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OBD Convo #39: never give up

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Man of Atom
Title: "Megatron's Mechanical Nightmare"

Once, in a small, forgotten town on the outskirts of Cybertron, there stood an abandoned factory. Its walls were covered in rust, and its windows shattered like the souls of those who had worked there. The factory was known as the "Metalworks," and it had a dark history.

In the deepest, darkest corner of the Metalworks, hidden beneath layers of debris and discarded machinery, lay the remains of Megatron, the infamous Decepticon leader. Many believed he had been defeated and destroyed in the last great battle, but somehow, his spark still flickered with a malevolent energy.

One stormy night, a group of adventurous Autobots decided to explore the factory, drawn by tales of Megatron's lingering presence. Among them was Optimus Prime, the valiant Autobot leader, who was determined to make sure Megatron could never rise again.

As they ventured deeper into the factory, the air grew colder, and the shadows seemed to come alive. Unnerving whispers echoed through the corridors, and strange, ghostly apparitions danced at the edges of their vision. It was as though the factory itself had absorbed the malevolence of Megatron.

Suddenly, a loud crash reverberated through the Metalworks, and the Autobots found themselves separated, each facing their own nightmarish ordeal.

Optimus Prime encountered a twisted, monstrous version of Megatron, his body a nightmarish amalgamation of rusted metal and jagged edges. It spoke with Megatron's voice, taunting him with memories of their past battles.

Meanwhile, Bumblebee was ensnared by spectral chains that seemed to appear from nowhere, binding him in place. He could hear Megatron's cruel laughter echoing in his audio receptors.

Ratchet, the Autobots' medic, stumbled upon a chamber filled with twisted experiments, failed attempts to resurrect Megatron. The grotesque creations that lay strewn about the room whispered incoherently, their optics flickering with malevolent intent.

As the Autobots struggled to overcome their individual horrors, they realized that the Metalworks was a reflection of Megatron's darkest desires and ambitions, a twisted mirror of his malevolent soul. The factory was using their fears against them, and it seemed that there was no escape.

But Optimus Prime, fueled by his unwavering determination and the memory of his fallen comrades, managed to break free from the nightmarish vision. With a surge of courage, he rallied the remaining Autobots and, together, they confronted the malevolent presence that was Megatron.

In a climactic battle of wills and strength, Optimus Prime and his team managed to seal away the lingering darkness of Megatron once and for all. The Metalworks, no longer tainted by his malevolence, crumbled into ruin, and the town could finally find peace.

But the memory of that night haunted the Autobots, a reminder that even in death, Megatron's evil could still reach out from the grave to torment them. And they knew that they must forever be vigilant, for the darkness that once consumed their foe could never truly be extinguished.


Adamant soul

V.I.P. Member
I don't hear Reuben in that clip tho :maybe .
That would be a shame if it's not him but not a complete deal breaker, we'll have to wait and see.
I heard some people say that it might detail Dante leading up to creating Devil May Cry. That would be pretty cool if they did that. Like you said though it all depends on the story.
If that's the case they could adapt the events of the DMC light novel that featured Nell Golstein making Dante's guns, I believe he went off to create Devil May Cry right at the end of it (and also stopped using the Tony Redgrave name).

They'd only have to change the villain from being Vergil or an early version of Nelo Angelo (neither of which make sense given this was pre-DMC3) to just being another demon.

Just saying that the material is very much there to use.


Man of Atom
Ask ai to write Sukuna vs Gojo fight :tupac
Title: Clash of the Cursed - Gojo vs. Sukuna

In the hidden world of curses and sorcery, two formidable beings were destined to clash. Satoru Gojo, the enigmatic Jujutsu High School teacher, and Ryomen Sukuna, the King of Curses, had long been aware of each other's existence. Their paths converged on a moonlit night, setting the stage for an epic showdown.

It began in the remote mountains of Japan, an area shrouded in ancient mysticism and darkness. Gojo, with his distinctive blindfold and untamed white hair, had received intelligence about Sukuna's resurgence in power. The Cursed Spirits were gathering, and the balance between the Jujutsu Sorcerers and Cursed Wretches was on the brink.

Gojo's keen senses led him to a dilapidated shrine deep in the forest. There, amidst the eerie silence, he found Sukuna's ominous presence. Sukuna, in his malevolent glory, grinned as Gojo arrived, sensing the imminent clash.

"So, you've come, Gojo," Sukuna taunted, his voice dripping with malice.

Gojo didn't waste words. He knew this battle was inevitable. With a simple flick of his finger, he removed his blindfold, unleashing his Limitless Cursed Technique. The air crackled with raw energy as infinity surrounded him.

Sukuna's six eyes glinted with excitement as he extended his cursed fingers, each pulsating with dark power. He released his Malevolent Shrine, creating a field of Cursed Energy that distorted the very fabric of reality.

The battle began with blinding speed. Gojo, with his incredible agility, darted around Sukuna's attacks, weaving through the malevolent energy constructs with finesse. Sukuna's relentless strikes of black tendrils and fiery blasts forced Gojo to stay on the move, his Limitless technique deflecting every assault.

