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Ranked One Piece Thriller Bark Mafia

Hans Tweetenberg

Also you didn't answer my question. Why are you voting Craig? Are you just sheeping Gramm's suspicion on Magic and him being aligned or do you have an actual independent reason for your vote?

I voted him before Gram even got there and if you really care as much as you wanna make me think, you'd have looked why I'm voting CP on your own



I voted him before Gram even got there and if you really care as much as you wanna make me think, you'd have looked why I'm voting CP on your own

You lied last day phase saying I was scum reading you after you OMGUS me for not town reading you. I'll double check to confirm what your saying but you already lied twice so far ya cheeky beuv.


Think it's funny that I initially came into the game not reading Gramm as town at first and feeling pretty good about Magic and now that perspective has flipped thr other way. Right now my biggest issue is how much Magic dropped town reading GP for pretty much nothing but resistance from Gramm alone.

Usually Magic is pretty damn stubborn and digs his heels in when he believes a town player he reads is in danger of being mislynched or set up for getting vigged. He was super vocal and charging against everyone pushing Gad's mislynch in the Members Mafia game as one example. Another is the last Melkor game where Ekko kept pressing for Ratchet's lynch and he never once budged on correctly reading Ratchet as town.

This is a bit of backlash from my pov with how he's just dropping defending and town reading GP for what comes off as superfluous reasons. Would even lean as far to say it's disingenuous just because the only serious pushback on his GP town read is from Gramm.
Gram has GP as town and is defending him from my push, not the other way around.


vote magic

Don't want him lynched yet as I want the bottom posts to get more involved but we should apply pressure here and get a claim. Totally oppose the GP direction and don't like his d1 play
=>vouch for the correct play every day 1 of every game 1
=>town leads mislynch=>magic must be scum, not better but scum, since he didn't go there and has tmi

If it's a scum lynch I get sussed for not leading it despite every game pushing for a scum lynch as town.

Every game.


The Nexus
So you have no interest in getting people to contribute. Noted.

why are you acting like anything Xad is doing is alignment indicative?
he literally does this every game.
This is Low hanging fruit BS by you who has no material to push.


Didn't expect to be subbed in as quickly as I was. I had kinda skimmed as an observer up to page 20 and felt ick about Fang, but I'll get a read through going to catchup and see what's flowing.

Anything I should know about?


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
Didn't expect to be subbed in as quickly as I was. I had kinda skimmed as an observer up to page 20 and felt ick about Fang, but I'll get a read through going to catchup and see what's flowing.

Anything I should know about?
Hi. Do you have any thoughts from those 20 pages other than Fang?

Chairman Nibel

Breath of the Wild
V.I.P. Member
Didn't expect to be subbed in as quickly as I was. I had kinda skimmed as an observer up to page 20 and felt ick about Fang, but I'll get a read through going to catchup and see what's flowing.

Anything I should know about?
It's right that Fang seems a bit submissive and not rough as he can be most of the time this game, but he's not opportunistic, so he's probably just high.