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Okay sorry didn't want to disturb you again, but quick question dude: What is your take on Akuma vs Kenshiro? Someone on CBR named Nik at the end of this thread: https://community.cbr.com/showthread.php?89740-Kenshiro-vs-Akuma

Apparently argued that Kenshiro is beyond all of the Street Fighter universe.

I wish to confirm from you if this is actually the case. Thanks.
Regular-Nothing Eric
"Every vs site has different metrics by which they rate characters. I don't how CBR does theirs."

Long story short: Let's just say that CBR's rules and metrics are nothing but utter bollocks by the standards of pretty much most other debate boards I've been to or seen. Strict and weird at best. Moronic and nonsensical at worst. They lowball a lot of series/characters and treat anti-feats as legit average feats or even best feats of a character and disregard any high-end feats they don't like as "outliers". They disregard all lore and statements as hyperbole, no matter how well supported. The mods declare what is or isn't canon or permissible as feats through rulings (for example: if the mods rule that Superman can't move faster than light, then it's the truth. And challenging them is grounds for a ban).
Regular-Nothing Eric
To copy/paste what Atem said: "They are heavily biased, ignore evidence in lieu of word of god, ignore word of god in lieu of evidence, yes they do both and have no consistency when it comes to their standards of debate, unironically think Eve can beat Alex, think Thor is at absolute best is a bullet-timer and even then they don't believe that either"

What do you think mate?
Regular-Nothing Eric
You should have seen how insane their threads can get, especially their FF7 downplay, I have some to show you in the PM's next time if you don't mind. Good night.
Friday joining on a Friday? I like you already, newbie :pimpe
  • Like
Reactions: Friday.
Thanks, man.

EDIT; 4 million reputation?
  • Kratos Grin
Reactions: Ral
4 MILLION!? :shocked
Hey bro where can i read Elric of Melnibone???did u had the pdf or Something??
Not all the books are digital or online, but you can find the ones that aren't on archive. Somebody scanned them up on there. As for everything else that is digitally available? I recommend genesis library.
The archive ones even I didn't know about until some idiot named NightmareCinema blurted that out, because he was under the impression I still hadn't finished the Second Ether trilogy by then. When I had, and borrowed them from my local library for a time. Which backfired horribly because I knew where to look for any holes in his fan-fiction. Idiot thought one of the Lost Gods was a Lord of Law.
There’s also collection on piratebay if you torrent