that Gram is now)

Fate/complete material II: Character material - Weapons: Gram, p.134
A sword that appears in the “Völsunga Saga” of Norse mythology. It is wielded by the hero Sigurd. The incident where Sigurd’s father Sigmund pulled Gram from the trunk of a tree later became the model for Caliburn, the sword in the stone. After Sigurd reforged Gram from the shattered pieces, it is said to have become a demonic sword capable even of killing a dragon.

Xhominid: Huh... if Gram goes by the name of Balmung also, does that mean...
Sigurd: I wouldn't put it too far ahead, Siegfried and myself are ultimately born from a slight retelling of the same myth... didn't Holmes even state me and Siegfried are the 2 of the strongest warriors in NORSE Myth? Even though Siegfried is from the German side?
Xhominid: Yeah, I can get behind that.

Statements and Feats?

Here, Da Vinci on the P.A. System straight up states that Sigurd-Surtr(Or First Ascension Gram, either and or is interchangeable but it definitely fits Gram more) Magical Energy is on par with Ivan The Terrible's from Lostbelt 1, a being onpar with a Demi-urge Tier Divine Spirit(This fits Scathath Skadi's words of how powerful Gram truly is)

Here, here, here and here, Gram in it's weakest form isn't just capable of slicing through the armor of the Shadow Border, but easily cut through the Multi-Layered Bounded Field that was constructed by Da Vinci, Nitocris and Paracelsus, equivalent to a Fortress made of Divine Iron with ease and without a True Name Release.

Here, despite Holmes going full power with a Baritsu attack on par with a True Name Release(as I stated earlier with Mash's comment afterwards), Gram ultimately overcomes it easily despite being in it's weakest form.
Here, Da Vinci ultimately has to further tinker with the Ortinax so that Gram cannot mess it with on contact.

Here as well, Gram has more access to it's own power but not close enough to it's true power upon 3rd Ascension.

Here, upon ascending, Sigurd gains more access to blades from the Reforged Gram.

Here and here, Scathath Skadi recounts seeing Gram again, stating it was once Odin's and comparing it to the being as bright and as powerful as the Sun itself. She states afterwards that it's powerful enough to even make her keep watch on Sigurd and she states that as powerful as Brynhildr is, Sigurd is far stronger..

Here, Mash states Gram in it's 3rd Ascension is far more powerful than anything they've faced before(Before anyone tries to be a smartass, the story all but tells us Salter wasn't even trying with Excalibur Morgan, the Beasts was nerfed to shit before you fight them for real outside of Goetia and Rhongomyniad was nerfed the second Bedivere and Excalibur was in the same room as Artoria in Camelot as Merlin told Bedivere to do)
This also fits with it being the Strongest Demonic Sword to rival the Strongest Holy Sword(Excalibur or atleast a Divine Construct-Tier weapon) and it being compared to the Sun in beauty and power by Scathath Skadi(who has Odin's abilities AND seen it with her own eyes) and Sigurd(who used the damn thing).

Bolverk Gram:

Bolverkr Gram - Heavenly Ring of the Aeon of Destruction
Rank: A+
Type: Anti-Fortress
Range: 1~50
Maximum Targets: 1~900 people

The full power release of Gram, which is originally an Anti-Unit Noble Phantasm.
Sigurd does not release energy from the sword, but rather establishes an "Anti-Fortress" Noble Phantasm by throwing the sword after dragging out its power.
According to his testimony, "I thought it would be more effective if I threw it instead".
Right after the thrown sword has directly hit the target while scattering flames, Sigurd drives his fist on Gram at full strength.
Bolverkr means "the one who brings about calamities", and is a pseudonym of his ancestor Odin.

Here, Sigurd uses Bolverk Gram to beat back the flames released by Laeventienn(This one requires some look back, Surtr didn't use Loptr Laegjrn(to my knowledge since both scenes when Laeventienn is used, the screen goes bright white even when he used Loptr Laegjrn) in this scene but he absolutely hit even with Laeventienn with the intent to kill and not using a True Name Release to get similar effects is possible and not unheard of in this series(Altera destroys a Reality Marble's dimensions without stating Photon Ray's True Name anyone?)

TL;DR? There are 2 possibilities for this feat:

1. Surtr used Loptr Laegjrn both times during the Lostbelt... which is factually not true since he does not say a True Name Release.

