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TYPE-Moon/Nasuverse Feats/General Thread - People Die If They Are Killed Edition

Alright finally time to get off this hiatus for good, Anastasia's Profile anyone?

Anastasia Nikolaevna Romanova

While it will be difficult to fully compare and contrast the differences between Lostbelt Anastasia and Chaldeas Anastasia due to the nature of the latter not really getting the chance to really flex out the difference in terms of Viy, this will ultimately be a combo of both of their feats.
I will also include what she does in Christmas 4 for the sake of completion since it will further help out with Chaldeas Anastasia and thus Lostbelt Anastasia as well.

Entire Discussion of Kadoc's Anastasia and Viy in particular here
Mini Discussion of the Romanov Family Magecraft here
Last moments of Anastasia's life and link to Viy here

Alright, let's get to the actual parts now:
Viy isn't actually based on the folklore of Gigol's stories and drew inspiration from Balor of Irish Myth. As well as other sources like Solodiviy Bunio, whose gaze can reduce towns to ashes and Boniak, who has killed no less than 40,000 people. And is explicitly stated to be her secret weapon. Kadoc implies Viy snuck into PHH to get it's abnormal power(and most likely influenced how strong PHH Anastasia is in the process)
Kadoc's Anastasia was ultimately twisted by him summoning her within the Lostbelt, making her more powerful than her PHH Counterpart but also forgetting chunks of her past in the process(Which she sees as a boon... Chaldeas Anastasia does NOT approve) and making her part Yaga.
The powerboost Lostbelt Anastasia has that Kadoc would be one of the 3 Crypters to complete Part 1 and defeat Goetia next to Wodime and Daybit if he had her per Nasu's Interview.

Strength Feats?
In Christmas 2020 NA, Anastasia ends up lifting up Ivan The Terrible similarly to an upside-down backpack(Kinnikuman reference) with ease despite having the Strength Rank of E. The resulting combination move, Mammoth Tusk Train, is done by removing the friction from their feet using Ice Magecraft to move insanely fast.
Bradamante at first believed Anastasia must have been using Magecraft to enhance her strength to lift Ivan... only to then realize Astolfo kinda disproves that theory(though he uses Monstrous Strength for it) only to just go with the fact Anastasia is just that strong enough to do it.
Even after the ingame fight, Anastasia and Ivan are barely winded and can still do the move to the point Bradamante even says just avoiding the attack still carries a massive level of force behind it.

To put this into perspective: Ivan as we see him ingame and in Chaldeas has a height of more than 5 meters and over 2.5 Metric Tons. The 1985 Guinness Book of World Records has Paul Anderson lift 2.84 Metric Tons in a back lift. This may make Anastasia feat far less weaker by comparison except...

So in a technical sense, Anastasia would be FAR superior physically than Paul Anderson, especially since she would still have to, you know, MOVE with that same level of uneven mass that is Ivan The Terrible multiple times without being the slightest bit winded on top of that(Which the game helpfully pointed out at that).

After Ivan basically comes off as a perv, Anastasia wanted to throw him off the pyramid but refrained from doing so as her goal is more important.

In Enma-Tei, after Anastasia gets hit with a mudball to the face, she states she always pays back transgressions a hundred million fold. Mash and Goredolf see her place a Gem into the Mudball she wiped from her face and throws it back at the Monkey. Diarmuid states that the Monkey was sent into a corkscrew and was flying from the hit and Goredolf states it was an underhanded throw at that(Which... is really, really hard to get it to any real level of speed or strength in the first place).

Well, Lostbelt Anastasia ultimately dies taking the bullet for Kadoc from Billy The Kid's 3rd Ascension state.

It's also implied Lostbelt Anastasia would have also died against Avicebron's unstable Ice Golems if it wasn't for Kadoc.

Now we will get to the Skills:
Shvibzik: B
This is most likely used in her Valentine's Event to get the Copy Viy to mess up Ritsuka's Room.

Glacial Charisma: B
A special Charisma handed down only to those who draw the blood of a Russian Emperor.

Mystic Eyes of Clear Sight: D

Viy, Viy, Viy!: Dash – Elemental Eyeballs
Rank: EX
Classification: Spirit Noble Phantasm
Range: ?
Maximum Number of Targets: ?

The full power release of Viy’s Mystic Eyes. The eyeballs that see through everything distort even the principle of causality to create weak points.

She uses this Noble Phantasm three times.
Once against Avicebron's Golems, taking them out instantly.
Another against Salieri's Noble Phantasm to defend herself and Kadoc and winning against that.
The final time is against Ivan The Terrible's Mammoth, which did nothing against it.

