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Calc The Witcher- The Lodge of Sorceresses destroy Strygga Castle

‘Right now,’ continued Philippa, ‘the Witcher Geralt is somewhere in Ebbing. Along with Yennefer and Ciri, whom he freed. We ought to ponder over how to find them—’

‘And that castle?’ Sabrina Glevissig interrupted. ‘Haven’t you forgotten something, Philippa?’

‘No, no I haven’t. The legend, if it should arise, ought to have a single, faithful version. Thus I’d like to ask you to do it, Sabrina. Take Keira and Triss with you. Sort out the matter. So that no trace remains.’


The roar of the explosion was heard as far away as in Maecht, and the flash-since it took place at night- was visible even in Metinna and Geso. The series of further tectonic shocks were perceptible even further away. At the remotest ends of the world.
Triss, Jeira and Sabrina destroy Stygga Castle, causing colossal earthquakes felt at " the remotest ends of the world." These earthquakes are so considerable that windows shatter & busts topple over all the way over in Oxenfurt, when the seismic wave originated in Ebbing.
The small group of scholars, constandy being joined by more scholars greedy to see the fruits of Oppenhauser’s thirty years of labours, briskly covered the distance separating them from the laboratory of the famous physicist. They were just about to open the door when the ground suddenly shook. Perceptibly. Powerfully, actually. Very powerfully, actually.

It was a seismic wave, one of the series of earthquakes caused by the destruction of Stygga Castle, Vigefortz’s hide-out, by the sorceresses. The seismic wave had come all the way to Oxenfurt from distant Ebbing.

Dozens of pieces of glass exploded with a crash from the stained-glass window on the frontage of the Department of Fine Arts. The bust of Nicodemus de Boot, the academy’s first rector, scrawled over with rude words, fell from its plinth. The cup of herb tea with which Rotten Eggs was washing down his roll and forcemeat fell from the table.
A first-year physics student, Albert Solpietra, fell from a plantain tree in the academy grounds that he had climbed to impress some female medical students.
As I can't stand earthquake calcs, I'll be looking at my old Freybeards calc and God Movement's Whitebeard calc for reference. Given the breaking of windows and cups, the effects of this earthquake would rank as a VI (strong).
On the richter scale, that would classify as a magnitude 6 or 7 earthquake.
Now that's all out of the way, let's find the minimum range of the earthquake.

The distance from Nilfguard to Brokilon is 2500 miles.
‘Twelve days have passed since I set out from Brokilon, during which I’ve travelled around sixty miles. Rumour has it that Ciri’s in Nilfgaard, the capital of the Empire. Which is around two and half thousand miles from here. Simple arithmetic tells me that at this rate I’ll get there in a year and four months. What do you say to that?’
We'll need to find the distance from Edding to Oxenfurt.
4257 pixels = 2500 miles
1pixel = 2500 miles/4257 = 0.587268029 miles
0.587268029 miles X 2315 = 1359.52549 miles (2187.94419km)

With the distance, we can also find the timeframe of the duration of the earthquake by dividing the distance by 5.7.

T = 1359.52549/5.7
= 238.513244s

Now to get the amplitude from a nomogram.
The nomogram is too small to measure out the full distance, but to quote God Movement in his blog...

I drew through 2.5 as that is the most we can deduce. However, with a nomogram going up a single unit in magnitude increases the amplitude by 10x.

Why? It's logarithmic.

So 2.5 = 50mm
3.5 = 500mm
4.5 = 5000mm
So multiplying the amplitude by 10, we find that a magnitude 4.5 earthquake having an amplitude of 500mm ends up as a magnitude 5.5 earthquake with an amplitude of 5000, and a magnitude 6.5 earthquake with an amplitude of 50000.

Mg = log(base10)50000+3log(base10)[5.5*238.513244]-2.92
= 11.1326

That's our magnitude. So with all of that out of the way at last? Let's find how much energy that translates to. Put that into the earthquake calculator, and we get
3.1542782403444E+21 joules, or 753.89059281653919697 gigatons, or 251.296864 gigatons for each sorceress.

Final Results
Triss, Kiera and Sabrina destroy Stygga Castle (total energy) = 753.891 gigatons
Triss, Kiera and Sabrina destroy Stygga Castle (individual energy) = 251.297 gigatons


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