World of Darkness Feats and Discussion

Garou gifts


Vampire 4
Lilith, the mother of magick, original mage and demoness, taught the first Disciplines to Caine and Awakened his magick potential. Caine was a wizard. With his power of Murder via the Mark of Death, Caine can apparently kill higher beings.

When Caine discovered Celerity, he learned how to move like lightning.

Another statement with "lightning Caine, fast-moving Caine".

Caine can cancel the effects of any Discipline used in his vicinity and create new Disciplines on the spot if he wishes.

In the Gehenna event, if a fight between Caine and Lilith happens, the sky and the earth will tear apart, and Hell's forces will pour out of the ground.

The Gehenna apparently "mark the angel that dies".

A Toreador Methuselah, via the fourth or fifth generation vampires, possesses incredible powers of the mind. They can bend others to their will if one of their followers makes eye contact with someone outside the cult and can Dominate outsiders through their servants. They can then give the victim telepathic commands and force them to do their bidding. Their interests range globally, and no one knows when they may want to take control.

4000-year-old vampires can level a building with a thought, and a 10000-year-old or older Antediluvian is even mightier.

Lilith can pluck a handful of tiny stars and scatter the stars across the land with her garment.
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Here's the map of World of Darkness cosmology.

The Earth is also Gaia, the Mother Goddess of all living things. She is not limited to Earth; all living parts of creation collectively form Gaia whether they are within the physical world or not.

The Umbra, also known as the Spirit World, the Shadow, or the Velvet Shadow, constitutes a realm that exists alongside, yet separate from, the material world. The term "Umbra" is commonly employed, particularly by werewolves, to specifically refer to the "Spirit Wilds" or Middle Umbra. Nevertheless, Umbral cosmology encompasses more than just this aspect. Some groups, such as the Void Engineers, perceive the Umbra as an alternate or parallel dimension, universe, or reality, despite technically occupying the same physical space as Earth.

The material world, also known to Garou as the Gaia Realm and to wraiths as the Skinlands, represents the world of everyday life with which all humans, vampires, mages, hunters, and werewolves are intimately familiar.

There are three Umbras, collectively known as the Near Umbra. Within the Near Umbra, these three Umbras are called the High, Middle, and Low Umbra, each infinitely vast in scope. However, despite their immense expanse, they are all encompassed "within" Earth, with the system's boundary being Earth's atmosphere.

There are 13 realms called the Thirteen Near Realms. The realms are The Abyss, The Aetherial Realm, The Arcadia Gateway, The Atrocity Realm, The Battleground, The CyberRealm, Erebus, Flux, The Legendary Realm, Pangaea, Scar, Summer Country and Wolfhome.

Brief summary of the three Umbras.

The Gauntlet, also known as the Wall in the Middle Kingdom, acts as the barrier surrounding material reality, separating it from the Umbra. Over the centuries and varying from location to location, the Gauntlet experiences fluctuations. Still, the last 200 years have strengthened this spiritual barrier, likely due to the increasing influence of the Technocratic paradigm.

Different Umbrae possess distinct Gauntlets, which typically overlap or may even be the same. The Gauntlet in the Dark Umbra is called the Shroud, while the Middle and High Umbra employ the term "Gauntlets" to describe theirs. To separate the Umbrae of Earth from the Far Umbra, a Gauntlet-like phenomenon known as the Horizon comes into play.

Here is the relation between the Earth and the Gauntlet.

Near Umbra layout.
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High Umbra
Information of the High Umbra, the Astral Penumbra, Astral Doorways, The Vulgate, Pericarps, Afterworlds, The Umbral Courts, The Spires and The Epiphamies.

The Astral Penumbra and Astral Doorways.

The Vulgate.


The Afterworlds.

The Umbral Courts.

The Spires.

The Epiphamies.
Middle , Low and Deep umbra
Middle Umbra has The Spirit Penumbra, Airts and Moon Paths, Pattern Webs, Umbral Realms, The Aetherian Reaches and Anchorheads.

The Spirit Penumbra.

Airts and Moon Paths.

Pattern Webs.

Umbral Realms

The Aetherial Reaches and Anchorheads

In Low Umbra are Penumbral Shadowlands and the Shroud, The Tempest and Dark Mysteries. The Low Umbra is also known as Dark Umbra.

Penumbral Shadowlands and the Shroud.

The Tempest

Dark Mysteries.

Here is the summary via TLDR versions.

The Deep Umbra is the Umbra at the furthest reaches from Earth. It lies beyond the known realms of the Astral, Near, and Deep Umbrae, on the other side of the nearly impenetrable Membrane. Serving as the metaphysical aspect of outer space, it encompasses those aspects of the Umbra that exist outside the Membrane. As one travels farther from the Realm, reality becomes increasingly fragmentary in this space beyond the Horizon, where the three Umbrae blend into indistinguishability—also referred to as the Deep Umbra, Deep Universe, Etherspace, and the Void.

Everything beyond the Horizon constitutes the infinite reaches of space, where the spirit and material realms supposedly merge as one. In the analogy of the Umbra as a protective shell encasing Earth with the Astral Umbra above and the Dark Umbra below, the Deep Umbra represents the unknown wilds extending far away beyond the shell, reaching into the vastness of infinity beyond imagination.

Gaia's presence in the Deep Umbra diminishes progressively beyond the Membrane, and reality itself breaks down, making navigation increasingly challenging. This mysterious domain is inhabited by the Weaver, Wyld, and Wyrm, ancient cosmic entities that hold dominion over its boundless expanse.

Beyond the Asteroid Belt and its True Horizon, the Deep Umbra (also known as the Deep Universe) becomes a realm that harbors the most potent Marauders and Nephandi mages, individuals too volatile and unstable for earthly restraints. In the vast expanse of the Void of Heaven, demonic entities also roam freely—this fact is well-documented. Like the ocean depths that hold creatures too immense for dry land, the Deep Umbra is teeming with entities capable of devouring even Godzilla.