Sumerki Kremlin: Afterglow, Citadel of Abominable Blood
As far as I know, I'm not sure if she ever used this Noble Phantasm yet(Maybe in her first or second Interlude maybe?)
Alright, that was a really... really long one since that was the first time I had to incorporate Events AND make certain I didn't miss any details that was shown in lostbelt.
For those who have seen it before, I never had Anastasia's section because I was an idiot back then, especially when it came to Lostbelt 1 even compared to the other ones. So I made certain to spice her's up by explicitly adding later feats from the Events she was in.
I'll try and do similar to other characters who appear in the Lostbelts as well.

And yes, I'll make sure to get through these rapidfire so I can quickly get to LB5.1, especially since I never did LB4 either...
And I'd rather get this done so I don't get screwed over for LB5.2 and really get waylaid.
Time for the most radical change in "Humanity" until we get to Lostbelt 6 or 7.

The Yaga:

(Why am I using a picture of Paxti might you ask to represent the Yaga? Because fuck you, I'm not gonna go crazy looking for pictures of multiple Yaga for this).

The Yaga are a fusion of Demonic Beast and Humans and are not connected to Werewolves at all past similar appearances

The Name of the Yaga came from Yaga surviving the World from eating weaker Yaga, those consumed by their power or couldn't handle it in an "Artificial Selection", thus christening themselves after Baba Yaga.

Most Yaga are stuck in the "Strong over the Weak" that neither Billy The Kid nor Beowulf is able to sway them from it. This is most likely due to their Bestial Instincts.

They are otherwise extremely resilient in terms of endurance and pain due to their dull sense of it.

Atalante Alter states that Yaga are able to survive major bloodloss and survive extreme Temperatures. Paxti agrees but adds on they are able to able to reconnect severed arteries and create more blood in the case of excessive bloodloss(though they can still die to a good blow to the head or heart)

And otherwise avoid incurable sickness, burning to death or even drowning(Meaning they have redundancies for the latter especially).

In terms of their strength, they are able to easily lift Kirchat on their shoulders to Mash's amazement and Paxti is able to bash one's brains in

Their main weapon is a Scoped Bolt Action Hunting Rifle that is made for killing Demonic Beasts and made for Yaga. It uses Mana rather than Gunpowder to increase the muzzle's velocity for more penetrative power.

Yaga also show the ability to have enhanced senses of atleast hearing and smell(Hearing especially for being able to figure out how to get out of Minotaurus's Labyrinth.

Upon seeing Ivan The Terrible, he completely flips out mentally. This similarly happens to other Yaga who primarily give up upon seeing him.

It's to the point he explicitly states that he's spiritually broken upon seeing Ivan and never wants to see him again

To the point he even states it HURTS just to think about Ivan's form
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you should also add to the list:

nasuverse characters make to aru stans like jelly97, seething on multi forum scale in full delusionade zero mode

I actually plan to. Musubi and Cross outright pointed out exactly how Esper abilities work... and the Nasuverse has the means to shut shit like that down normally so it's not even a big deal as they love to wank it.
TYPEs and Dead Apostle Ancestors especially shit all over them since they can change the rules of reality around them and when Espers require knowledge of how their reality works to use their abilities at all...
Just getting from the Pre-Prologue of LB5.1 as is(I will add pics at a later time):
- It's confirmed a Fully Mature Tree of Emptiness can get on the energy level of Goetia's AAS Conglomerate(Or as the NA version states it, Goetia's "Incineration of Humanity") which means that Goetia was packing a Galaxy's worth of energy(And that Human Order's current level of energy is basically on the level of a Galaxy... makes sense really considering how Goetia farmed all of that).

-Area 51 and the area surrounding it is explicitly untouched by the bleaching of Reality on the surface of the Planet(I thought it would have just been the underground that would have been untouched, not just the entire area itself).

-Memory Partition of the Atlast Institute legit gives people virtually "other selves" to help with the extra computational power(That's... not what I thought it was lol)

-And due to the power of Hindsight, Kirschtaria's entire plan, why he told Beryl to take down Serferyt and the dangers of the English Lostbelt(though this wasn't hindsight as he pointblank says it) and even bringing up "World's End"(Which is basically one of Rhongomyniad's abilities) is basically laid bare here for LB5.2 and even LB6.

I'll add in more as I get through the Lostbelt... if Cross doesn't do it first, especially since I still have to do all of these LB Archives lol.


V.I.P. Member

I'll drop anything interesting I see, and I'll try to grab screenshots of stuff like the actual arrow duel, but imma take this Lostbelt nice and slow after how I burned through the last one
I'll drop anything interesting I see, and I'll try to grab screenshots of stuff like the actual arrow duel, but imma take this Lostbelt nice and slow after how I burned through the last one

Yeah that makes sense. Me? I'm gonna try and get through it as quickly as I can so I don't end up losing track of it. Already got so much work I gotta do with the other Archives as is, let alone forget to do this too lol.


V.I.P. Member

I said I'd take it slow but I kinda forgot they immediately punch you in the face with the INTERGALACTIC CROSSBOW OF THE GODS. Where's MHX when you need her?

