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Calc The Reckoners - Regalia floods Manhattan

Firefight said:
Prof turned toward the city and fell silent. We passed something nearby in the water, a large, towering length of steel. I frowned. What was that, and why had it been built into the middle of the river like this? There was another in the distance.

The tops of a suspension bridge’s towers, I realized, spotting wires trailing down into the water. The entire bridge had been sunk.

Or … the water had risen.

“Sparks,” I whispered. “We’re never going to get off the open water, are we? She’s sunk the city.”

"Yes,” Prof said.

I was stunned. I’d heard that Regalia had raised the water level around Manhattan, but this was far beyond what I’d taken that to mean. That bridge had probably once loomed a hundred feet or more above the river; now it was beneath the surface, only its support towers visible.

I turned and looked at the water we’d crossed. Now I could see a subtle slope to the water. The water bulged here, and we had to move up at an incline to approach Babilar, as if we were climbing a hill of water. How bizarre. As we drew closer to the city itself, I saw that the entire city was indeed sunken. Skyscrapers rose like stone sentries from the waters, the streets having become waterways.
Firefight said:
“That’s how her abilities work,” Tia said. “A surface of water exposed to the air is like a screen for her, and she can look out of it. She can’t just look the other direction. Under the surface, we’re invisible to her.”

“We’re still in her power,” Val pointed out from the driver’s seat up ahead. “She raised water to flood all of Manhattan—reaching down to rip apart this submarine would be nothing to her. In the past, we counted on her not knowing we were down here.”
The High Epic Regalia uses her water powers to flood Manhattan, raising the water around Manhattan around 100 feet, which she also sustains. 100 feet is 30.48m (half of which is 15.24m), and Manhattan has a surface area of 59.1km^2, or 5.91e+7m.

V = 5.91e+7 X 30.48
= 1801368000m^3

Weight of water is 1000kg/m^3.

M = 1801368000 X 1000
= 1801368000000kg

We'll get our energy with GPE.

E = 15.24 X 9.807 X 1801368000000
= 2.69230083e14 joules
= 64.3475341778202647 kilotons

Final Results
Regalia floods Manhattan = 64.348 kilotons


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