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TYPE-Moon/Nasuverse Feats/General Thread - People Die If They Are Killed Edition

Finally time to get back to it.

Leader of the Crypters and Team A, Kirschtaria Wodime anyone?

Here, this is Da Vinci's exposition in the Team A Members but we'll be focusing on Wodime's mention in particular. I won't cut the video into pieces as it's extremely close to each other instead, I'll do a bullet-point for the main parts of Da Vinci's exposition on him:
  • The Chairman of the Animusphere Controlled Astromancy Department(One of Twelve Departments of the Mage Association)
  • Head of the exceptionally distinguished Wodime Family whose Name and Magical Circuits been around for thousands of years
  • Marisbury's Top Pupil and Rumored(and later confirmed but we'll get to that) Heir to the Animusphere Family rather than Olga Marie Animusphere
  • In terms of overall Magecraft capability, he is heads and shoulders above the rest(which is insane considering what will be discussed later)
  • Is the Leader of Team A(can't believe I have to say that with the above info but some people may gloss that over)
Alright, now that we got the basics out the way, we can go deeper into him.

Here, basically Kirschtaria's own recollection into his life at 15 years old. Here, he mentions that he was chosen over his father to become the next head of the Wodime Family due to his talents and ability. Here, after the attempted assassination by his father, he made him retire(It's obvious what he meant here) and assumed leadership of the family.

Here, he's stated to have the greatest Magical Circuits of any Wodime known.

Here, Da Vinci notes even her "older self" has stated that Wodime is a genius in Magecraft even in comparison to herself who is an unparalleled genius in every other area.

Here, Da Vinci Rider states that while Daybit can make the impossible possible, Wodime is the type to master what can be possible.

Alright, if I bring in anything more, I'll just be hitting redundancies so... let's get to the actual portion of Kirschtaria Wodime, shall we?

Anima Animusphere

Or as it also can be known as Grand Order/Anima Animusphere

Here, is the basic gist of what the Magecraft Anima Animusphere is, how it works and why it's so powerful.

Here, is basically the start of truly explaining what the Magecraft is and it's beginnings(The very basis of Astrology and the Primal Form of Astromancy Magecraft). Here, upon Goredolf telling her that Astromancy is more based on telling the future and not what Wodime is, Da Vinci clarifies further how much older Astromancy Magecraft is than even the Age of the Gods, back when the Planet, Heavens and Universe was full of Magical Energy until Man's development weakened Magecraft on every scale.

Here, Astromancy used to receive Magical Energy from Space before being relegated to just reading the future and Holmes states that the original form of Astromancy draws Magical Energy from the Earth's Rotation, the Magical Energy that fills the sky and the magical energy that rains from the Heavens. Here, Holmes and Da Vinci further clarify Ancient Greece has 3 different layers separating them(Earth, Sky, Heavens) and Wodime is using the Heaven's Layer(Which govern the laws of Outer Space) to "manipulate the Planets to become a gigantic Magical Circuit" to create a rain of Meteors.

Here, Holmes states just how difficult it is for a Human(Mage, Executor and otherwise) to defeat a Servant of genuine heroic renown(Basically, another way of Nasu covering his ass when it comes to the weaker Servants vs. the genuine McCoys) and the best they could do is just a retalitory strike even from the rare few exceptions. Here, Holmes outright states a single Human taking out multiple Servants like Wodime has is simply beyond Human capacity and if he was capable of this, he would have been Seal Designated on the spot.

Here, it's Magical Energy is comparable to Artemis' Arrows

Here, Wodime defeats Caenis with it's use and she complains how it's as strong as Zeus' Thunderbolts

Here, Demeter believes that Wodime could destroy their true bodies at any time(Though at first she takes it more of him being self-confident).

Here, Zeus recounts when Wodime appeared in the Lostbelt though they agreed to the general gist of why he's there, Zeus insisted that they fight to test Wodime's resolve. Here, Zeus admits he lost to Wodime due to complacency, Wodime states he only won because he didn't show off his full hand against Zeus immediately, especially as he still had to run Olympus in the background and thus couldn't go all out at once(Primarily because Wodime went alone). Here, Zeus stated he immediately knew he errored when Wodime used Animus Animusphere and despite quickly changing outputs, it was too late and he was defeated by Wodime.

Here, upon Rhongomyniad being launched to destroy the Tree of Emptiness(alongside everything else), Wodime uses Anima Animusphere to block it and it actually begins to break(While we don't see it be destroyed outright due to Beryl backstabbing Wodime during it, it's stated in the LB6 Prolgoue Rhongomyniad is superior to it).

Here, Wodime uses a Sirius Light amped version of Anima Animusphere against U-Olga Marie, causing her to flee the sector(while Chaldea believes she fled due to getting gravely injured, Rasputin tells Muramasa she has received no damage and fled because she believed everyone would have just gave up on sight)

Miscellanous Magecraft

Here, Wodime is able to counterattack automatically due to the spells engraved on his body.
Here, He used Vacuum Blades to kill his assailant, a manservant who works for his family, into bits.
Here, He used a Weight Alteration on his Ring to give the appearance he fell into the water.
Here, after drawing their attention, he used a footstep cancellation spell on his shoes to get away as fast as he could.

Strength, Durability, Speed, etc.
Here, he mentions defeating Caenis took everything he had and that came at a great personal cost(Which has been mentioned throughout the 2 parts of the Olympus Lostbelt) and even then, she would immediately be able to defeat him if she fought him right then and there.