2. Surtr, while not using Loptr Laegjrn the first time, still used enough energy from Laeventienn to still perform a similar, albeit weaker effect which fits more for the story and still points out that Gram is one of the strongest Noble Phantasms in the story. And there have been feats where Noble Phantasms have done extraordinary damage even without a True Name Release(like Altera and the weaker Gram)

Here(Video in Full of the Feat) Sigurd states that he will meet Surtr's Fire with the power of the True Sun(Gram) while stating that Surtr has never properly wield Gram(I believe it's primarily stating using it to it's fullest potential) in any battle.

Here, Sigurd states that Surtr has become Fafnir due to his embodiment of Greed and Evil which is why Gram is even more effective against Surtr(This feels weird as I'm not sure if this is done due to Surtr taking control of Sigurd's Body and Saint Graph or just being Greedy and Evil on Surtr's level can turn them into a Dragon like in some Japanese Myths where you can become a Tengu by being too arrogant)... Though this feat is mitigated since Sigurd was empowered by Ophelia's Sirius Light in the process.

If someone can tell me what the Sirius Light exactly does, that would be very helpful for this feat.

Here, Holmes states that Ophelia told him that Bolverk Gram has severed Surtr's connection to the Lostbelt Tree he consumed.
Last edited:


So, now aside from Rhongo, i guess we also have conf that Sun Wukong's Ruyi Jingu Bang also keeps the Texture in place, or used to.
There was something about Erice's Ame no something ( Izanami) who could have qualified but no confirmation atm.

Also, regarding Rin using projection for her jewels, she'S basically the only one who could use them in such a way since each jewel requires an associated element, so since Rin is an Average One as in, she has mastery over all the great elements, she is able to use this with maximum effect.

I really like her growth as a magus . Her shit makes sense and i love that she uses other people's influences on her magecraft ( Archer/Shirou-Projection , Hacking-Flat )
Up yours, Sakura :tupac
Time for Sigurd's Yandere(Not on her part to be fair) Wife Brynhildr:

Daughter of Odin who is the God of Scandinavia, one of the battle maiden Valkyries. A tragic heroine from Norse Mythology. The battle maiden is identical with Sigrdrifa[2] in「Völsunga saga」with her companion’s fate of the King of Warriors Sigurd, in the Poetic Edda「Sigrdrifa’s song」「Brynhildr’s trip to Hell」it talks about a Valkyrie falling in love with Sigurd identically. (「The Ring of the Nibelung」is done with the Valkyries’ Elder Sister)

She leads the soldiers to Valhalla after they died as faithful servants to God, but one time, she allowed someone to triumph against the plans of Odin. She experienced her divinity abundantly stolen because of God’s anger, she was placed with a curse of slumber in a castle surrounded in flames. Manifesting in there was the hero Sigurd, he undid the curse with the demonic blade Gram. Brynhildr fell in love. Teaching him all that she knew, even gifting to Sigurd magical runes, her blessing and that happiness so that he can move in the path of a hero. But, the happiness was nothing but merely short lived. Afterwards, Sigurd lost his memories----- Betrayed her, she was saddened in grief and was abandoned, she deliberately murdered Sigurd whom she loved. And shortly after, she severed her own life by herself.

... Hey, we pretty much get the entire story in LB2 but it's primarily in chunks and I have to reference them here and there alongside the stuff she does.

Here, Brynhild(r) basically introduces herself completely and utterly as both a Demi-God AND a Goddess of Old.

Here, Thrud states it verbatim that Brynhild was made much closer to the Gods than the other Valkyries and thus is the Ultimate Valkyrie.

Here, Sitonai also states that there is another Goddess in Scandaniva's Lostbelt outside of herself and Scathath-Skadi, which is ultimately Brynhildr.