Despite Sukuna's raw power and cunning, Gojo's mastery of Jujutsu was unparalleled. He unleashed his Six Eyes Cursed Technique, revealing Sukuna's weaknesses and predicting his moves with eerie accuracy. Their battle raged on, with trees splintering and the ground quaking beneath their might.

As the battle escalated, Gojo's Limitless technique pushed Sukuna to the limit. Sukuna, realizing that he was facing a foe unlike any other, resorted to his most powerful cursed technique, "Cleave Reality." He unleashed an onslaught of devastating energy waves that tore through the forest and shattered the very sky.

Gojo responded with "Infinite Void," his ultimate technique. He created a sphere of limitless energy that absorbed and nullified Sukuna's attacks, leaving Sukuna momentarily vulnerable. In that fleeting moment, Gojo unleashed a barrage of Limitless Cursed Energy, striking Sukuna with overwhelming force.

Sukuna's body was torn asunder, but his malevolent laughter echoed through the forest. "Impressive, Gojo. You've truly earned my respect," he admitted, even in defeat.

Gojo, his Limitless technique still active, approached Sukuna's shattered form cautiously. "Stay down, Sukuna. This is your end."

Sukuna's laughter turned into a sinister smile. "We'll meet again, Gojo, when the conditions are more favorable to me."

With that, Sukuna's remains dissolved into cursed energy, leaving Gojo standing alone amidst the destruction.

The clash between Gojo and Sukuna had come to a temporary end, but both knew that their fates were forever intertwined. The battle had been a testament to their incredible power and determination, a prelude to the greater challenges that awaited them in the world of curses and sorcery.



Man of Atom
Title: "The Curse of the Lost Servant"

In the heart of Fuyuki City, a place notorious for its supernatural occurrences, two unlikely heroes found themselves trapped in a nightmare beyond their wildest imaginations: Emiya Shirou, the heroic spirit summoner, and Kamijou Touma, the one who negates all supernatural powers.

It all began when Shirou, seeking to investigate the strange occurrences plaguing the city, stumbled upon an ancient, decrepit mansion on the outskirts. Rumors had it that the mansion was cursed, but Shirou couldn't resist the urge to help those in need. He stepped inside, the flickering candlelight casting eerie shadows on the cracked walls.

As he delved deeper into the mansion, he felt the presence of malevolent spirits. Unbeknownst to Shirou, his entry into the cursed mansion triggered a chain reaction that drew Kamijou Touma into the fray. Touma had been in Fuyuki City, hoping for a quiet day without any supernatural incidents. However, fate had other plans.

Shirou and Touma, each unaware of the other's presence, continued their individual investigations. As they ventured further into the mansion's labyrinthine halls, they encountered horrifying apparitions and malicious entities. Bloody specters of past residents seemed to materialize out of thin air, their hollow eyes filled with vengeful rage.

Shirou's innate heroic instincts compelled him to protect the innocent souls trapped within the mansion, while Touma's Imagine Breaker negated the supernatural manifestations that threatened him. However, their attempts to dispel the malevolent forces only seemed to provoke the mansion's wrath.

The mansion's curse grew stronger with every step they took, blending the boundaries between the physical and supernatural worlds. Objects moved on their own, whispering voices echoed through the corridors, and unsettling paintings bled onto the walls. Both Shirou and Touma could feel an overwhelming sense of dread and despair pressing down on them.

Their paths finally converged in a dimly lit room at the heart of the mansion. It was there that they discovered the source of the curse—a powerful and vengeful spirit that had been bound to the mansion for centuries. This spirit sought to unleash its fury upon any intruders who dared to enter its domain.

Realizing that they were outmatched by the supernatural entity, Shirou and Touma had no choice but to combine their unique abilities. Shirou used his magecraft to create mystic weapons while Touma wielded his Imagine Breaker, negating the spirit's supernatural defenses. Together, they engaged in a desperate battle against the vengeful spirit.

The battle raged on, shaking the very foundations of the mansion. Specters and apparitions swirled around them, attempting to drag them into the realm of the dead. But Shirou and Touma's determination to protect the innocent souls trapped within the mansion was unyielding.

In a final, powerful strike, they managed to dispel the spirit and break the curse that had plagued the mansion for centuries. The malevolent presence dissipated, leaving behind only the faint echoes of its malevolence.

Exhausted and battered, Shirou and Touma stumbled out of the mansion, their paths once again diverging. They exchanged a nod of mutual respect, acknowledging the strange partnership that had formed in the face of unimaginable horror.

Little did they know that their encounter with the cursed mansion was just the beginning of a series of supernatural challenges that would continue to test their abilities and the limits of their understanding of the paranormal. The horrors they faced that night were merely a glimpse into the dark and mysterious world that lurked beneath the surface of Fuyuki City, a world where their destinies would remain forever entwined.

