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TYPE-Moon/Nasuverse Feats/General Thread - People Die If They Are Killed Edition

Vespa Crabro

Stellaron Hunter
V.I.P. Member
nah, he is the optional true boss fight, but still lame, cuz we know it, its just extra lol gil favoritism, they really need to tone it down a bit
It’s higashide and sakurai handling the writing , ain’t no way that shits happening

Vespa Crabro

Stellaron Hunter
V.I.P. Member
apparently *snore* raikou/ushi gozen is the true final boss. Huge I sleep
Not dark side. It’s her grief and despair which is why she’s acting depressed. Her summoning reason is basically a rehash of twice/saver. She wants to save her masters soul despite it causing her to become way weaker than normal

Way weaker than normal Jeanne D'Arc... who still no sells an Incomplete True Name Release that effortlessly demolishes several buildings.

I mean Jeanne D'Arc as a Ruler was never that weak in the first place but it really does speak volumes over how many people sleep on her because "She doesn't seem that impressive outside of La Pucelle".


V.I.P. Member
Not dark side. It’s her grief and despair which is why she’s acting depressed. Her summoning reason is basically a rehash of twice/saver. She wants to save her masters soul despite it causing her to become way weaker than normal

Oh, so she's not even Jeanne Alter, just actual Jeanne on a bad day. That's kinda neat.

Vespa Crabro

Stellaron Hunter
V.I.P. Member
Oh, so she's not even Jeanne Alter, just actual Jeanne on a bad day. That's kinda neat.
yeah, specifically since Chiemon is someone who was "discarded by his era"

Since he's a survivor of Amakusa's rebellion. His wish on the grail is basically a Kirei, restarting a war and bringing "hell" to an era of peace which is why Jeanne wants to save him exclusively
>Now I have to officially wait an entire week to get the game I preordered earlier last week because Gamestop seriously sucks massive dicks

I should have known to never preordered from them...
I'll get the Zeus stuff started today to take my mind from this bullshit.
Alright, my rage is subsided, Lostbelt Zeus anyone?

Material Section from the Illustrator:

...Yeah moving on

Here is Lostbelt Zeus's introduction to the party including hijacking their comms effortlessly to do so.

Here is Holmes basically expositing about Zeus' history(Both of them), including bringing up that due to his ties to the concrete and abstract, he is one of the phenomena that shapes the very world itself. He then puts it that Lostbelt Zeus is the closest thing to a ruler of the entire Planet.

Here, when Mash states if that means if he's on the same level as Scathath-Skadi and God Arjuna, Holmes states no. Da Vinci then follows up stating that God Arjuna was weakened due to his faith being tied to the people(A trait of a Divine Spirit) but due to Machine God's Functionalities being a part of their being(she points to the Theos Klironmia for proof), you can't alter it in any way.

Here, Meuniere states how can Lostbelt Zeus be magnitudes more powerful than Arjuna, Holmes states if like Poseidon and Artemis, Zeus hasn't changed his nature since ancient times, then he would be in a league of his own. He later states Aeschylus described Zeus as an Omnipotent and Omniscient God of Justice.

Here, when Meuniere begs Nemo to tell Goredolf that he's wrong in his statement, Nemo states he doesn't know because he didn't see his father(As he's the Pseudo Servant of Triton) as a Machine God. However, he does admit that they carry the same concrete and abstract weight, the same Authority, abilities and properties as described in mythology and have powerful mechanical bodies, then they must be the same even in PHH and they shouldn't pick a fight with him(I truncated the last part as Nemo goes on a diatribe that is pretty obvious even knowing basic Greek Lore so yeah...).

Here, we get exposition into the Olympiamachia and how Zeus was ultimately able to defeat the rebel gods and later on, brainwash (through rewriting their Divine Core)not only the survivors but even his own "teammates" into ruling Olympus and Humanity for thousands of years.(Fun fact: The Olympiamachia is a real thing in Greek Myth, it's just never happened and a potentiality if Zeus' rule gets challenged in any major fashion or due to prophecies he subverts)
Here, when Holmes states if Zeus made calibrations to the other gods, Europa not only confirms it but states that none of the Olympians was on Zeus' side and he brainwashed the remainder we've seen and killed the rest.

Random Abilities(While they are stand ins for the various Authorities Zeus have, if I have to put them all together, I would be here all day)

Here, just Lostbelt Zeus speaking from Olympus is enough to attack the Mind and cause absurd levels of pressure to Goredolf. It's to the point Holmes tells Da Vinci to raise the Bounded Field Protection for Ritsuka's and Goredolf's sake.

