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OBD Convo #39: never give up

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Vespa Crabro

Stellaron Hunter
V.I.P. Member

TrueG 37

While I'm at it though it sure took Netflix a long ass time to talk about the Dmc anime. I almost forgot that it existed :mjlol . They better keep Reuben Langdon as his VA, I don't care what controversy about vaccines and shit he has.


Man of Atom
@Paxton @Astaro
>ask ai to create murder mystery involving touma
>get this
>shit sounds vaguely familiar
Title: "The Unseen Agony: A Murder Mystery in Academy City"

Introduction:In the futuristic and technologically advanced city of Academy City, a place where science and supernatural powers collide, a mysterious murder has taken place. Kamijou Touma, the ordinary high school student with an extraordinary ability known as the Imagine Breaker, finds himself entangled in a web of intrigue and danger.

Chapter 1: The Vanishing ScientistDr. Kuroko, a renowned scientist known for her groundbreaking research on esper abilities, has gone missing. Her laboratory is in disarray, and her last known location was her office in Academy City's prestigious Research District. Kamijou Touma, with his knack for getting involved in strange incidents, stumbles upon her case when he accidentally bumps into one of Dr. Kuroko's colleagues, a frazzled researcher named Dr. Harumi.

Chapter 2: The Enigmatic CluesAs Kamijou Touma investigates Dr. Kuroko's disappearance, he discovers a series of cryptic clues left behind in her office. Strange symbols, references to ancient texts, and a list of known espers with unique abilities are among the evidence. It becomes clear that Dr. Kuroko was researching something far beyond the ordinary.

Chapter 3: The SuspectsTouma interviews Dr. Kuroko's colleagues and associates, revealing a web of secrets, rivalries, and hidden agendas. Among the potential suspects are a jealous rival scientist, a mysterious organization interested in Dr. Kuroko's research, and even one of Academy City's powerful Level 5 espers. Each has their own motive to ensure her research remains hidden forever.

Chapter 4: The Invisible HandDuring his investigation, Touma encounters a rogue faction of espers with the ability to manipulate memories and perception. They try to erase his memories of the case but fail due to his Imagine Breaker. It becomes clear that someone is trying to cover up Dr. Kuroko's research, and they will stop at nothing to keep it hidden.

Chapter 5: Unveiling the TruthTouma's relentless pursuit of the truth brings him closer to solving the mystery. He realizes that Dr. Kuroko had made a groundbreaking discovery related to the nature of esper abilities and their connection to ancient mystical texts. The information could revolutionize the world's understanding of esper powers.

Chapter 6: The ShowdownTouma confronts the mastermind behind Dr. Kuroko's disappearance and the plot to conceal her research. It's a high-stakes battle where his Imagine Breaker is put to the ultimate test. Alongside his friends and allies, Touma must protect the knowledge that could change the world and bring those responsible to justice.

Chapter 7: EpilogueWith the case solved, Academy City is forever changed by the revelation of Dr. Kuroko's research. Touma, though unintentionally involved, has once again played a crucial role in uncovering the truth. As the city returns to its normalcy, Touma continues his life as an ordinary high school student, ready for the next unexpected adventure.

"The Unseen Agony" is a thrilling murder mystery that combines the elements of science, supernatural powers, and intrigue, all set in the fascinating world of Academy City. Kamijou Touma's unique ability to negate supernatural phenomena makes him an indispensable detective in solving this complex and enigmatic case.
didnt something like this happen in verse?

TrueG 37

Well it's using the right Dante at least so that's a good start. :maybe
It depends on the story I guess, hopefully they do the sensible thing and just adapt DMC3 straight up.
I don't hear Reuben in that clip tho :maybe .

I heard some people say that it might detail Dante leading up to creating Devil May Cry. That would be pretty cool if they did that. Like you said though it all depends on the story.


Man of Atom
I don't hear Reuben in that clip tho :maybe .

