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Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 4 Part 2: Electric Boogaloo

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Do you know what's the funniest thing? When I wrote about thousandths of a second for Bolo, they immediately jumped up and found two quotes about Bolo’s nanosecond speed of thought. However, they continue to call Fate inconsistent.

I'm more surprised you don't have Bleach Nerds trying that "consistency" shit with Kamen Rider Zein...
Or even they know it's fundamentally worthless because Zein would ultimately have the same processes as Ark-One and Zero-Two at bare minimum and Yhwach ain't dealing with that shit.

I'm not advocating they have a case here, just fitting the point that whenever SB mentions "consistency", it's basically what favors what they want to win, not what is actually consistent.
Do you know what's the funniest thing? When I wrote about thousandths of a second for Bolo, they immediately jumped up and found two quotes about Bolo’s nanosecond speed of thought. However, they continue to call Fate inconsistent.

I didn't even have to read that garbage ass thread any further and I knew they would prove my point on the spot :heston

"Consistency" is no different than them using "flowerly language" or other code words at this point to try and come off more intelligent than they actually are.

If there's only 2 quotes about the Bolo against Gilgamesh having "nanoseconds worth of reaction time" but every other time is just thousandths of a second, then that's obviously not being "consistent"...
This is as bad as SB Bleach fans genuinely believing that Bleach is consistent while Naruto isn't... Bleach, the franchise where there is no recorded speed numbers for anyone in the cast, the strongest shown attacks are from Ulquirroa and Aizen and nothing, not even Gremmy's Meteor reaches the level of damage we got from either of those 2 and practically every other feat would be MCB+ otherwise if we was to take it at face value.:duck
I'll just speak on this about the Gilgamesh vs. Bolo thread and leave it entirely alone after this:

You have the same people loving to point out that "Faster Than Sound", "Mach 2", etc, is thrown around ALOT but that's not only been false as shit, it doesn't even make sense with how they use it because it's only just a cover for their own inability to do any actual debate against it.

They love to state that Nasu is "consistent" in making them supersonic... Nasu, the guy who wrote Fate/Extra, CCC, Extella and SE.RA.PH in which Lightspeed is used multiple times through all 4 games. You have normal humans being able to withstand Exabytes of data and an Elite Mage can not only process all of the data, they can do it all in a second. You have characters casually causing rifts in space and hopping across timelines. This isn't even new to those either as lightspeed is used by him in a number of instances in F/SN alone(Which is always conveniently ignored by SB of course)

And then, they have the temerity and the gall to pretend that Nasu doesn't know what the other writers write about and just allow them to do so which is why the franchise is so "inconsistent"... despite it being well known Nasu tends to allow other writers to write their shit without any interference from him outside of legit lorebreaking stuff(Which even then, he'll just create a reason for how that can exist) because he doesn't want them to face any roadblocks dealing with his franchise:

Nasu on Enkidu’s stat parameters circa Strange Fake Volume 2

Now, when the first book came out I received a lot of letters, etc., asking, “I know Enkidu’s stats change, but what about his fundamental point total?” I vividly remember consulting with Nasu-san before it went on sale.
Me: “About Enkidu’s stats, he has ‘Transfiguration,’ so I wanted to set his point total...”
Nasu: “Hmm. He is Enkidu, and he’s A rank, so all As.”
Me: “All As!? But isn’t that even higher than Berserker in the 5th!? Everyone’s going to say, ‘Heroic Spirit favoritism! He’s a Mary Sue!’ (A general term for ‘Here’s my ultimate OC who’s way stronger and more popular and luckier than all the characters in the original work! Yahoo!’-type characters in fan works, etc.)”
Nasu: “Don’t let it get to you.”
Me: “But, I mean, all As is even higher than Karna.”
Nasu: “Don’t let it get to you.”
Me: “To be honest, it’s so high that even I think his stats are too exaggerated...”
Nasu: “I said, don’t let it get to you!”
Me: “Eep!”
Nasu: “If you think about it the other way, it’s Nemes*s... All As is his base, and if he raises his strength to A+, another stat goes down two ranks...”
Me: “What cool-headed and precise worldbuilding...!”
Nasu: “And if... (etc., etc.)”
The editorial supervision I received was along those lines. As a result, please consider that, as of book 1, Enkidu’s total stat points are hovering at “a little less than all As.” But if his Master, the silver wolf, completely recovers, then even all As aren’t just a dream. (The “etc., etc.” is still a secret.)