Here, Novum Chaldea has to shut off all of the Magical Energy Reactors or Zeus can and will easily find them again(This is true in another throwaway line after we defeat him). Here, Adele states they need to watch what they say up on the surface lest Zeus' scan notices them. Here, it's stated outright Zeus is capable of listening to everyone's conversations in real time(though he can't tell individual humans apart). Here, Macarios and Holmes do go into a conversation clarifying that while he can't tell anyone apart, he can perfectly hear and comprehend every single conversation from 10 million people in Olympus simultaneously and it's most likely the reason he was able to traverse the Universe with little difficulty.
Here, It's mentioned as an aside of Mash that while Zeus is able to hear footsteps, it's considered beneath his notice to do so

Here, The Hooded Man(Later revealed to be Kadoc) states that in the Underworld of the Mountainous City of Olympus, Zeus cannot hear or find them. Here, The A.I. affirms this as Zeus, for whatever reason(which was unveiled later as Hades destroying himself to avoid full taking of his Authority) isn't able to see into the Underworld which is Hades' domain. Here, it's stated it's because of Zeus and Hades being designed from Cronus and thus them being made equal Flagships(Thus even with Zeus' Omnipotence, he has to allocate virtually all of his resources to see into Hades' Domain)

Here, Goredolf states that while the rest of Chaldea and the Storm Border was trying to make it to the Great Shrine Airspace, they was attacked by multiple Zeus Terminals while they was trying to assist Chaldea(This was done while we was fighting Zeus as well).

The Thunderbolts of Zeus(They require their own mini-section for obvious reasons)

Here, Goredolf is incredulous on how that makes any sense, bringing up Zeus's lecherous ways, him turning anyone into constellations... and stating in a horrified tone that his Thunderbolts are capable of incinerating the entire Universe.

Here, Lostbelt Zeus begins his "attack" on the Storm Border and Holmes states these are not Thunderbolts but Great Thunderbolts. Meuniere later state that each one of them are on the level of Artemis' Anti-Planet Cannon.

Here, it's only due to the Da Vinci's Spirit Origin Chaff Grenade Defense System(Something made after the showdown with Lostbelt Artemis) that they aren't immediately killed. Here, Holmes do believe this is false(and later story parts also state that fact) and Zeus was deliberately doing warning shots and to land immediately.

Here, Despite their best efforts and the Defense System, Zeus still ultimately strikes the Storm Border due to the absurd amount of Great Thunderbolts hitting everywhere.(This is more impressive in a throwaway line that the Storm Border used the Paper Moon and went 80% Zero Sail on top of everything else)

Here, even though it seems everyone came out unscathed(Though the Ship is somewhat damaged... really shows how tanky it is even BEFORE Lostbelt 6 went further into it), Nemo is taken out of action by the Great Thunderbolt(Due to being linked to it) and Mash states they are Anti-Servant in nature. Nemo then states if more than one hit the Storm Border, they would have lost it completely. Here, Da Vinci also echoes the same as she acted as the CPU for the Storm Border at the time and mistaken it for the Concealment and the Chaff Grenades she made before she also collapses.

Here, before Holmes has a chance of using his Trump Card(and knowing Zeus is going to blast him), Zeus hits him dead on with a Thunderbolt. Holmes states he's still alive but may actually die from it, Musashi states that it was a huge Lightning Bolt Zeus threw at Holmes so why isn't Castor surprised at it. Here, Dioscuri(both siblings) basically state that Zeus isn't trying in the slightest and could have disintegrated them if he wanted to, even stating the current power he's shown is the equivalent of flexing his little finger or a light drizzle.

Here, Castor asks and Zeus confirms that the Thunderbolt that hit Holmes was laced with a Curse(A throwaway line... again states it was to reduce his intelligence which Holmes has to invoke his Noble Phantasm constantly to regain some level of it back). Here, Castor wonders why the hell Zeus didn't kill Holmes or destroy the Storm Border if he was capable of it and Zeus responds that if he did not only would the cities be destroyed but everyone else would be so dead not even Demeter could revive them and this is still their City and Populace to protect.

Here, Zeus is surprised Mash is still alive and speaking after taking his Thunderbolts. Mash states if it wasn't for Athena's Aegis(Which is the strongest Conceptual Defense in the Olympian Pantheon), she would be gone, body and soul(this is despite using her Ortinax and Noble Phantasm at full blast). Here, Caenis states she can't even stabilize her Spirit Origin due to the Lightning getting in the way(It's clarified she can't go full power) and Musashi states Holmes and Caligula can't even budge.

