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Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 4 Part 2: Electric Boogaloo

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Been playing baldurs gate so overlord fact time

In overlord there is an incredibly similar looking species to mind flayers. They have the tentacles, razor teeth mouth hidden by tentacles etc . They're referred to as brain eaters in overlord and of course they eat brains.

They reproduce by injecting their eggs into a host brain. The eggs hatch and devour the brain over time while secreting a solution that allows them to puppeteer the body in a zombie like fashion.

Eventually when the brain eater nematodes reaches the size of a brain it melts the skulls and emerges. From there it requires the protection of it's parents until it reaches maturity as it's only the size of a regular brain. Though they're not totally defenseless, the author notes in absence of it's parents they'll cling to high areas and drop down to pierce creatures skulls and devour the brain within.

Saying that the authors wording makes it seem like there might be some other ways to produce brain eater children what those means are..Well that's unclear.
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Doremillia the only 1 that actually talking correctly... Can't believe someone still pretend a power that works on sight can be blocked by infinity.

r s has always made arguments that never made any sense if you even slightly know what he's talking about...
"Gojo can stand on air with Infinity, Gojo can use that to basically get a leg up on Servants" well how did that work out against Sukuna? Hell, it made no difference in his second fight against Toji until he was able to create Hollow Purple.
I can never understand SB's fascination with flight or walking on air as if it's the end all, be all of any fight when most people who have flight are not on the level of Superman and their options are hilariously limited while flying/walking on air.
The ability to fly and/or walk on air is only an advantage if you have the range to make it an advantage and Gojo has nothing that has him be able to suddenly be an issue for Servants being able to walk on the air if it made no difference fighting against Sukuna.

Saying that Toji jumping off the air is RELATIVISTIC is some absolute SB tier pull if I have ever saw one.

King of 🌽


King of 🌽

Well Naruto's Talk No Jutsu works on everyone so there you go.

Tama of Hundred Beasts(One Piece) will obviously one shot Galactus
Nick Young Wtf GIF
What the hell am I reading?
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Adamant soul

V.I.P. Member
Apparently shes not fast enough and the vampire who can make people feel pain can just bypass her mental defenses
CHILD Ponies move Faster than the eye on a regular basis and Twilight can easily react to Rainbow who casually dodges lightning.

Not fast enough my fucking ass. :heston

Vampire ain't gonna get the chance to make her feel pain, gonna be too dead too quickly. :maybe


Err...Idk if this is true for the rest but while he won't be able to defeat Chaldea or Goku, he can absolutely defeat Persona 5.

Everyone seems to forget that in Persona 5 their power only works specifically in metaverse and its gone. Even then their power is quite literally imaginations. Previous Persona are more real than P5, P1~P3 happens in real world and P4 in technically different dimension. P5 happens quite literally inside mental scape called "Metaverse". This is why when there was a lot of P5 vs Servants I always facepalm.

They are practically normal human. As much as I think Overlord got wanked too much, gotta give it to them there.

Only 1 I am sure he can't defeat are Touhou, Chaldea, Goku... One Piece feels like its gonna be weird ass scaling debate again and I rather not think about that. If the others can't lose to Nazarick too I guess I agree overall with you then, only the P5 are the one I disagree.
Err...Idk if this is true for the rest but while he won't be able to defeat Chaldea or Goku, he can absolutely defeat Persona 5.

Everyone seems to forget that in Persona 5 their power only works specifically in metaverse and its gone. Even then their power is quite literally imaginations. Previous Persona are more real than P5, P1~P3 happens in real world and P4 in technically different dimension. P5 happens quite literally inside mental scape called "Metaverse". This is why when there was a lot of P5 vs Servants I always facepalm.

They are practically normal human. As much as I think Overlord got wanked too much, gotta give it to them there.

Person who played Persona 5 here:

That only works at the beginning of the game... and the complete lack of knowledge of how Human Cognition works in the franchise...
To basically sum it up as best as possible:

Human Cognition in SMT is honestly on a whole ass different plane than how it works in the Nasuverse where humans believing hard enough can literally cause things that barely have a connection to a deity(like Nuclear Weapons) to be completely tied to that deity and cause insane levels of damage to the land as a consequence. How does this go with Persona 5? Simple, the Metaverse IS the Human Consciousness of Tokyo(Hilariously, even the game acknowledges this as that's as far as Yaldobaoth's influence goes) meaning if the people believe something will happen, it legit has physical presence and can hurt and kill people(and it's why straight up killing someone's Shadow can and will kill them too even in Mementos).

This was why Yaldabaoth almost erased the Thieves from existence and how they was able to ultimately overpower him at the same time.

Now... does this mean that having the Phantom Thieves face Servants not be dumb? No, it's still dumb, while the Thieves would be as fast as Servants at their highest(Relativistic), their overall power is... pretty shite. As stated before, Yaldabaoth's influence only goes so far as just Tokyo and he was only OP due to Human Cognition basically allowing him to be OP. The second it swung away from him, he was basically SOL and the Phantom Thieves themselves are unironically weaker than most of their other Persona Counterparts due to their opponents also being only really tied to Tokyo specifically.


Person who played Persona 5 here:

That only works at the beginning of the game... and the complete lack of knowledge of how Human Cognition works in the franchise...
To basically sum it up as best as possible:

Human Cognition in SMT is honestly on a whole ass different plane than how it works in the Nasuverse where humans believing hard enough can literally cause things that barely have a connection to a deity(like Nuclear Weapons) to be completely tied to that deity and cause insane levels of damage to the land as a consequence. How does this go with Persona 5? Simple, the Metaverse IS the Human Consciousness of Tokyo(Hilariously, even the game acknowledges this as that's as far as Yaldobaoth's influence goes) meaning if the people believe something will happen, it legit has physical presence and can hurt and kill people(and it's why straight up killing someone's Shadow can and will kill them too even in Mementos).

This was why Yaldabaoth almost erased the Thieves from existence and how they was able to ultimately overpower him at the same time.

Now... does this mean that having the Phantom Thieves face Servants not be dumb? No, it's still dumb, while the Thieves would be as fast as Servants at their highest(Relativistic), their overall power is... pretty shite. As stated before, Yaldabaoth's influence only goes so far as just Tokyo and he was only OP due to Human Cognition basically allowing him to be OP. The second it swung away from him, he was basically SOL and the Phantom Thieves themselves are unironically weaker than most of their other Persona Counterparts due to their opponents also being only really tied to Tokyo specifically.
No, in P5 its specifically just mental scape. What you said may works in older P but not P5. In older P, Persona can affect in real world as well, in P5 its specifically mental thing. Yaldabaoth is not one of the P5 char's Persona, he just someone that beaten by P5 char's Persona. Persona can still affect real thing, like Persona of older P chars but not Persona of P5 chars, this is why I said older P are more real, and they are all Cognitions as well. P5 chars persona are specifically only work in Metaverse where it's just mental scape. P5 Thieves are normal human. And at the end of P5 Metaverse are gone.
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