I heard some people say that it might detail Dante leading up to creating Devil May Cry. That would be pretty cool if they did that. Like you said though it all depends on the story.
i completely forgot DMC was the name of his company


V.I.P. Member
Ai has some headcanon going on
Needs to end with Professor Kuroko actually being alive and saved and the victim of yet another bridal carry at the end by Touma

It’s basically a meme now how often a situation arises where Touma need to carry her in such a way given she’s one of the few girls who hates his guts.

>ask it to make a horror story
>touma unleashes some kinda ghost
>IB doesnt work on it
Literally GT Volume 5. With Touma being chased by a scientific ghost with a chainsaw his Imagine Breaker had no effect on


Man of Atom
Title: "The Unforgiving Shadows: A To Aru Horror Tale"

It was a chillingly quiet night in Academy City, and Kamijou Touma found himself wandering through an abandoned laboratory building. The eerie silence that enveloped the place sent shivers down his spine, but his curiosity got the better of him. He had heard rumors of strange experiments conducted here, and as usual, he couldn't resist getting involved.

The building was dilapidated, with cracked walls and flickering lights that cast eerie shadows. As Touma explored deeper into the facility, he stumbled upon a room unlike any other. It was filled with ancient, dusty tomes and arcane symbols etched onto the walls. The room had an ominous aura, but Touma's Imagine Breaker gave him the confidence to investigate further.

As he approached the center of the room, he noticed an old, leather-bound book lying on a pedestal. The book seemed out of place among the other materials, almost as if it had been deliberately set there for him to find. Touma reached out and opened the book, and the moment he did, a sinister presence seemed to awaken within the room.

Unbeknownst to Touma, he had unleashed a malevolent spirit that had been trapped within the book for centuries. The room grew colder, and the shadows seemed to come to life, coiling around him like serpents. Panic set in as Touma realized that his Imagine Breaker had no effect on the supernatural force that now surrounded him.

A whispering voice filled the air, chilling him to the core. "You have awakened me, Kamijou Touma. For that, you shall pay a price."

Touma's heart pounded in his chest as he tried to resist the creeping dread that threatened to overwhelm him. He demanded to know who or what he had unleashed, but the entity simply laughed, its voice echoing in his mind.

"I am the embodiment of all the suffering and despair that has occurred within these walls. I am the darkness that the scientists tried to harness, and now, I am free."

The shadows continued to close in on Touma, making it difficult to breathe. Desperate and with nowhere to turn, he reached into his pocket and pulled out his trusty cellphone. He dialed Misaka Mikoto's number, hoping that she could somehow help him.

"Hello?" came Misaka's voice on the other end.

Touma's voice trembled as he explained his dire situation. He pleaded with her to find a way to rescue him, to bring her electric powers to bear against the malevolent force that held him captive.

Misaka arrived at the laboratory as quickly as she could, her railgun charged and ready. But when she entered the room, she was met with a horrifying sight. Touma was no longer himself; he was a puppet of the darkness, his eyes vacant and devoid of emotion.

The malevolent spirit had taken control of Touma, and now he was its instrument of revenge. Misaka had no choice but to battle the dark entity that had possessed her friend. It was a battle of supernatural forces, a clash of science and the occult.

As bolts of electricity crackled and clashed with the writhing shadows, Misaka fought valiantly to free Touma from the malevolent spirit's grip. It was a battle that pushed her powers to the limit, and the room seemed to tremble with the sheer force of their struggle.

In the end, with a final surge of electricity, Misaka managed to weaken the spirit enough for Touma to regain control over his own body. The shadows receded, and the sinister presence dissipated into the ether.

Touma collapsed to the floor, exhausted and shaken by the ordeal. He looked up at Misaka with gratitude, realizing just how close he had come to being lost to the darkness forever.

As they left the abandoned laboratory behind, they both knew that they had faced a true horror—one that transcended the boundaries of science and magic. And though they had emerged victorious, the memory of that malevolent spirit would haunt them for years to come, a reminder that even in Academy City, some mysteries were better left untouched.


Touma gets bullied by school ghost the story


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
"A To Aru Horror Tale"

come on bruh

"A Certain Horrific Tale" was right there for the taking :tupac
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