Authorities/Cronus Crown Capabilities
Here, it's stated by Prometheus-Hephaestus that the Cronus Crown is the mark of their flagship that ties all of the Olympians together. Earlier, he also states the closer they(The Machine Gods) get to their roots as Primordial Chaos, the stronger their survival and combat capabilities become(Which happened when Zeus combined them all to defeat Sefar). Here, Wodime ultimately calls Zeus Chaos in his eulogy to the dying god on top of ultimately being controlled by it.
Here, it's stated through an aside by Holmes, the Cronus Crown is capable of using Authorities from Machine Gods long dead.

Here, The A.I. states that while Zeus have Authorities over Infinite things, he does not have Infinite Authority. The A.I. then hypothesizes(correctly) that Zeus was able to synchronize with not only the Authorities of the Titans, but also the Lesser gods and then the Twelve Olympians as a final step.

Here, Musashi states that since removing his Limiters(and using the Gigantomachia and Leceusmachia Authority Composites), his Magical Energy Output has shot up by so many magnitudes, it's hard to count them.

Here, the PA System states that 35% of the Functions/Authorities have been released as well as parallel of Great Authorities have been successful. It then states that with the Keranous Final Judgement being used that all life forms and intelligence to leave the Planet and to thank them for existing.

Demeter's Authority:
Regen from death
Alongside Massive Highspeed Renegeration

Aphrodite's Authority:
Mind control + mind and soul destruction
Bypass magic resistance, mental protection and makes allies kill each other.
Hades' Authority:
Can reduces the target to its smallest components(Seriously the FUCK Hades?!)

Dioscuri's Authority:
Move faster than light

Hasphestus' Authority:
Increase the durability(Funny how his is the most basic and the easiest to bypass sadly... atleast it is for Alter-Ego Muramasa lol)

Poseidon's Authority:
Invulnerable when near the sea
  • Dimensional travel(Alot of people miss that this is the reason Caenis can enter and leave Lostbelts at will):
CaenisIf you only need to move one person around,I can take 'em myself.
Having Authority over the sea means I've also got the power to navigate it. Basically means I can cross any border, Lostbelt or not.
But hey, it's up to you. 'Sides, I'm not gonna lie; it can be a rough way to travel.
HolmesThe Authority to cross borders…
So it was Poseidon's gift that let you move
freely between Lostbelts.

Artemis's Authority:
Psychic Attacks/Madness(They brought this up in a throwaway line but it's also Caligula's Noble Phantasm which is her Authority)

Athena's Authority:
Her Aegis which is the strongest conceptual defense in all of Greek Myth and allows Mash to survive against Zeus' Lightning Bolts without her Body & Soul being fried.

Apollo's Authority:
Sunlight(This one is a pain as it's obvious it has to do with the Sun but I believe the only one true usage we see is from Chaos and that's an advanced Form of what Apollo is capable of)

Hestia's Authority:

Hera's Authority:
???(I'm still not sure which one this is, I think Europa does use it in Olympus to some extent but I don't remember it even compared to the others)

Zeus' Authority:
Lightning(I guess you can also add Justice)

Compound Authorities(Cronus Crown Capabilities):

(http://imgur.com/a/LGMBMTR) (http://imgur.com/a/jWl2iCL) Strength, Durability, Etc,

Here, Kirschtaria states that it takes 90% of Zeus' resources, even with the Cronus Crown helping, to manage the Mountainous City of Olympus(He also manages the Tree of Emptiness Magellan... this was mentioned later on... my fault). Here, Zeus states no one can hear him or Wodime in the general area including the Foreign God whose he's using the full might of his Authority to deal with although, he later states he can't do nothing about the Foreign Priestess's gaze.

Here, Zeus recounts when Wodime appeared in the Lostbelt though they agreed to the general gist of why he's there, Zeus insisted that they fight to test Wodime's resolve. Here, Zeus admits he lost to Wodime due to complacency, Wodime states he only won because he didn't show off his full hand against Zeus immediately, especially as he still had to run Olympus in the background and thus couldn't go all out at once(Primarily because Wodime went alone). Here, Zeus stated he immediately knew he errored when Wodime used Animus Animusphere and despite quickly changing outputs, it was too late and he was defeated by Wodime.

