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Game Ranked Castlevania animated series Mafia - Game Thread

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He wasnt solving anything, he was talking about vampires and abraham lincoln, his entire content at that point is fluff, and you should call it out for what it is, that's not solving, its the opposite, i would understand if you threw that vote for this kind of stuff, but you are trying to paint it as something else, but maybe Im missing something, show me the posts where he is solving anything prio to your read and vote
I talked with him about it also, it started around here, I wanted to track magic also, that would have been a rip


Vote Tweet
wont mind getting a claim from Tweet, my read on him is around null-towny but cant rly make a case on him

Hans Tweetenberg

Great wagon this is shaping up to be

Do I really have to claim for people who don't even think I'm scummy and just want my claim for the fuck of it?

Dr. Watson

‣ ↻
Vote count 2 Of Day 2

Orca: Ultra
Ultra:: Doflamihawk > Unvote > Doflamihawk > Bacchi
OLU: Dofla > Lethal
Tempest: Doflamihawk > Bachi
Gaddammit: Doflamihawk
Hime: Nibel > Lethal > Nibel
Lethal: Hime
Doflamihawk: Ultra
Dr.Watson: Doflamihawk
Tweet: Fujishiro
Bacchi: Ultra > Tempest
Gaddamnit: Tweet
Fujishiro: Lethal
Luka: Lethal

Lethal: 3
Bachi: 3
Ultra: 2
Tempest/Tweet/Fujishiro/Hime/Nibel: 1

Votes for the duel

Tweet: Doflamihawk
Ultra: Rugrat
Nibel: Rugrat
OneLastUsername: Doflamihawk > Rugrat
Bacchi: Doflamihawk > Rugrat
Hime: Doflamihawk
Gaddamnit: Rugrat
Tempest: Rugrat
Dr. Watson: Rugrat

Rugrat: 7
Doflamihawk: 2


Vote Lynch Fuji

Cool, then you'll claim while under more pressure

Vote lynch Bachi

Vote Lynch Bachi

Vote lynch Tweet


He doesn't, his "case" on me is always the same, i.e. he always thinks my thoughts look fake and he always reads me scum because he can't actually read me for shit
Just to be clear im never lynching u here as opposed to lethal who isnt even showing up, but what are your reads rn?


Yeah I think bachi's claim is shit. his case building is woeful too. just throwing against the wall wanting to stick.

hime still spewing shit as well and has no genuine thoughts. Really struggling to go back-to-back. Surprised she hasn't repped out due to stress.
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