>Shirou fucks up and almost gets him and Touma killed

Amazing work my man
@Xhominid The Apex

Vespa Crabro

Stellaron Hunter
V.I.P. Member


Man of Atom
speaking of bad ends
Title: "Simon's Descent into Darkness"

Once, in a quiet, remote village nestled deep within a dense forest, there lived a man named Simon. He was known far and wide as Simon the Digger, a legendary hero who had once wielded a powerful mecha called Lagann to save the world. But now, years had passed since his heroic deeds, and Simon had retired to this secluded village, seeking peace and solitude.

The villagers revered him, considering him a savior, but Simon had never truly escaped the horrors of his past. The memories of the battles he had fought and the friends he had lost haunted him, and he often struggled to sleep at night.

One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the village, Simon noticed something peculiar. A series of strange, spiral-shaped symbols began to appear on the trees surrounding his cottage. They seemed to pulse with an eerie, otherworldly glow, and Simon couldn't shake the feeling that they were somehow connected to his past.

That night, as he lay in bed, tormented by nightmares of epic battles and the faces of those he had lost, Simon heard a faint, distant chanting. It was a haunting melody that seemed to come from the heart of the forest. Unable to resist its pull, he rose from his bed, donned his old pilot's uniform, and ventured into the woods.

As Simon journeyed deeper into the forest, the chanting grew louder and more sinister. It seemed to be leading him to a long-forgotten underground cavern, hidden beneath gnarled roots and ancient stones. With every step, he felt the weight of his past bearing down on him, and the memories of his battles with monstrous creatures and apocalyptic foes flooded his mind.

Finally, he reached the cavern's entrance, and there, illuminated by a ghostly blue light, he saw a colossal, ancient mecha, unlike any he had ever seen before. It was a monstrous, spiral-shaped behemoth, its very presence oozing malevolence.

Simon felt an irresistible urge to board the mecha, to relive the battles of his past, to once again become the hero he had been. As he climbed into the cockpit, the cavern trembled, and the chanting reached a deafening crescendo. With a surge of power, the mecha came to life, its eyes glowing with an unholy fire.

But this was no ordinary mecha. It was a twisted, corrupted version of Lagann, fueled by dark forces and ancient curses. Simon had unwittingly unleashed a new, unimaginable evil upon the world, and he was now its unwilling puppet.

The mecha, controlled by forces beyond his comprehension, rampaged through the forest, destroying everything in its path. Simon watched in horror as his beloved village was reduced to rubble, the villagers he had sworn to protect now reduced to terrified specters.

As the mecha continued its rampage, Simon realized the terrible truth: he had become the very thing he had once fought against. He was no longer the hero, but the villain of this nightmarish tale.

And so, Simon the Digger, once a savior of the world, was forever consumed by the darkness that lurked within him. His story became a cautionary tale, a reminder that even the greatest heroes can fall into the abyss, and that the past, no matter how buried, has a way of resurfacing to haunt us all.



V.I.P. Member
Yo guys. This might sound a little strange but do any of you have a linkedin?

The reason I'm asking is because I want to build my profile and connections there to get even more gigs and contracts. I added Nihilus on there. I neglected it for 10 years because I hate the layout and dick waving but I'm already seeing much better jobs there for me than elsewhere. It would be helpful if I had more connections and people endorsing my skills.

I'm here if you want to add me. I'd appreciate it. https://www.linkedin.com/in/jordan-carpenter-1399b243/

Like @Ral, if you're there, I can endorse your web design and upkeep skills.
When my friend was on LinkedIn, he said he sent a shitton of friend requests to random people in his field and a lot of them accepted him. So I think that would be a good way of increasing connections

Also just saw you went to Fordham. I got waitlisted there lol

Cryso Agori

V.I.P. Member
also, to adress this too, it doesnt mean that togashi's writing is also s class tier, like most of the stans pretend it to be, having giant walls of texts, most of the times, doesnt make you look smarter, a note

hxh is a quite good series, but not greatest of all time levels, not to mention, i still prefer yyh over hxh for the simple reasons, and many peeps think it like this

cooler characters and better action, gg, yyh never had amazing plot, but it was dbz lite, but on its own terms and agenda, after all, in the 90s, and early 00s, it was top 5 most popular series in nippon, as classic levels material
Well, tbf with HxH.

The wordy problems are mainly from overexplaining complicated powers, plans, or settings. Which is separate from the character writing


Yo guys. This might sound a little strange but do any of you have a linkedin?

The reason I'm asking is because I want to build my profile and connections there to get even more gigs and contracts. I added Nihilus on there. I neglected it for 10 years because I hate the layout and dick waving but I'm already seeing much better jobs there for me than elsewhere. It would be helpful if I had more connections and people endorsing my skills.

I'm here if you want to add me. I'd appreciate it. https://www.linkedin.com/in/jordan-carpenter-1399b243/

Like @Ral, if you're there, I can endorse your web design and upkeep skills.
I added you, but thats not gonna do much lol XD

edit: I also forgot what I looked like without facial whiskers, so its really funny looking at my PFP on linkedin
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