Primordial Rune
She possess the Norse Magical Crests known as Runes. As the one who taught Rune Magecraft to her beloved Sigurd, she is also a first-rate magus in her own right. Originally as a skill symbolizing the "Primordial Rune" granted by her father the great god himself, its power is normally suppressed. If she demonstrates the full potential of the skill without having Divinity at A Rank or above, not only would she receive restrictions on the use of her Noble Phantasm, severe damage would be inflicted upon her Spirit Core as well, to the point where Brynhildr would eventually be annihilated. (These special effects do not exist in「FateGO」)
Here, Brynhildr explicitly states she taught Sigurd how to use Runes in the first place.
And thus, we will go about this as if she has all of the Runes we have seen Scathath-Skadi have as we know Sigurd has access to the Death Rune and it's the only one Surtr ever used.
Death Rune
Flight Rune
Healing Rune
Reality Distortion Rune
Inertion(Stasis?) Rune
Wisdom Rune
Speed Rune

Reality Distortion(in particular)
Here, Brynhildr, angered at Napoleon's lechery, uses a Primordial Rune on him, having him believe she ultimately agreed with his advances only to fall face first into the snow.

Here, Mash states it must have been Illusionary Magecraft but it was still able to work despite Napoleon as an Archer being resistant to that very thing.

Here, Brynhildr explains that the Magecraft she uses comes from Primordial Runes that come from Odin and is the same type Scathath-Skadi uses. And she only used a tiny fraction of it at most on Napoleon.

And here, Brynhildr states that not even a powerful Heroic Spirit can easily deal with the effects.

Here, it's heavily implied Brynhildr inscribed the Rune upon Surtr when she cut off his Arm.

The full scene of how Surtr sees Ritsuka dying and people reacting to their death here.

Here, you have the scene heavily being full of static, showing that Brynhild's Reality Distortion Rune is working exactly how Surtr believes it would.

Here, Brynhild interrupts the Rune's effects, letting Surtr know he was in an illusion.

Here, Mash's(and Ritsuka's) perspective, he was ultimately frozen in place the second he pointed his fingers towards Ritsuka.

And here, Mash states that she's seen this effect before and it came from Brynhild's Reality Distortion. Brynhild does state that Surtr had to be weakened before it could take effect on him in the first place.

The Odinseal Prototype(This seems to be the very skill that's referenced in the Primordial Rune section as well as Brynhildr Komedia in Prototype)

Here, Brynhild ultimately uses the Odinseal Prototype due to 2nd Ascension Sigurd-Surtr ultimately being too powerful for her to deal with even with Mash and Napoleon's help.

Here, Mash wonders where all of the energy is coming from and Ortlinde explains that the Odinseal Prototype is ONLY given to Brynhild and not her other Sisters.

Here, Da Vinci explains the sheer ludicrous power of the Odinseal Prototype(It's hundreds of times more powerful than modern Runes and is not only Magic on par with the Age of the Gods, but veers into True Magic itself)

Here, Da Vinci states the fashion of how Brynhild would use it would ultimately not just destroy her Spirit Origin but annihilate her soul as well.

Brynhildr Romantia, Til Death Do Us Part

Rank: B
Type: Anti-Unit Noble Phantasm
Range: 2-40
Maximum Target: 1 Person
A Noble Phantasm that has molded the deep feelings of love towards the fated person as the spear of magic silver that she employed while alive.
The deeper her love towards the target becomes, the more the weight and size of this spear will change. Shows tremendous effects especially towards Sigurd whom she truly loved during her lifetime. I love you. I love you, I really love you. Please die together with me, my dear-----
(Very effective on targets she believes to be「True Heroes」. Also effective towards Siegfried[1] who has a deep link to Sigurd.)

Here, Brynhild activates and prepares Brynhildr Romantia after clashing with 2nd Ascension Sigurd-Surtr.

Here, Brynhild states upfront that Sigurd should not be able to dodge the attack at all since it was explicitly made from her legend that she killed him(Napoleon does note earlier that a shockwave will be produced by it, meaning that there is splash damage)

Here, Goredolf explicitly agrees with Brynhild that it should be impossible for Sigurd-Surtr to dodge Brynhildr Romantia considering who he ultimately is and the legend that he dies from Brynhild's spear.

Here, Sigurd-Surtr ultimately states he's not Sigurd(which is true to an extent) and he's no Hero either, causing the attack to not have the absolute killer effect it should on him otherwise.

Strength, Durability, Speed feats?