Here, Prometheus-Hephaestus states that even if Zeus was to lose the Composite Gods(I guess he means the Cronus Crown), he would still be the strongest god around(This was recounting him defeating the Titans and being the catalyst to defeat Sefar through combining)

Here, Holmes asks Zeus what he plans on doing with the Foreign God due to it planning on descending into his Lostbelt and if he will co-exist or deal with it(Though Holmes throws the former out immediately) and Zeus sidesteps the question, implying he is scared of it. Here, he basically confirms he plans on leaving by using the Magical Energy from the ToE before it can come through to leave the Planet entirely.

Here, before he can pull off the Final Judgment, Kintoki's Golden Bear is able to punch Zeus in the face but fails due to his absurd number of Conceptual Defenses. Here, even with using the Chain Summon to become PHH Machine God Ares, he still isn't able to do any true damage to Zeus outside of a surprise attack.

Here, due to Romulus=Quirinus giving everyone a massive magical energy increase(Mash states her Ortinax output is at 300%) and Here, the Protection of Quirinus primarily disabling Zeus' Anti-Dimension and Anti-Star System attacks(among other Authorities)
Here, Zeus states he is finally hurt from the attacks in the battle. Here, Musashi invents a whole new technique due to Quirinus' aid and Caenis are able to further damage Zeus with their abilities on top of Quirinus using his Noble Phantasm, Per Aspera Ad Astra.

Here, Zeus switches from a Defensive Authority to an Offensive Authority, thus weakening the protection from the former and switching the Magical Energy to his body, opening him up to a shot from the Black Barrel Replica. Here, upon readying the sequence, Mash ascertain's Zeus's Lifescale showing he only has a scale of 1000 years(By comparison, Aphrodite's is 3800 years and Demeter's was 4500 years meaning doing everything he has done has massively wrecked him)

Here, Zeus ultimately dies to the Black Barrel shot, only managing a few words before dying.

Before I forget and I'll add this in post later, Here, Musashi's ability that seals Chaos is stated that it wouldn't have been able to work on Zeus at all.
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EDIT: I decided to change this around and I will add the picture later and yes, I know this is obvious to everyone except those that can't read... but Assassin Li Shuwen's 2nd Interlude confirms something that practically everyone knew about:

Servants can use Magical Energy to enhance their physical stats not even taking Skills or Noble Phantasms into account as Mandricardo had to be banned from using Magical Energy(and had some apparently killer weights on him too) and had issues keeping up the Horse Stance.

Same Interlude had Assassin Li Shuwen be banned from practicing Zhen Jiao as his regimen(aka where you take slow, powerful steps) would reduce Chaldea's floors into swiss cheese. Apparently the Simulator is fine so yeah, more points for how stupid that shit is and always has been.
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Imo, IC this only applies to close combat oriented servants. Someone like Medea won't even consider doing it since she prefers long range attacks
Imo, IC this only applies to close combat oriented servants. Someone like Medea won't even consider doing it since she prefers long range attacks

Nah, it even applies to Medea to an extent as there is a scene in either HA or Carnival Phantasm that she wants Shirou to hold the huge amount of bags and stuff she bought and it's extremely heavy for him but inconvenient for her.
It's just in combat against other Servants, it's pointless since she gets nowhere near the amps they do for extremely obvious reasons.


Imo, IC this only applies to close combat oriented servants. Someone like Medea won't even consider doing it since she prefers long range attacks
It doesn't.

For example, Emiya's arrows get more powerful the more magical energy he pours into them with the caveat that it increases the release time.
Yeah, I knew I was stating the obvious there but I couldn't remember where...
Then I remembered it was covered in ChaosTheory's Respect Thread(I think it is covered in EMIYA's section or the general part of each Table of Contents before the actual respect stuff starts.


Man , it took me nearly 30 hours to finish the game once and i still gotta do the NG+ .

The individual chapters drag a lot . The climaxes are pretty good but it would have been better to cut some copy/pasted shit and to bulk up the story of the other participants cuz it feels like their stories and involvement sections are crummy at best.

Like , Dayu is honestly the most likeable person in this whole thing. I wanted to see more .


I have no desire to "debate" about the game .

Just wanted to post my first impressions after finishing the first part.

I've heard the second ending is spicy , so i'll probably have something to say about that.

Vespa Crabro

Stellaron Hunter
V.I.P. Member
Honestly my biggest gripe about the game is just how little new servants we got. We basically only got 3 completely new characters and the rest are just the safe picks


I would be okay with the low number of new ones if they were actually fleshed out more.

Even Takeru is pretty bare bones all things considered. Like, if you don't do his Digressions, he's basically barebones as fuck and even then...