Calc And yet another berserker (AGK)

Emperor teigu's activate its feral mode and then throws a huge nuke that packed enough heat to vap a crowd of folks from dozens of meters away
let's calc the power of this nuke i guess
the distance range we have on this calc
33445.57-50927.52 m
keep in mind that this is an extreme low end as the nuke went far past the battlefield and could be seen from the other side of the country by wave and kurome
so i will just go with the high end distance at once
50927.52 m

panel height is 320 px
nuke diameter is 137px
compact angscalling go
2*atan(137/(320/tan((70/2)deg)) 33.374975 deg
30534 meters for nuke diameter
now this is using what angsizing gave me
we have on panel statements that the capital area is 200000 km^2
R=252.313252 km
which using the 33.374975 degrees we have gives us
151280 meters for the nuke diameter
now this is a mushroom cloud that comprovadely irradiates heat and vaps humans even without touching them
so i will use near total fatalities as a low end and nuke radius airburst as a high end
nuke radius via angscalling is 15.267 km
nuke radius via statements is 75.640 km
also there is this awesome mid end from a poster on the commentaries below

feral teigu nuke near total fatalities=182 megatons-23.368 gigatons
feral teigu nuke fireball airbust=4.473-245.331 gigatons

feral teigu nuke surface area method=2.1 gigatons
so feral teigu is either city level+ or island level+


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