I took a couple screenshots but imgur is dead and I cant be arsed to upload them at the moment, so to keep things concise Artemis was explicitly created to shoot down both intergalactic spaceships and through entire planets.

The Nautilus' new defenses actually manage to hold this attack back for a few moments so that's something.

Also Holmes, due to his encounter with Sigurd, is able to not be instagibbed by Caenis. Progress!
To get this out of the way, I'm gonna turn the Mash Ortinax into it's own mini-section alongside the other Servants as what I did before? While it DID focus on Mash from how weak she was beforehand and why and when she got the Ortinax, it really doesn't deserve it's own section.
Meanwhile, I did miss some atleast okay to decent feats for the other Servants in there and I want to actually add in these Miscellanous sections for them in particular to get it out of the way entirely:

First off:

Mash Kyrelight (Ortinax Systems)

Here, Mash has issues ultimately taking down a Kirchat but even in this weakened state, Paxti states she is still as strong as Billy The Kid.

And a reminder that Kirchat is seen by Da Vinci to be a Low Rank Phantasmal here

Entire reason for the Power Incontinence here.

Basically Galahad "flew the coop" so to speak with Mash(though he does ultimately talk to her when she's struggling against Ivan's Lightning Attacks). And the main reason she's even able to still transform into Shielder is due to her body acclimating to being a Demi-Servant and basically making her a Shielder on her own power. And the only reason she can't use her full abilities is due to the sheer doubts she still has due to the nature of the Lostbelts and knowing that what they are doing isn't 100% legit.

Now to the Ortinax feats:

Da Vinci states despite the fact Mash won't be able to access Galahad's skills, abilities or Noble Phantasm anymore, the Ortinax skeleton can make up for the difference

Mash is ultimately able to defend herself and Ritsuka against the Divine Spirit Tier Lightning Blast Ivan was going to do here.

Mash ultimately blocks multiples of those same attacks, invoking Mold Camelot on the second to the point, her systems are still down and need to recharge later on here.

Alright, she's down, let's get to the Miscellaneous section which will be hilariously quick(So quick to the point I won't put down pictures since it's a waste of time):

Billy The Kid:
Ultimately mows down around well over a hundred+ plus Oprinchki that are Servant Tier in power before his Third Ascension here.
For a reminder that the closer the Oprinchnki are to Ivan, the stronger they become. To the point those in the Capital are on the level of Servants.
After his change to the 3rd Ascension thanks to Da Vinci's upgrades, he takes out 5 in single shots each.
Billy notes his gun is now 3x more powerful than it was before
Before Kadoc can even finish his sentence or fully use the Sirius Light, Billy was able to aim and fire his gun in less than the space of a heartbeat(Also a feat for Lostbelt Anastasia to be able to react in that instance just after being defeated by Chaldea)

Atalante Alter:
Normally, she would have actually drawn faster than Billy The Kid or at the very least gotten a mutual kill but her regrets betrayed her at the last second.

Ultimately takes down Minotauros(though he did have Musashi's and Atalante Alter's help in fighting him).
Takes down a Stronghold Fortress Door in a single punch(in one of the options, it's so fast, Ritsuka didn't even have the chance to time it)

His MC takes a headshot from Billy's Gun and damages it, only enough to ID he isn't Amadeus but it quickly recovers.
He uses his Dio Santissimo Misericordia de Mi against Kadoc and LB Anastasia and would have affected everyone in range, including Ritsuka, Billy and Avicebron. Anastasia counters with Viy, Viy, Viy and Salieri is only knocked out but not seriously injured by the counter.
Salieri, using what he believed to be Mozart in his head(most likely using Oblivion Correction to it's fullest), plays his own version of Dies Irae through such hatred, anger and venom, it majorly weakens Ivan The Terrible and pushes him into his Third Ascension due to the process of Avengers gaining power through hatred.

In case I miss anything important, let me know and with that...

Lostbelt 1 is finally completed.

I'll get started with Lostbelt 2 Archives and add in the Hyperlinks as quickly as I'm able. This stuff does do alot of work even if I truncate it down as much as I can to not be ridiculous, but still be 100% with what was done in the Lostbelt or the Servants in said Lostbelt. Not sure if I will add in Interlude or otherwise for these Servants in particular. Maybe Beowulf though since his really is damn good.

Son of a bitch she looks kinda amazing too :defeat

We fucking asked for playable Tiamat for years and they fucking give it to Arcade.. and they made her look good too...
This is legit the first time I feel burned by the Arcade version

No .

It's not even confirmed

But if it does well then maybe, just maybe, we'll get Mahoyo 2 in 20 years.

Yeah, that fits the thought process of them in Japan right now...

And new costumes for Karna and Arjuna too... real kick in the dick...



I don't care.

The salt wave was funny at first but it's becoming annoying , and this is probably just the beginning as they'll probably keep adding more exclusive servants / stories in order to make more cash . especially since the virus battered the shit out of Japan's arcade industry, so they kinda need to do all they can to alleviate that .