• We are currently rolling out incremental alterations to the forum. Don't freak! You aren't going crazy.

Fine bug me about anything I guess BMaA aka I don't follow trends I infest them aka it's midnight and I need a reason to not hit the hot shower

Lets be civil and interesting and keep the bug questions to a minimum, not outright discouraged just refrain from the "is this a brown recluse" type of questions.

We're spammers, trolls and losers not animals. If we were animals we would be too busy mating and not chatting on anime forums :cat)
Go to bed swarmy 😠
Morgan Freeman: "And so Swarmy did but little did Swarmy know even the bed he's slept with for years has standards now, the floor however never did or cared."

praying mantises are cool? y/n
I mean I want to be edgy and say no but really who can deny the alien badassery of mantids... However I can point out Mantidflies are slightly cooler, especially those that parasitize spider eggs.
What's the drinking like in Bulgaria?
I'm guessing you mean the alcohol life? Unfortunately I don't drink myself but from what I know there's a whole business aspect of foreigners coming here to get cheap booze due to reasons I don't know or care alcohol here is cheaper than anywhere else in the EU (or maybe even Europe as a whole, no idea). Sunny Beach was a popular site for chill and drink I guess for many years and it profited greatly, of course having a bunch of drunks that behave more or less like zombies mixed in with people that genuinely wanted to get some beach time is prone to chaos but hey.

Outside of tourists getting here solely to get wasted there's no denying as a nation we love drinking alcohol as much as any other slavic nation, we have our own local type called rakia and some is homemade and yes it can melt steel. However we also had a great wine economy that I think shrunk or at least is not promoted as much anymore. Beer is as expected popular among young men and people that don't want to outright get wasted so yeah.

I avoid alcohol for several reasons, ranging from bad memories as a young kid to a hardwired disgust of losing control of myself.
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Dead Lock

Banned Member
What emotions does this photo bring forth?


queen of the losers.
V.I.P. Member
I mean I want to be edgy and say no but really who can deny the alien badassery of mantids... However I can point out Mantidflies are slightly cooler, especially those that parasitize spider eggs.
perfect answer. thank you
Why'd you pick your user name
I'm guessing this one and not the one on NF?

Short version: I wanna sound sophisticated.

Long version: While I've been a bug lover all my life, going as far back as when I intentionally picked bug toys as a small child as opposed to my dad's desire to get me toy cars and superheroes, I actually developed my mushi eyes (I didn't make that term up read Insectopedia to find out how Japan really has such a devotion to bug love that they have a term for those with an eye for bugs) when I was around 9 and discovered the world of parasitoid wasps, before that my love for insects was split between them and spiders with jumping spiders being my most treasured group of organisms on the planet. These wasps showed me exactly how deep the rabbit hole goes when you actually dare and look deep into what they can do. For years I unironically used them as a way to vent stress and avoid bad emotions and negative thoughts, it was by all means my own safe space I guess. What I didn't realise was how fucking obsessive that topic can get, once you focus on a single group of insects you become blind to everything else they offer. Slowly I tried to widen my view and saw that indeed parasitoid wasps were far from the sole examples of most bizarre or unique adaptations among insects. Which brings me to the answer to your question. I will always love these wasps but I also love all parasitoid insects and even beyond them. Planidium as a name describes the mobile and rather badass parasitoid first instant larva of many parasitic insects which managed to finally free me from the parasitoid wasps' grasp. I was planing on making a thorough thread on the other truly alien parasites that happen to have 6 legs the strepsipterans on NF for over an year now but to be honest I feel people are way over anything that doesn't directly concern them on a daily basis, this forum however makes me feel I might actual renew some of that spark I had when introducing people to the wonders of the insect world. The strepsipterans managed to make me feel exactly how I did over 2 decades ago when I first saw what parasitoid wasps can do!
Plus this name makes me sound sophisticated as shit.


The OG Dango
V.I.P. Member
I'm guessing this one and not the one on NF?

Short version: I wanna sound sophisticated.

Long version: While I've been a bug lover all my life, going as far back as when I intentionally picked bug toys as a small child as opposed to my dad's desire to get me toy cars and superheroes, I actually developed my mushi eyes (I didn't make that term up read Insectopedia to find out how Japan really has such a devotion to bug love that they have a term for those with an eye for bugs) when I was around 9 and discovered the world of parasitoid wasps, before that my love for insects was split between them and spiders with jumping spiders being my most treasured group of organisms on the planet. These wasps showed me exactly how deep the rabbit hole goes when you actually dare and look deep into what they can do. For years I unironically used them as a way to vent stress and avoid bad emotions and negative thoughts, it was by all means my own safe space I guess. What I didn't realise was how fucking obsessive that topic can get, once you focus on a single group of insects you become blind to everything else they offer. Slowly I tried to widen my view and saw that indeed parasitoid wasps were far from the sole examples of most bizarre or unique adaptations among insects. Which brings me to the answer to your question. I will always love these wasps but I also love all parasitoid insects and even beyond them. Planidium as a name describes the mobile and rather badass parasitoid first instant larva of many parasitic insects which managed to finally free me from the parasitoid wasps' grasp. I was planing on making a thorough thread on the other truly alien parasites that happen to have 6 legs the strepsipterans on NF for over an year now but to be honest I feel people are way over anything that doesn't directly concern them on a daily basis, this forum however makes me feel I might actual renew some of that spark I had when introducing people to the wonders of the insect world. The strepsipterans managed to make me feel exactly how I did over 2 decades ago when I first saw what parasitoid wasps can do!
Plus this name makes me sound sophisticated as shit.
Damn that's a detailed explaination, apperciate you taking the time to write that out!
Damn that's a detailed explaination, apperciate you taking the time to write that out!
I have a few minutes between tonight's Family Guy ep and my movie time. Gonna try Free Guy now, heard good things :hm

Also if someone lets me I can waste a lot of their precious time, my ex fiancee knew that way before she had to experience it. Then again she was one of the few people to actually be interested by this stuff and yeah...


Username Only
Can you tell me a about the Stinkbug invasion I've been having lately and why I'm turning into Shino again for loving even the most damning of insects? I know you said no bad insect questions, but Google ain't telling me shit I don't know already.