I'll put this feat here from Prototype Fragments as it seems closer to a physical feat than an actual use of a Noble Phantasm's True Name(That or it is Brynhild Komedia infused in her spear):
???: “Please use, it, in another 2 seconds.”
It had a woman’s voice.
It was roughly at the same time that the first crash appeared and Saber nodded.
There was a thunderous roar which echoed throughout the entire structure of the great temple.
The degree of the shock from the confusion of the earthquake, caused a crack to run through the huge columns which soared through the temple’s great hallway.
The pack of divine beasts flinched.
If the ideal chance that he had been expecting according to these eyes had suddenly arrived, then Archer intuitively understood.
If it was a strike from a “lance” which was the concealed Lancer’s Noble Phantasm, then he would know it.
If it was a blow from a curse that was the authority of the ancient gods swerving a bit, then he would know it.

Here, she ultimately destroys the Tree of Emptiness Seed Napoleon had issues damaging even going all out with his cannon shots(As a reminder, 2nd Ascension Napoleon can take down Muspel Giants in one shot each, yet multiple shots can't even damage the ToE Seed, only send it flying)

Here, Brynhild is able to fight against all 3 of her sisters without a problem(And to put this point across, atleast Thrud is on the level of Ascension 1 Sigurd-Surtr)

Here Brynhild ultimately overcomes Ophelia's Mystic Eye with Ophelia trying it again and Brynhildr insists it won't work on her again.

Here and here, Brynhild states how her Mystic Eye works and how she ultimately overcame it. Ophelia actually puts it into better terms of how Brynhild actually overcame it here alongside Sigurd-Surtr stating exactly how difficult it is for anyone to pull it off.

Here, she ultimately is able to cut off a weakened Surtr's arm clean off, potentially inscribing the Reality Distortion Rune in the process.
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From help of Crimson King, we got the Strange Fake Manga pages of Hansa's feat:



He also turns the huge concrete slab into dust in multiple hits...

I'll start a mini on Textures in the Nasuverse as I have seen plenty of people confused on what it means so I'll settle that before I finish up on re-upping my Lostbelt 2 and 3 Archives.


V.I.P. Member
From help of Crimson King, we got the Strange Fake Manga pages of Hansa's feat:



He also turns the huge concrete slab into dust in multiple hits...

I'll start a mini on Textures in the Nasuverse as I have seen plenty of people confused on what it means so I'll settle that before I finish up on re-upping my Lostbelt 2 and 3 Archives.
Huh, could of sworn I had linked this ages ago from my own imgur album

Mini-Archives: Textures And What are they?
Alright, time for the Mini Portion of my little Archives(and yes, I will do more of these as I have seen people struggle with Nasu-isms and not fully grasp it):

Fate/Grand Order - Camelot: The Sacred Round Table Realm - Section 14: Hidden Research [T]
A satisfactory example, Miss Kyrielight.
The Tower stands at the end of the world, and its administrator wields the lance.
The question is, why does the Tower pierce the planet?
There is a theory that our world — the human world — is nothing more than one of the textured layers that wrap the surface of the planet, like a carpet.
To the planet, this is the consciousness of the intelligent lifeforms that reign supreme. In other words, our physical laws.
The “carpet” that maintains the laws of physics is our world. It is stitched to the planet so that it does not peel away
This seems to be the phenomenon called the Tower of the End. It is also not limited to Britain.
There are multiple such pillars located throughout the world
. One is the holy lance in the hands of the Lion King.

And in video format for those that dismiss any cites from the Wikia because "wikia bad".

We also get this from the Reverse Side of the World in Apocrypha Materials, confirming the Reverse Side of The World is it's another Texture below the Surface Texture(aka "The Present World"):
Fate/Apocrypha material - Encyclopedia: Other Side of the World [Others], p.173 [T]
Reverse Side of the World [Others]

The place where the evil dragon Fafnir finally arrived at the very end of the novels. The Phantasmal Races, having understood that the Age of the Gods was over, ceded the Earth’s surface to humans and moved to this place. The world where humans currently live (including the laws of physics) is like a fabric that thinly extends across the surface of the planet. Beneath that fabric exist the planet known as “Earth”. On the other hand, the Reverse Side of the World is the world as it was before humans lived there… that is, the fabric of the era where Phantasmal Races strode the land. In other words, the Earth is the bottommost layer of the planet, and it is covered by the “Reverse Side of the World”—the place where the laws of the “world” as it once was reigns, and covering that is the “Present World”.
In the Reverse Side of the World, the Holy Grail cannot activate its function of “using the Third Sorcery”. In the first place, that function was for the sake of granting Shirou Kotomine’s wish. In other words, it is programmed to target humans, and doesn’t count Phantasmal Races as valid targets.
Jeanne d’Arc is a Heroic Spirit who, from the start, lost her human body long ago. Because of that, the chances of her reaching the Reverse Side weren’t completely zero… However, that is merely the kind of “not zero” like, as a comparison, somehow managing to pass through a wall with the tunnel effect, but the Throne where Heroic Spirits Exist is cut off from the time axis, so she effectively had an infinite number of attempts to try.

