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Game Ranked Better Call Saul Mafia Game Thread [Game End - Serial Killer Victory]

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I want to get other opinions while I'm sleeping

If you knew you were a detriment to town and will cause them harm (ie. a double kill at a minimum n4).....

Would you not be trying to take the d1 lynch or a night kill?

Instead, flower is playing against her "town" wincon and trying to survive, she isn't town imo
A day 1 lynch is dumb, a night 1 kill, absolutely

Dr. Watson

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I defended Flower for revealing her flavor early on. This was after pointing out that she was switching between nonchalance (which was probably feigned, in hindsight) and posturing. So then guillo and Luka immediately jump down my throat as if I don’t know that mafia have fake claims. My point was that trusting anyone is a gamble but her MOTIVE seemed pure. She just seemed like she wanted to stay out of the way, not necessarily scramble for cover the way the guys were suggesting. So then the simps start piling votes or trying to distort my words. This includes ratchet and melkor. Anyways, I was satisfied by her but then she suddenly started trying to join in on the [ghey] pressure and even voted me.

So I was like fuck this.
Forgot to reply to this.
She's still too dependent on being vouched for but I digress, it is becoming more and more likely, imo, she's town whereas Orca is trending down (that or he's giga tunneling.)

Was your vote on her an apathetic response on your part?
As for Guillo, I don't know what his angle is when it comes to you frankly. I think, ironically, he may be suffering from confirmation bias himself.



Shocker, I nailed nontown at a minimum. Everybody celebrate with a level up egg lmao. Great D1 lynch. Probably just the SK
This is a post town orca would make I think

Dr. Watson

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I don't think Flower is going to be scum with that claim. It doesn't make any sense for her to put a cap on her lifespan and I think her reaction to her wagon has been quite obviously her town game. @Dr. Watson Interested in what you make of this
I rethought some stuff and I'm slowly concuring with this - the traits Orca presented are pretty common with how she plays as town. She really can't help herself.

I don't remember the last time Iplayed a game with her when she was scum, tho


Cubey claimed something that I don't believe will be in the game with my role. He since changed his claim to something that can fit with it.

Pretty sure he's scum regardless of whether his role fits or not based on his read of me yesterday


It‘s him trying to mediate between 2 Town reads. It‘s part of why I had him as scum in Pokemon. He claimed he Town read both me and Lultra and instead of trying to mediate between us he voted me with him. Here he calls me vs Orca TvT and doesn’t pick a side.
Flower do i know you as another user name somewhere else? You remind me of Abigail and May a whole lot.

Dr. Watson

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I didn't want to reveal, but they started this. Survivor is a shit role for me, especially when Hunted, too. Ofc the temptation of getting that stupid reward is always higher than just deciding to not fuck somebody over you can win with.
Oh, okay, I understand now


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
I rethought some stuff and I'm slowly concuring with this - the traits Orca presented are pretty common with how she plays as town. She really can't help herself.

I don't remember the last time Iplayed a game with her when she was scum, tho
I claimed Hunted Survivor btw. I either win if I survive or if I make it to Night 4 and suicide and can win with Town. Killing or lynching me gives the scum team an upgrade. I hope they wait until Night 4 with their kill so I have at least a chance at winning.

Dr. Watson

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Oh, I'm so sorry for trying to sell my fake which was the only way I could have possibly survived till N4 when otherwise this wincon is fucking impossible to achieve. Stop putting that shit into games.

I'm out. Bye.
Cool bye
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