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Game Ranked Better Call Saul Mafia Game Thread [Game End - Serial Killer Victory]

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Can everyone stop being so melodramatic for one second holy shit, this community is awesome and I think youre all great people now sure there can be some people who dont get along well but just dont engage those people and try having fun with the rest its not that fucking hard man. We’re all adults here.
I apologize


Lonely at the top
I joined this game as a favor for Emil because he needed players but frankly speaking this day phase has been nothing but annoying to play through.

Im tired of playing the middle man and making sure everyone is happy. Im not your fucking baby sitter.

Dr. Watson

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It's shit for post game but I'm going to express my distaste for what had and has continuously occurred here and repeated ad infinitum morphing into the shape of an ouroborous Fooj, sorry
There is one contributing factor here that's poisoned the well and continues to - it has gone past "treat as white noise" and has evolved into "loss of total respect and sympathy"

It bewilders me

Dr. Watson

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It's not why am I wolfy but everybodys pairing me with whicker so why not vote whicker first :v
That's a good point
You two are equally valid choices
Trying Not To Laugh GIF by Travis
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