Sun Wukong's Staff is also a Lynchpin that keeps the Ocean in place like Rhongomyniad does for Humanity and it's laws(I can't find this at the moment but I will add it here when I do find it)

Da Vinci also divulges in Textures in Brynhildr's 2nd Interlude, ultimately pointing out that there are MULTIPLE Textures, not just the one:


And this is ultimately divulged in Lostbelt 2:

There is also, of course, the Lostbelts which are explicitly Textures themselves, ultimately being able to take root because the Present Texture "Our Present Day" was completely removed by the Trees of Emptiness:

This starting main point is to show what Textures are and to fully clear up the discrepancy I have seen at the moment of people not understanding what they are...

Now I will point out minute details that we get from textures and what can they be compared to or how they are used.

For example, it is stated and shown in Summer 2, Ishtar's entire goal was overlaying Venus Textures as a "race track" all over Connacht in the Singularity to ultimately revive Gugulanna:

We also know from the Tsukihime Remake, True Ancestors can also store Textures in themselves through the "technique" Event Storage:
Tsukihime Material I - GLOSSARY: Event Storage, p.101
Event Storage
An ability of the True Ancestors, the planet's sense of touch. The conceptual and physical storage of things reared on the planet's surface. Every creature that has appeared on the face of the planet——it is something that requisitions textures.

In terms of Divine Spirits it's an ability on the level of an Authority, but since this an Authority of the planet it is a 'system' rather than a 'skill'. The gravitational sphere that appeared at Arcueid's feet when she had become an Astral Body was of a scale great enough to store the entire planet's texture.

Reality Marbles can ultimately interfere with the laws and nature of the Textures in overlaying the User's World on the Planet's Texture which is why the Planet ultimately does it's best to crush it, coming off as an "Alien World" interfering with the "Present Day"

Tsukihime Dokuhon PlusPeriod - TSUKIHIME Dictionary: Reality Marble [Unusual talent], p.179
Reality Marble [Unusual talent]
Intrinsic Field.
Originally referred to the alien common sense possessed by the beings called devils, but now also includes the unique boundary fields possessed by many people.
A subset of marble phantasm, it erodes reality and gives form to the user's imagined world. It is the sorcery closest to magic, and a forbidden art within the Association.
Unlike marble phantasm, however, the form of a reality marble cannot be freely adjusted. It is the manifestation of the user's one-and-only self, after all, so changing it with their will is impossible. On the other hand, since even things that are not part of nature can be influenced, perhaps it is actually even more amazing than marble phantasm, in a way.
Marble phantasm, which can change the world at will, but only has influence over elementals and nature. Reality marbles, which are limited in use to a single pattern, but force everything to submit to the user's personal rules. Though the methods are different and they are each limited in their own way, the fact remains that they are both powerful abilities that change the world.
Properly speaking, reality marbles are only supposed to be used by elementals and devils, but given enough time it is possible for some advanced practitioners to complete a sorcery to give shape to their personal imagined world and create a reality marble of their own.
Of course, if anything that isn't an extension of nature like an elemental creates an alien world, the world itself will crush it. As a result, the upkeep of a reality marble requires a vast amount of energy, and most individuals are only capable of using one for a few minutes at a time.
Most of the 27 Dead Apostle Ancestors are capable of using reality marbles. Oh, and Nrvnqsr was able to escape the corrective influence of the world by using his reality marble within his own body. Way to go, Professor Chaos.

This is more apparent in Fate/Zero in how Iskander's Reality Marble is stated and ultimately destroyed:
"Boy, hold on!"

Reprimanding him, Rider grabbed onto Waver while clinging to Bucephalus' mane.

In the time it took the heroic horse to sense the danger and jump back to a safe zone, the fissure expanded further in width, swallowing the surrounding earth and the knights.

