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TYPE-Moon/Nasuverse Feats/General Thread - People Die If They Are Killed Edition

The Mooncancers include BB and Kiara, both of whom are world ending entities. And also Arc, who is arguably more powerful than Oberon is.

The quality doesn't matter here, only the quantity.
And in Quantity, there is very few Pretenders and MoonCancers in comparison to Alter-Egos, Rulers, Avengers and Foreigners we have had that ultimately made us "alien" to the Human Order.


There's no info saying that quantity matters either.

The defining problem with the extra classes is that it's that their purpose is not protecting the Human Order like the originals.

As long as this is the issue, all of the extra classes qualify by default, regardless of how powerful or how many the members in each class are.


V.I.P. Member
The quality doesn't matter here, only the quantity.
And in Quantity, there is very few Pretenders and MoonCancers in comparison to Alter-Egos, Rulers, Avengers and Foreigners we have had that ultimately made us "alien" to the Human Order.

Xhom, look at the post I quoted

I was saying that being a world ending threat obviously wasn't a condition since Mooncancer didn't qualify.

And I my original statement was that Foreigners and MoonCancer should be included, I never mentioned Pretenders. Foreigners at least have 11 Servants to Rulers 15, so the quantity isn't that far off.

And you didn't read the latest two posts either...
We both screwed up there and technically all of them qualified because Mash and Shielder was brought up.
We may be dealing with only 4 Ordeals but it's pretty apparent it's for all of the Extra Class overuse rather than just sticking to the 7.


V.I.P. Member

Maybe they'll shove the others into that fourth.....what are they calling these now? Order clauses or something?

Anyway, Not!Romani supposedly mentioned four and then backtracked to three, so we'll probably get a .5 thing for those.


V.I.P. Member

Because they were posted while I was writing :zaru

Also I literally just said it was weird those three classes were chosen as representatives going by the PV, I didn't say anything about why they were chosen. That was all you


V.I.P. Member
As long as we're on the subject, though.....do the Foreigner and Pretender classes exist outside of the context of Chaldea? Like Hephaestion was "Faker" originally, right?


Yeah, it was specifically created by Heartless.

Euclid is a Foreigner in Requiem so they do exist outside of FGO but the setting of Requiem is another can of worms .
Just ignore it and keep using Knocknarea as usual.

And I hope to god Tamlin isn't official english name for Fairy Knights

Again, that spelling IS the genuine spelling of Knocknarea in Irish/Celtic, that's not the problem and even on Beast's Lair, alot of people found it cool.

It's the "Tamlin" that's gonna be a problem and unfortunately, it was localized that way since like last year that Tamlin is the official translation of Fairy Knight... so yeah, an actual Fairy Knights' name is gonna be used for Barghest, Melusine and Sith which will... be annoying.


If it's true, i'll just ignore it then and keep using Fairy Knight
I finally decided to watch the first Camelot movie(Yeah, I bought it awhile ago and finally watched it now, sue me) and surprisingly, they outright state that Bedivere's Switch On: Argatelm is basically on the level of Divine Spirits.
Which tracks with the Lord El-Melloi stating that Rhongomyniad is on the same level and obviously, the prosthetic arm is just a transformed Excalibur.

Otherwise, the first movie is... rough and people wasn't joking on how rough it was. It wasn't rushed but it definitely feels like it wasn't paced well nor did it really try and do the basics of Camelot right either.
While the movie tried to settle on Bedivere's POV, it actually barely did that and we equally got focus on Ritsuka, Mash and Da Vinci which is weird for a movie trying to settle on a single POV. It's more ridiculous in how the loss of Touta and Hundred Personas... didn't really go to anything. Of course, believing a bathing scene somehow took them out of it is dumb as fuck, but it's clearly apparent that their removal just made certain scenes weirder to compensate.

And in comparison to the 2nd movie, the action scenes was WAY too muted which actually hurts the 2nd Movie due to how huge the difference is. Everyone feels way too weak or basically not even trying to actually feel superhuman, Mash seems way too focused on just batting people with the FRONT of the Shield rather than the sides in which many adaptations actually go with, Mordred barely seems to damage the environment near her which is in direct defiance of how her fights usually occur in Apocrypha in showing how she doesn't give a damn about collateral and especially Tristan who might as well just have a gun instead.

The dub voices? Was actually pretty good. I know most people go sub over dub and I will usually ignore bad taste takes but yeah, these voices are pretty good. Jeanne's VA's take on Leonardo Da Vinci pops even harder than it did during the FGO VR game and actually sounds as bombastic as she should while trying to add in a slight Italian bent. Sanzang doesn't sound too annoying but sounds right for herself, Ritsuka absolutely gives me Doppio vibes and now I can't unsee it. Mash was always on point and even The Lion King sounds like a more aged up Artoria which is impressive. The only real negative isn't Ozymandias(while he's no Japanese DIO, he still acts like Ozymandias and demands presence) but Gawain's new VA. He sounds too nasally? Or villain-esque? It's hard to say exactly but he doesn't sound like he should and I think the 1st ENG VA did him better(though seeing the 2nd VA in Grand Carnival, he did improve enough that it wasn't too distracting and was closer to the first).

I'll watch the 2nd movie tomorrow and then I'll do Mandricardo's Archive(Yeah, I do this alot, sorry guys).