Really is ironic because when Nasu got his hands on Enkidu/Kingu, he basically made them be just as ridiculous as Gilgamesh is, if not moreso and that was Kingu who had none of Enkidu's actual tact nor their pragmatism.
But if it's not these, it's then suddenly pretending the entirety of the FGO NA Localization is hot garbage because they listen to people say so without really reading on WHY people say so(hint, hint, it's usually just spelling errors and bad sentence structure more often than not).


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member

Why is he arguing that ORT tanks U-Olga's black holes via Magic Resistance, and not just sheer durability

she's using an Authority, not Magecraft, no? :tupac

Why is he arguing that ORT tanks U-Olga's black holes via Magic Resistance, and not just sheer durability

she's using an Authority, not Magecraft, no? :tupac

No, U-Olga creates Black Holes the hard way:



She compresses an insane amount of Magical Energy as small as she can and we get confirmation in the literally released as of today in Traum that Sion's last gambit against U-Olga is doing the same thing she does against her(Ultra-Compression and then instant expansion).
So it's basically like Evolt's Black Holes... except U-Olga can explicitly affect people and things she wants to be affected... or just straight up crush people with gravitational force from kilometers away.

King of 🌽

The heat death of the universe is an extraordinary occurrence that doesn't exist within Jujutsu Kaisen. Black flash exists within Jujutsu Kaisen, many characters do it, and Gojo does it. Why are you providing this absolutely stupid example as if both things are equivalent to each other. Even in your first sentence, it isn't true, Gojo doesn't fight enemies that employ poison yet we are also told the possibility of such a thing bypassing infinity when he was younger unless filtered.

What the hell, this is fanfic writing in the literal sense
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King of 🌽

An Aeon can destroy the universe with a thought and travel between universes.

An Aeon is attached to a concept and is nigh-unkillable as a result.

It is believed in some people in-universe that there are Aeons who have been killed by other Aeons, but it seems that even they are still alive.

Magic God phase manipulation is not a very sophisticated form of reality warping at all.
Since when can aeon destroy the multiverse?

Adamant soul

V.I.P. Member
You took the post down but Soul Reaper Aizen vs RG Byakuya Kuchiki is largely in the latter's favor as by that point, he is superior in basically every stat, has a massive AOE with Senbonsakura Kageyoshi which lets him both attack AND defend at the same time as a sort of psuedo-counter to Kyouka Suigetsu.

Naturally being able to fuck with his senses is still a large advantage and Aizen could still win but I think Byakuya is probably his closest match (with KS in play anyway) in that he has the tools to (IMO) win more often than not, without it being a foregone conclusion like with Soul Reaper Aizen vs Adult Hitsugaya where the latter would just freeze and negate KS completely.


Active member

I don't care enough about Honkai to argue about it, but the dude got stuff wrong.
Since when are Ultimate Ones stated to have magic resistance? That's an Earth concept, and the premise of UOs is that they play by their own alien rules (physics). They are just durable. There is also nothing suggesting Crimson Moon was inherently less resistant either.

About the trees. That can easily be proven false on account of the fact Wodime was manipulating the stars to create magic circles in LB5. Something that was only stated to be possible because in the AoG the world itself was divided into layers (the Earth and the Sky/Cosmos were separate). That wouldn't possible unless the world of LB5 was at least galactic in scope, with the tree serving as the anchor (as stated by Limbo in LB4).

The Types didn't destroy Earth because Gaia didn't ask them to destroy Earth, it merely asked them to wipe out all the lifeforms living atop it's corpse. It's established in Notes that Types (other than Crimson Moon) don't have wills of their own, so they took on Gaia's will. This is further emphasized in LB7 where Tezca mentioned ORT wouldn't go out of it's way to destroy Earth/CHALDEAS unless it took on Izcali/Daybit's will.


Do you know what's the funniest thing? When I wrote about thousandths of a second for Bolo, they immediately jumped up and found two quotes about Bolo’s nanosecond speed of thought. However, they continue to call Fate inconsistent.
did you call them out?
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