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OBD Convo #43: Merry Christmas, You Filthy Animals

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Claudio Swiss

V.I.P. Member

Adamant soul

V.I.P. Member

I forgot how batshit insane this series gets with the story even outside of Rising. :heston

"Rising may not be canon." Since when? :hm
It not being directed by Kojima doesn't make it non-canon, I've never seen any reason to question its canon status.

Adamant soul

V.I.P. Member

Gravity Rush without Japan Studios. Of course it looks like ass. Should stay buried with the developer if this is the best Sony can do

I'd say One Piece LA really should have shown people in the West what you actually need to do to adapt a Japanese piece of media and have the result not be complete shit, but they're never gonna take the right lessons from that so it would be a waste of breath.


V.I.P. Member
Nice i will try to make it

If companies could stop giving their ips for movies and just made new games that be great
Can’t wait to see how badly they fuck up Raven

Her elegantly gothic design and subtle romantic subtext with Kat will be translated to a butch lesbian with a square jawline as thick as Spider-Man 2’s Mary Jane’s, and rocking either a mohawk or a “I have daddy issues” half-shaved hair
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