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Game Ranked Grand Theft Auto Mafia

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You lost your fucking brain, it's official

You weren't "right" about Melkor until Day 4. You literally stopped us from lynching him on Day 2

Explain something, anything about how day 2 progressed with Ekko claiming a result on Melkor that makes sense as a scum on scum play. It doesn't
It wasn't "until" anything. I wasn't around day 3. You guys mislynched. You mislynched day 1.

Everything that needs explaining has been explained. I'm not interested repeating myself to you, you clearly wont budge. If anyone else has questions I'm good to answer.


It wasn't "until" anything. I wasn't around day 3. You guys mislynched. You mislynched day 1.

Everything that needs explaining has been explained. I'm not interested repeating myself to you, you clearly wont budge. If anyone else has questions I'm good to answer.

Are you retarded


Melkor's flip should be clearing for Ekko because it's obvious Melkor as Jailer probably did try and roleblock Flower, also, there's no world where Ekko fakes this entire sequence on a day Gad is already getting lynched

You originally accused us of being co scum for trying to lynch this dude, get outta here


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
You don't know how to town read melkor. I do. Alco was second on gad.

We're going for ekko. You two just tried diverting off gad again onto melkor.
Blatantly. One of your main suspects is me and you've been sussing flower. You're the one thats dropped the ball.
Gave reasons for all of them.

Just because some is inactive doesn't make them scum.

If gad is scum alco looks like a safe bet to be town.
That wagon had no traction outside of a few inactives helping out and I dont think the inactives came to help out against their own teammate when they didn't need to.
Ya that doesn't line up with him having info on 3 players which was his initial suggestion and what he said he was hinting about. What he said he needed due to his info was not at all what he needed and then he said it was just about alco visiting flower. That had nothing to do with rdk or sky.

That means he was pr hunting.
Melkor counter claimed ekko fake result. It's over for you and him.

Alco looked good on the gad wagon. Gad is scum. You both have looked awful around gad.

It's over for you LUltra.
I think you're scum.

I've thought you were scum for a long time.

I town read alco. Alco looked good off the gad wagon.

We forced you to claim before melkor which you didn't want to do.

Melkor counter claimed your result.

You're the lying one and you go first. If you're town then we can go after melkor. Deal? Sounds good.

think u gotta sit this one out for a bit magic


Melkor's flip should be clearing for Ekko because it's obvious Melkor as Jailer probably did try and roleblock Flower, also, there's no world where Ekko fakes this entire sequence on a day Gad is already getting lynched

You originally accused us of being co scum for trying to lynch this dude, get outta here
Changed my mind by days and switched on you and not him

He got info on alco and used it to try getting 4 people to claim and then proceeded to not want to lynch melkor. His justification for wanting to keep him alive if he was the sk made no sense, even as the sk that was the right kill to make and he just clearly didn't want melkor dead.

Anyone with eyes can see this. Keep blind defending. It's why you're alive.


think u gotta sit this one out for a bit magic

Pull up all your posts last phase why we shouldn't lynch melkor.

Didn't lynch him Day 3.

Just didn't want to lynch him and you're saying I should sit out.


Changed my mind by days and switched on you and not him

He got info on alco and used it to try getting 4 people to claim and then proceeded to not want to lynch melkor. His justification for wanting to keep him alive if he was the sk made no sense, even as the sk that was the right kill to make and he just clearly didn't want melkor dead.

Anyone with eyes can see this. Keep blind defending. It's why you're alive.

Per the bolded, you said he "got" info. Well no, he would be TMI'ing it, and he actually asked 3 players to claim, one of which refused and one was according to you his scum mate...

You know what this is dumb, not arguing this, a toddler could see they are most likely unaligned here


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
@Magic if u let me do what i was doing in day 2 we probably out melkor alot sooner. i said it since fuji claimed rb that a jailkeeper is probably scum. i went the roundabout method in regards to forcing melkor to claim just so i can get all the inactives to claim and narrow it down on him, since he visited flower without reading her townie

i ultimately thought he was serial tho because flower commuted n1 and he cuda failed a kill on her + he was roleblocked 2 times and kill kept failing

actually even now we still do not have a second kill. not sure whats going on with serial. might rly be an arson

but hey mafia having a betraying godfather and usurper is kinda weird



Please claim today. You waited two cycles to counterclaim Melkor. That doesn't make sense.
I will if others want. You demanding it for this reason is classless.

You're not bothering to cooperate at all. Haven't all game. Again. I voted melkor last phase, you joined, then went achro.

Yall ain't worth listening to period.


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member

Pull up all your posts last phase why we shouldn't lynch melkor.

Didn't lynch him Day 3.

Just didn't want to lynch him and you're saying I should sit out.
because i thought he was serial

i wanted to lynch mafia. rdk is mafia, melkor is mafia

i just voted one over the other, not a big deal

toward the end i came to realize melkor is probbaly more mafia than serial so i voted him

not that complicated


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
I will if others want. You demanding it for this reason is classless.

You're not bothering to cooperate at all. Haven't all game. Again. I voted melkor last phase, you joined, then went achro.

Yall ain't worth listening to period.
we are the ones not cooperating????
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