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Ranked One Piece Thriller Bark Mafia



It would be literally the exact opposite.

Revealing would clear his role claim and potentially also clear him from PoE. Not giving any info when he claims to be reduced to vanilla is basically worthless. We've only seen 1 kill per night, and if he's vig he should claim.

Because he'd still be able to contribute with his vote with the rest of town.

He shouldn’t claim


The Nexus
@The Orca claim or get lynched.

Then claim what clears Yoho.

Actually not opposed to getting some claims today tbh. There gotta be some players who can mechanically clear themselves.

PoE mass claim tbh.

Do we not have a Cop or Vig btw? Why is there so little info and only one kill each night?

Stop fucking role fishing. I'm not an idiot Fang. I know when mech is solid and when it's not. It is p solid. End of story.

Claim Fang.

I'm not role fishing when your in the same page trying to push for mass claims today. Again stop being spastic, if you won't clarify why you 'mech' cleared him it means nothing here.

Awful posts by flower.
Probably still scum fr.


The Nexus
Probably still fine pressuring Orca/Polar for claims. People seemed to be pre flipping him. Polar more than Orca who was just fucking around.

One of these two got him to botch his claim so I am super town clearing them.


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
You can consider yourself lucky CP said you're fine else I would lynch you. Cuz all you do so far is push obv Town and defend obv scum.


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
Also not really sure Luka would bus Xadlin fwiw. He can slip hard under pressure, but his vote blocker would have been a super late game ability, so not the most optimal role for bussing purposes.