No - it wasn't only the earth. The cracks stretched out from the surface to empty air, distorting space and sucking in the atmosphere. The entirety of their surroundings were blown into the end of the void by a surging wind.

"T-This is..."

It was such a scene that even the King of Conquerors was at a loss for words.

The Sword of Rupture commanded by the King of Heroes - what its single strike bore through was not only the earth, but the world itself, stretching to the sky. The attack was not even something to be discussed as a matter of whether it hit, or whether its force was advisable. Soldiers, horses, the dust, the sky - nearly everything that used the cut space as a foundation was swallowed and disappeared into the surging void.

Bucephalus planted his hooves firm with all his strength and resisted the atmospheric pressure of the vacuum; even as this happened, the great plain of hot sand woven by Ionian Hetairoi cracked, shattered, and collapsed into the abyss of the void like the ending of an hourglass.

Before that one blade was swung, all things were nothing more than chaos which could not form any meaning -

After that one blade was swung, a new truth divided and distinguished Heaven, Sea, and Earth.

The released tumult of genesis was no longer in the realm of an anti-fortress Noble Phantasm. It was an irregularity that broke down not only that which possessed shape, but all of creation. That was the true form of the anti-world Noble Phantasm that made the King of Heroes transcendent.

Heaven fell, Earth broke; within the darkness where everything returned to nothingness, only Archer's Sword of Rupture shone with brilliance. The dazzling light continued to complete the destruction, like a star of creation, the first thing illuminating the new world.

Rider and Waver could not ascertain all of this to the end. To begin with, the Reality Marble they were in was maintained by the total prana of the summoned Heroic Spirits. Before the world itself disappeared, the bounded field broke apart at the seams once over half of the army had been lost, and the distorted laws of space once again returned to the way they had been.

This is also apparent in how Ahkellius Kosmos operates and works(As in and of itself, it's basically a Texture based as a Noble Phantasm which is why it's so effective against anything but Anti-World like Vasavi Shakti):
Fate/Apocrypha material - Encyclopedia: The Azure Sky Enclosing this Small World [Noble Phantasm], p.153-154 [T]
The Miniature World Enclosed by the Azure Sky [Noble Phantasm]

Akhilleus Kosmos. Achilles’ trump card which protects the wielder by deploying a miniature world. A divine armament created by the hands of the blacksmith god Hephaestus. It can event against nearly any attack, whether it be from an Anti-Unit, Anti-Army, Anti-Fortress or even Anti-Country Noble Phantasm. However, due to this Noble Phantasm’s nature, it is weak against Anti-World Noble Phantasms alone.
A description of this shield appears in a hundred lines of text in Book 18 of the “Illiad”. Hephaestus reproduced the world he lived in itself in miniature form in this shield.
In the light novel, Achilles doesn’t use it himself, gave it over to Astolfo for him to use. Naturally, transferring Noble Phantasms would normally never happen in a regular Holy Grail War. Even in the Great Holy Grail War, it would normally be unthinkable.
In the first place, most Noble Phantasms are tied to the legends of heroes. Even if you were to borrow Gae Bolg from the blue spearman, that doesn’t mean you would be able to activate Gae Bolg.
However, there are exceptions. In this case, in addition to the necessary conditions of “being where he is making a contract, instead of being in opposition, of his own volition” and the Noble Phantasm “not requiring considerable skill and power to invoke its true name”, it is believed that the transfer of the Noble Phantasm went smoothly because there is “an episode in the legend of the giver (Achilles) where he loans his Noble Phantasms” and “an episode in the legend of the receiver (Astolfo) where he borrows a Noble Phantasm”.
In addition, when Achilles alone wields it, this shield can be used to “attack” as well. After deploying the Noble Phantasm, he would aim to crush the enemy with that miniature world by continuously pushing forward. Most likely, Hephaestus never thought of such a method of using it.

Even in FGO, this hasn't been changed in any fashion:

And the Anime explicitly shows that it very much recreates the World Achilles and Hephaestus has seen:

(I wanted to start when it was handed to Astolfo to show no funny business).

Now to get back to the main point of it, Scathath mentions this is what ultimately got her killed despite The Isles being in the Reverse Side.

Many things————

Truly, I have robbed many lives. Humans, wraiths, Divine Spirits.

