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Game Ranked I Think You Should Leave - A Mafia Game by Sky

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Polar Bear

I keep telling you all that frinckles lied to make a case and people that do that are scum.

*Stares a hole through Aurelian


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
Feel like Alco going after Frink should be a point in his favour, but it was a rather lazy push with no force. Hmmmm.


lethal shouldve just claimed his roleblocker role imo
lowkey kinda just pit himself against me in a way

does he discuss his fake claims with his team beforehand or does he just go for it?


NYC Pizza is better than Neopolitan fite me
Both you and Ultra called RDK a dirty busser. I kinda know Ultra's angle. What about yours?

Sorry, I skimmed real fast cause 20 pages was too much atm.

The Orca

@Frinckles @Lethal

Good game, was fun playing with you


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
Both you and Ultra called RDK a dirty busser. I kinda know Ultra's angle. What about yours?

Sorry, I skimmed real fast cause 20 pages was too much atm.
Did you literally forget I caught RDK bussing Dofla previous game?

Oh right, everyone ignored my case.


NYC Pizza is better than Neopolitan fite me
Point is, RDK busses a lot. The guy has no issues closing out a game as scum. And he especially busses a lot when his team is in shambles.
I'm bored, so I'mma bounce my thoughts off you

Lethal can you make some posts so we can find a reason to D1 you

Fake too

*sees there's a duel*

"We have Duel?"

Thank you. Your posts are absolutely horrendous, are you going to do something about that

No that's not how this works

If you're town you need to make it obvious for everyone, right now it's not

But you're not reading back as evidenced by your posts today lol

Well it's been about 3 hours since you showed up now and you've contributed absolutely nothing and shown zero evidence of catch up or anything really

What are you doing?

Lethal can also get in the bin too
These were all posts that he made before there was any real push on Lethal. I don't think I've seen him defer since the push on Lethal got real as well. In fact, the only thing about RDK that pinged me as weird was when he said something about Alco being innocent but he can't remember why he thought so, and even that was purely cause Cubey jumped on that wagon a little before and I thought they might be pushing together
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