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OBD Convo #34: Outskirts Headcanon Dome is the nu obd

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I've also heard that they can't travel over large bodies of water like oceans and shit
Swear to God every time I pick up the N64 my cousin owned, and we broke endless nights playing on he definitely comes out to fuck with me. He passed away almost three years ago due to heart complications after surviving a year and recovering from a 5 story fall out of a window (he was not good in the head at the time). I mean shit be dropping, I be trippin over things I know I put away, and then when I need something good to happen in my life, it comes to fruition but with a twist and I know it's that nigga fuckin' with me :blobfacade
I remember in the morning a little before I got the call that he had passed away in his sleep, my TV had turned on by itself and it never did that before. Since that day that TV was never the same; not to mention my Xbox One stopped working entirely and now only recently started working normally again. That is some strong spiritual energy, probably the strongest I've ever encountered in my entire existence, and I didn't really believe in any of that before he passed away. Then when I have dreams with him in it, he doesn't talk, just laughs without a voice and stares at me when I asked if he's real.

Then I found the tribute video we made for him... bro this shit had me in manly tears and I can't watch it for even a min cause it hurts :catcry



V.I.P. Member
Haven't seen a ghost so I never believe them but someone I know, that can see one, says ghost don't stay at the same place as I am so

Not sure what's up with that.

Basically if I'm around they leave, Either Ghost is afraid of me or she is lying. and even now I haven't seen a single ghost.
I always wanted to see a ghost and my paranoic ass have not even saw something i confused with a ghost yet :skully


Just a shadow
V.I.P. Member
I thought I found a promising game isekai. No harem no love story.

Shit is dude still treating the game world as a game world and it's working like a game instead of a world.

:kannasip only thing differs is Basically NPC are people they can interact with so they need to actually haggle but the system is dumb ass shit like the world building is not well thought out so yea that's practically kind of dumb ima check 5 more chapter if I decide to drop it or not, thing is too dumb at this point.


If youve ever watched any yourubes ect who deal with scammers, the overwhelming majority of victims are eldery people who aren't tech saavy which is pecisely who they want. Not little timmy who sits on his phone all day watching tiktok lol
Like that one YouTuber who woke up those corrupt ass politicians and local law enforcement agencies in India to which they FINALLY shut down those scam scenters and arrested those crook ass nibbas scammin' grannies.


V.I.P. Member
Like that one YouTuber who woke up those corrupt ass politicians and local law enforcement agencies in India to which they FINALLY shut down those scam scenters and arrested those crook ass nibbas scammin' grannies.
Jim Browning. Literally staked the place out for months doing nothing but gathering data (with their own cams). He'll even call victims and try and persuade them not to go along with the scammers plans. Doesnt always work cause they think he's the sammer but still.

Theres another guy who does similar but his is mostly trolling them and making them mad :skully


Balor Béimnech
V.I.P. Member
>There icon is an abusive necrophiliac.
ya know it writes itself
I mean after accepting Bridget despite how his story makes it an absolute landmine to touch as well as every Transgender that explicitly goes after kids, it always writes itself because there is never any bottom for these guys.

It's just "representation" after all.
When dumbass niggas can't stop telling on themselves, because they have no self-control. :wow
When dumbass niggas can't stop telling on themselves, because they have no self-control. :wow

Honestly, I feel worse for the ACTUAL Bridget fans who liked the character in the sense they wanted him to reach his goal yet still dress the way he does just to fuck with people.
I remember quite a few times people would literally go "When Bridget returns, have him dress the same but be bulked out the ass to complete the joke"... now, you have people legit trying to pretend Strive didn't groom his ass and his backstory had NOTHING to do with his change when it absolutely SHOULD.

All because Daisuke wanted to get that Chinabux as they wanted no media with "Twinks" in it anymore... fucking sellout.
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