I have confronted many existences of a countless number, having slaughtered all those near me.

Fight. Fight. Fight. Kill, kill, kill kill kill. In the end, this body was wet with the blood of many victims, and became immortal. The “Land of Shadows”, the territory that is under my rule, was ultimately driven out to the Outside of the World, and I ended up being promoted into an existence not greatly different than that of a Divine Spirit’s.

Without further aging.

Without even death.

I have changed into “something” that continues to exist for eternity.

And now finally, the main part:
Just like Textures can be destroyed, removed or torn apart, certain things in Textures can also be removed and damaged beyond repair:




And then there's the obvious state of the World sans the "Present Day" Texture I should have zero reason to show.

Ultimately, I want to put into emphasis on what Textures are(literal layers of reality on the Planet that each encompass the various rules and laws of that reality which can include the various Ages including the Gods and even the Heavens, Hell and anything inbetween), the fact that the Reverse Side is also a Texture, Reality Marbles themselves are also Textures and the fact that Textures can be used and ultimately be damaged and removed in many ways.

I haven't mentioned Tiamat's Primordial Sea or Grail Mud is ultimately the basis that created Textures to begin with but I'm sure @ChaosTheory123 has it in his notes somewhere lol.
And yes, this ultimately does fit with the fact that Textures can expand well outside of the Planet as it happens with Voyager having his own Skill that functions similar to "The End of The World" and the Shining Blue Galaxy itself and Ishtar Astoreth's attempts to ultimately overtake it and it's Reality:


That includes the mini and yeah, it's not actually a mini and I plan on cleaning it up and making it less obtusive in the future and seriously, I need people to actually give me some criticism here so I can make sure I don't miss anything.

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Now for the very small mini-portion on The Envoys before we get to the Main Trio:

Here, The Envoys are created as a base from the 3 remaining Valkyrie that survived Surtr's Apocaylpse(Thrud, Ortlinde and Hildr)
Here, from Mash sensing that the Envoy incoming at the start is as powerful as a Demi-God or Pseudo-God.
Here, Mash states that there is a massive difference of power between each Envoy(and bringing that if another Envoy as strong as the first showed up, she doesn't believe they can win)

No seriously, that's it. It's just something to bring up because to be fair.

Now away from the Mass-Produced Valkyries and onto the remaining 3 Valkyrie:


Ortlinde, Hildr and Thrud(In order of how strong they are... you'll see)

Class: Lancer

True Name: Valkyrie (Ortlinde, Hildr, Thrud)
Gender: Female
Source: Norse Mythology
Region: Europe
Alignment: Lawful・Good
Height: 159 cm
Weight: 46 kg
Strength: B / Endurance: B / Agility: B / Mana: A+ / Luck: E / NP: B

The Valkyries all individually exist as the Almighty God Odin’s daughters. They possess high rank divinity skills because their existence (Demigods) is almost the same as Divine Spirits. In Gotterdammerung, the Valkyries were mass-produced into many entities because of Almighty God Odin in regards to Ragnorok, so they function by operating like some sort of automaton. They soar in the skies of the battlefield urging forward with a flying horse selecting souls of dead heroes to guide to Valhalla. However, the population decreased when Sigurd met Elder Sister Brynhildr who had strong feelings and acquired a personality which was her downfall as an instant turning point.

“Wouldn’t things have worsened to the point of ‘half of what it used to be’ at the beginning of Ragnarok, the decisive battle between the Gods and Jotnar?” A report claiming this has been submitted to the Lord of Jigmarie (Faculty of Curse Research) in the mid-1980s, becoming the talk within the world of magecraft.

Why did half of Valkyries disappear? According to the report, “it could be said that many Valkyries including Brynhildr who have acquired a personality and left behind the Almighty God’s imperial command have fallen from their rank of being a divine spirit or half-goddess.”

Yeah... the game doesn't state it outright(Not in this singularity anyway) so I'm just going to cheat and say it anyway:
The Valkyrie(The ones made by Odin) are crafted from the remains of Sefar, The White Titan that ultimately started the downfall of the Age of the Gods and is Velber #01 respectively. That being also ultimately gave a small core of itself when it was ultimately destroyed that lead to the birth of Altera or Atilla the Hun... so i.e. Altera, Brynhildr and the Valkyries are born from the same whole and are thus canonically related(Again, this was hinted at in the 2nd Nerofest as Altera and Brynhildr state that they noticed the connection since they met and well for the Valkyries...):
She is Eldest Sister Brynhildr’s older sister. What in the world does that mean?

