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TYPE-Moon/Nasuverse Feats/General Thread - People Die If They Are Killed Edition

Machine God Demeter and Aphrodite anyone?

Material Translation for Demeter

...Moving on again...

Here, Machine God Demeter's "introduction" into LB5.1 of who she is, her Domains and what her Machine God abilities are.
Here, is another introduction to Demeter's function as a Machine God for her Fleet.

...And that's about it... no really, unlike Zeus or even most of the stronger beings we usually see, Demeter(Aphrodite and Chaos included) only really get anything when we face them outside of a single point with Aphrodite when we first meet the opposition.

Demeter's Authority:
Regen from death
Alongside Massive Highspeed Renegeration


Here, the introduction of Demeter's Aletheia Form(And it being the true form of the Greek Gods in the Nasuverse), including further introduction to what her name means and her "job" as an Olympian. Here, after an apology to the Citizens of Mount Olympus, she unleashes her attack completely leveling everything and killing everyone in the given area. Here, the NC/Godbreaker Alliance feels the tremors and Macarios and Adele fill in that the attack came from Demeter and it's name is Scream Eleusis and is from her Authority, being able to till massive expanses of land. Here, it's further stated it can destroy entire city districts and it would take Demeter half a day to destroy Olympus.

Here, it's stated her Scream kills everything it touches and it's part of the reason why all of the Heroic Spirits that participated with the Godbreaker Alliance are dead. Here, it's stated that Demeter's attacks will kill even the Olympian Citizens and she will kill hundreds of thousands in the process and Macarios states no one will care since she can just bring them and the land right back. Here, it's stated she did this exact tactic during the 3rd Machia and when she fought Tesla's group and she will not only kill everyone but bring them and the land right back in a few days.

Here, it is actually stated ingame that Scream Elusis can reach Continental Grade(I massively missed this because Demeter's fight really sucked for me back then and I just wanted her defeated).
(As I'm pointing out before I am legit not rushing, she, Aphrodite and Chaos really don't have much to talk about... I could even put Chaos in here with how little they would have... but I'm not doing that. He going dead last with the World of Olympus)

Here, it's stated by Adele Demeter's Authority over Harvest means precisely production and regeneration and as long as she's tied to the Crystal Mountain, she can theoretically regenerate from any damage done to her. Here, it's further stated Scream Elusis breaks down old and dead organic matter into reusable resources, giving her an extremely powerful offense and infinitely regenerating defense.

Here, after the first confrontation, Mash is able to successfully block Scream Elusis(and would be able to block 2 more) but all of the damage done is nulled by the regeneration. Here, after basically being driven insane due to Zeus' brainwashing going pear shaped, she wipes out her own forces of Olympian Soldiers down to over half, straight up disintegrating the lot.

Here, Caenis using her True Name Release, Mash and Musashi are able to push Demeter into the range of the Seven Link Heroic Spirit Cannon. Here, it fires and hits her dead on causing her pain and having her armor begin to crack from the pressure of the attack. Here, her Armor manages to stand leaving the Tesla AI amazed at how durable she is despite what the Cannon is derived from(Not just the Magical Energy from the Heroic Spirits but also the Klironmia of the Renegade Gods) but it IS enough to weaken her armor.

Here, after the 2nd fight, the Chaldea/Caenis alliance is able to break through her Armor and Outer Core and reveal her Divine Core. Here, Caenis realizes that despite the damage they did, she's still regenerating through her Klironomia and it's even going past Poseidon's Authority Caenis possesses in the process. Here, Caenis hands off the extra attachment to the Black Barrel that was worked on since Goredolf found it on her person which finishes the Black Barrel Replica to be used on the Machine Gods.

Here, Mash fires the Black Barrel and Demeter is dead.

10 Days Later...

Okay my fault, Aphrodite Time?

And her materials translation(Thank god I don't have to do these anymore...)

Aphrodite's Authority:
Mind control + mind and soul destruction
Bypass magic resistance, mental protection and makes allies kill each other.
Here, an introduction to Aphrodite's purpose as a Insterstellar Battleship. Here, Macarios confirms that Aphrodite's attacks induce mental breakdowns in any intelligent lifeforms including Servants and how Kintoki's team killed each other. Here, Holmes breaks down what her Authority does through constant hypothesis and conclusions. Here, Aphrodite just spells it out(Since Beauty is in the mind of the beholder(as it also constitutes' worth), A Goddess of Beauty can basically screw with people's everything as she wishes). Here, Aphrodite's Authority from the PoV of Ritsuka(Yeah again, it's the whole ass cutscene but the key point is basically that Aphrodite's Authority is heard in the Soul, not the ears and that Ritsuka's mind is in danger of collapsing and controls your very soul.)
Here, Aphrodite's Authority can be countered by Caligula's Noble Phantasm(which is based on Artemis'/Diana's Authority) and it's also why he's able to resist Aphrodite's Authority.