Here, he gets critically injured by his own Manservant sent by his father to assassinate him, who inflicted him with the Anti-Mage Toxin(Here, it's described to be similar to Kiritsugu's Origin Round in how it works).

Here, Wodime was affected by a Anti-Mage toxin, affecting the blood and nerves, rendering his Magical Circuits inert. Here, despite his wound being closed, even his digestive system is barely functioning due to the damage he's taken from the anti-toxin. Here, he states even 10 days later, his body is still paralyzed from the attack. Here, even after almost 2 weeks, Wodime has yet to recover from the attack(though unfortunately, the food the boy(Pino as Nasu calls him) has no nutritional value due to being so old and stale). Here, after Pino's death and Wodime resolving himself to his new goals, he uses his soul for fuel to wake up his body, completely demolishing his Magical Circuits in the process(He mentions it as them physically crumbling away).

Here, to prove how he wasn't lying about the "Great Personal Cost" of beating her, he begins to take off his upper clothing and Caenis notices how wrinkly his hand is. Here, he states he's been like this ever since being brought back to life by the Foreign God. Here, Wodime proceeds to take off his shirt and Caenis goes on a tear about the disrespect until she sees just how awful he looks. Here, Caenis outright states that he can be compared to Prometheus in how emanciated he looks.

Here, Caenis basically bitches that it's unfair Wodime used Animus Animusphere on her, stating those Meteors was on par with Zeus' Lightning Bolts. Here, Wodime fought Caenis to ensure he's worthy of being her Master and she admits him defeating Zeus wasn't bullshit.

Here, Ritsuka Fujimaru defeats Wodime in Master to Master combat(Technically you also fight him with Caenis beforehand so yeah) though the first time he defeated Ritsuka, he believes they did not give it their all even to Pepe's surprise.

Here, Beryl backstabs Wodime with a fatal wound while he was defending against Rhongomyniad. Here, Wodime later survives the stab wound due to his Magic Crest keeping him alive.

Here, after using his Sirius Light amped Anima Animusphere on U-Olga Marie, his bottom half is obliterated from the sheer strain of using the combo and ultimately dies from the combination of the stab wound, the damage he taken from the combo and the Foreign God revoking his right to live.

And Here, while on his deathbed, Wodime tells Caenis about how to revive every other Crypter, he had to basically do the simulated Temple of Time storyline with each and every single one of them and save Humanity. He states they are nothing compared to the real thing(And it also explains why outside of Daybit, he's the sole Crypter that took Ritsuka's achievements deadly serious).

And I'm done. sorry for taking a bit but I wanted to make damn sure I get this out before Christmas, especially in terms of all of the other Servants I gotta do as well. If I missed anything major, let me know.
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33 hours to finish CCC normal route.

one of the main reasons why, i don't like this game at all.

Welp...gotta do Sakura's route and i'm never replaying this shit ever again.

Triple Accel 555

By the way does anyone have a source about how texture is work in nasuverse earth ? I heard these texture is the reason why planet not easily get destroyed.


There isn't any one source that describes exactly how Textures work, it's more of a compilation of sorts.

A basic explanation is provided in Camelot but it's just a basic one.


Active member
edgy herc stole gugalanna's shit cuz narita really wants him to be the final boss ig
Man, Narita is going all fucking in with the Alcides shit, isn't he?! Like I get it, Heracles is fucking Heracles, dude is literally bullshit incarnate in both Greek Myth and in Nasuverse Lore...

But Reincarnation Pandora can now steal Gugulanna's Divine Core?! It doesn't just take Noble Phantasms?! Yeah, that's when it gets kinda stupid now.


Active member
and bro was terrified to give Enkidu all As cuz he thought it'd be too overpowered lmao
He learned a little too much from Kinoko Nasu giving him that push because I get it, I genuinely get it:

He didn't want to do Archer Heracles as he feels he wouldn't be able to do him justice but Alcides is just a fan OC at this point with how nonsensical and how stupidly edgy his shit is.


Active member
if this leads up to Judge of the Dead Gil no-diffing him ill be fine with it tho
The worst part is that it's EXACTLY like how he writes Kenpachi Zaraki as of CFYOW:

  • Character who is already pretty powerful somehow becomes even more powerful because plot(Alcides because Reincarnation Pandora and other nonsense, Kenpachi because fuck you)
  • Any character that could rival/match him is removed from the plot(Gilgamesh through Hydra Venom, Enkidu through helping revive Gilgamesh/Ichigo, Hitsugaya and Byakuya are all removed from the story)
  • Character gets an over the top performance to the point it becomes absolute parody of who they are(Alcides through killing and subsuming Gugulanna/Kenpachi treating Hikone at his full strength like a toy and killing a Primordial Hollow with just his Shikai uncaring)
  • No real characterization based the most basic facets of the character.

Walaa, you got Narita special.

Triple Accel 555

Some interesting Nasu Diary about FGO.

Japanese Version on This Diary.

Took so fucking long looking for when we get the scene of Wodime's father tried to assassinate him, it took me like an hour looking for it
Find out it's tucked after Demeter dies

Man, I'm not criticizing this shit because it's a story and they have to sprinkle shit like this around but goddamn, do I hate it when I'm doing these Archives since it saps my drive to get it done all at once.


Whew, finally i finished CCC, or rather, the normal shit and the CCC Route.

60+ hours if i would have played it normally . New game +, + the new route is 85-90% the exact same content. What a shitload of fuck .

This is certainly my least favorite Extra game . There's great stuff in it , but it's too little spread over something so large.