That and in their My Room line, they tried to immediately sync with her as they believed she was a Valkyrie herself.

King Altera (King Atli) is Brynhildr’s other brother in “Volsung Saga,” “Poetic Edda” and “Sigurd’s short song.” It is unclear how Attila and Altera the King of Destruction relates to the former Valkyrie, Brynhildr. Is Altera possibly the existence that the Almighty God Odin used at the time to shape the Valkyrie into a model like “an automaton as a terminal?” Of course, Altera existed in the 7th century, but there shouldn’t be any activities from the prototype Valkyries in the Age of Gods. However, the manifested Heroic Spirit Altera calls Brynhildr a “little sister” and also calls the Valkyries similarly “little sister.”

So why am I going through all of this? To basically get away from the fact that they are primarily a hivemind... and for my own amusement...

Alright let's go into the nitty-gritty of their baseline abilities:

Swan-white Mystic Code: A
They were rewarded with swan-white clothes from the Great God Odin. (This was originally a Noble Phantasm but it was turned into a skill in Fate/Grand Order)

Here, Thrud has to access her Mystic Code to gain the use of her Pseudo-Gungir in combat.
Here, Ortlinde also uses her Mystic Code to lend assistance to the Shadow Heracles blocking Loptr Laegjrn.

Here, Thrud has shown the ability to establish links to the Muspel Giant(To be fair to this, it is pretty autonomous without Surtr around and is under Skadi's control but it's still something to consider).
Here, Ortlinde syncs with Gram's Magical Energy(a reminder that this is the 2nd Ascension Gram which has more of it's power released) to keep up with Sigurd Surtr's 2nd Ascension. She does need to go over her safety limiters and is in danger of Overloading but nothing else is shown.

Divine Iron Shield
Here, Thrud is able to easily block Napoleon's attack with her shield.
Here, Thrud states that her shield was forged by Odin himself and that nothing Napoleon can do will destroy it.
Here, Scathath-Skadi summons a large number of Divine Iron Shields to help defend against Loptr Laegjrn. Though Surtr is capable of easily shattering them.
Here, here, here and here, Gram in it's weakest form isn't just capable of slicing through the armor of the Shadow Border, but easily cut through the Multi-Layered Bounded Field that was constructed by Da Vinci, Nitocris and Paracelsus, equivalent to a Fortress made of Divine Iron with ease and without a True Name Release.

Noble Phantasms?
Gungnir (Declaration of the Great God・False)
Rank: B
Type: Anti-Army Noble Phantasm
Range: 5~40
Maximum Targets: 20 People

Weapons bestowed from the Great God Odin. A downgraded copied variant of the Declaration of the Great God (Gungnir). If its true name is released while thrown then its function will activate. (In FateGO, the true name is never released, thus it’s normally used as an ordinary weapon.)

Ragnarök Lífþrasir (Final Vision ・Maidens’ Advent)
Rank: B
Type: Anti-Unit Noble Phantasm
Range: 0~40
Maximum Targets: 100 People

Ragnarök Lífþrasir
Multiple Valkyries (all of them add up to 10 Valkyries) meetup in one spot perfectly synched in tandem among themselves to perform their duty of leading souls of heroes towards Valhalla, throwing their Noble Phantasm 「Declaration of the Great God ・False」in unison. While they deal damage by throwing their spears towards the target, some kind of barrier develops as an area of effect. Pure souls are met with kindness, while the existence of anything that falls short of a righteous life is outright rejected. They’ll create a space for separating beings such as Servants and familiars that have magical, demonic powers such as the existences of Phantasmal species, Vampire species, etc. (Units that fail a resist check are dispelled.)

Here, This is the closest time that this Noble Phantasm is almost used(but it fails due to Napoleon attacking them before they could do it)

Here, Mash assesses that Thrud is far stronger than the Envoys they have faced before
Here, Napoleon states that Thrud is one of the oldest Valkyrie is a canonical Demi-God.
Here, Mash states that Thrud is most likely on par with First Ascension Sigurd

I'll most likely add in some of the extra stuff from their Interlude when I get to it.