(Yeah, this will be even smaller than Demeter's...)
Here, Aphrodite's entrance in the Lostbelt(and usage of her Authority in the process)
Here, an actual introduction to Aphrodite as a Goddess and what she represents(This is from her Alatheia form though)

And since we literally get nothing else but from her Alatheia Form(Outside of the backstory of her killing the Godbreaker Alliance members... which I already put up)... let's just go to that form already.

Strength, Durability, Speed?

Here, upon reaching Machine God Aphrodite, Caligula unveils the next part of the Godbreaker Alliance's plan and summons Golden Bear with Kintoki's AI to hold ontop Aphrodite. Here, after the gameplay battle, Aphrodite is damaged but still very functional(primarily surface damage). Here, after AI Kintoki's spiel, he hits Aphrodite with a Giga Golden Spark continuously to further paralyze her. Here, he mentions that considering how he was created, he's a newborn baby and thus would barely be affected by the way the Machine Gods are destroyed by the Natural Longevity Conceptual Weapon(And why he's still holding her in place).

Here, Aphrodite's last words and the Alien Priestess asking for her regrets, confirming her death.
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Seems like there is a Lord El-Melloi Manga that also has the battle between Svin and Atrum that also basically shows us what happened there too:

To bring in the parts of the LN which clarified this again:


Active member
^ here you can find raws for the case files manga if you ever feel like looking through it volume 11 hasn't been added yet though (I think it released only a few days ago so it will likely be added at a later point)

also hi! I guess I'm not a lurker on the site anymore.

Welcome then lol.
But seriously, thanks for that as while we haven't gotten lazy(Life always gets in your way the older you are), it becomes a little difficult to look for the latest and newest stuff especially since again, most Nasu stuff tends to stay in Japan then get released worldwide.

I'm planning on giving a good look at the Fate/Prototype Manga when it gets through a couple of chapters.


Active member
no problem :)

might as well post some other stuff seeing as I have the raws downloaded.
1.Fakers np seemingly splits some clouds (another shot of the same scene).
2.Gray seemingly dodges some lightning.
I'm adding seemingly cuz I haven't read volume four of the LN so I'm not sure if I'm missing context.


There's a discussion to be had about Faker's lightning and how legit it is .

On one hand, her NP doesn't use Zeus's bulls , but instead it uses two Wyverns skellies , and then there's the fact that it's red and also that her NP is weaker initially than Iskandar's.

On the other hand, she can use AoG magecraft and using real lightning is easy peasy for these fuckers and if she pours enough of her energy into the NP, it eventually matches Iskandar's .

So yeah... Not that it matters since you have people who aren't into the process of transforming into Artoria reacting to real lightning bolts in the same story.

At best, it's just reinforcement and at worst, it doesn't contradict anything.

Vespa Crabro

Stellaron Hunter
V.I.P. Member
Did they ever mention if the department heads were among the “monsters” of the clock tower/burial agency?


Active member
the Lord's are specifically not Grand mage tho.

as for how strong they are they scale above Gray and Co.
at least some of the other Lords scale to this too.
edit: wait who is Magdanel?

Vespa Crabro

Stellaron Hunter
V.I.P. Member
Sweet. Was wondering since it’s nice to have a metric for peeps like araya, touko and alba. Kinda funny that Alba ends up being the least monstrous despite being the best pure caster among the 3


I mean , they're all monsters in their own accord.

Touko kinda scrapes the bottom of Servant lvl, Araya is in Chaos's tier as per Shiki and Alba has that uber spam so...


edit: wait who is Magdanel?
It's a typo or just the romanization of Mcdonell Trambelio.

As for scalling, i don't think the context quite behooves the quote as in Grand Roll, the Lords didn't get to do shit in terms of action but they did spend some time in a who has the biggest dick influnce or political wise and so i think it's more to the effect of exerting the same amount of political power .


Active member
no apparently it's this girl and yeah it might not refer to power levels in hindsight.