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OBD Convo #34: Outskirts Headcanon Dome is the nu obd

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Claudio Swiss

V.I.P. Member


V.I.P. Member
Ultra Perm Banned Instinct V-2

as overrated as dnote was, this theme by maximum the hormone is something else, amazing song, not to mention, for this ending theme it fits, basically what the vid shows is light, being on blank emotionless state, inside on the supernatural elevator which goes upside down = it is the antithesis

cuz he loses his mind so fast with each bad stuff he does and goes faster to his downfall as the elevator goes also down faster

at that point

he almost lost his humanity, and within his mind has created his own realm, and cares only for himself, and thinks what is good only for him, at full ego and crazy levels, as his madness rises even more, its a crazy irony for a dude who was named as ''light'', basically what it means, humans should never have that much power, cuz they cant control it, and eventually fail, tragic
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